Wireless Connectivity. Petar Popovski. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Petar Popovski
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Техническая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119576952
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      Table of Contents

      1  Cover

      2  Foreword

      3  Acknowledgments

      4  Acronyms

      5  1 An Easy Introduction to the Shared Wireless Medium 1.1 How to Build a Simple Model for Wireless Communication 1.2 The First Contact 1.3 Multiple Access with Centralized Control 1.4 Making TDMA Dynamic 1.5 Chapter Summary 1.6 Further Reading 1.7 Problems and Reflections

      6  2 Random Access: How to Talk in Crowded Dark Room 2.1 Framed ALOHA 2.2 Probing 2.3 Carrier Sensing 2.4 Random Access and Multiple Hops 2.5 Chapter Summary 2.6 Further Reading 2.7 Problems and Reflections Note

      7  3 Access Beyond the Collision Model 3.1 Distance Gets into the Model 3.2 Simplified Distance Dependence: A Double Disk Model 3.3 Downlink Communication with the Double Disk Model 3.4 Uplink Communication with the Double Disk Model 3.5 Unwrapping the Packets 3.6 Chapter Summary 3.7 Further Reading 3.8 Problems and Reflections

      8  4 The Networking Cake: Layering and Slicing 4.1 Layering for a One-Way Link 4.2 Layers and Cross-Layer 4.3 Reliable and Unreliable Service from a Layer 4.4 Black Box Functionality for Different Communication Models 4.5 Standard Layering Models 4.6 An Alternative Wireless Layering 4.7 Cross-Layer Design for Multiple Hops 4.8 Slicing of the Wireless Communication Resources 4.9 Chapter Summary 4.10 Further Reading 4.11 Problems and Reflections

      9  5 Packets Under the Looking Glass: Symbols and Noise 5.1 Compression, Entropy, and Bit 5.2 Baseband Modules of the Communication System 5.3 Signal Constellations and Noise 5.4 From Bits to Symbols 5.5 Symbol-Level Interference Models 5.6 Weak and Strong Signals: New Protocol Possibilities 5.7 How to Select the Data Rate 5.8 Superposition of Baseband Symbols 5.9 Communication with Unknown Channel Coefficients 5.10 Chapter Summary 5.11 Further Reading 5.12 Problems and Reflections

      10  6 A Mathematical View on a Communication Channel 6.1 A Toy Example: The Pigeon Communication Channel 6.2 Analog Channels with Gaussian Noise 6.3 The Channel Definition Depends on Who Knows What 6.4 Using Analog to Create Digital Communication Channels 6.5 Transmission of Packets over Communication Channels 6.6 Chapter Summary 6.7 Further Reading 6.8 Problems and Reflections Note

      11  7 Coding for Reliable Communication 7.1 Some Coding Ideas for the Binary Symmetric Channel 7.2 Generalization of the Coding Idea 7.3 Linear Block Codes for the Binary Symmetric Channel 7.4