5 1 Introduction Rituals, symbols, values, norms, and categories The idea of culture Culture in sociology Cultural sociology and processes of meaning-making Three lenses on meaning-making processes Conclusion
6 2 Making Meaning Central Convention, structure, and materiality in symbolic forms Cognitive categories and symbolic boundaries Schemas, frames, valuation, commensuration Discursive fields, binary codes, narratives, and genres Materiality and iconicity Conclusion
7 3 Meaning and Interaction Intention and reference in processes of meaning-making Habitus and practice Cultural repertoires and strategies of action Idiocultures and subcultures Group styles and scenes Performance Conclusion
8 4 Producing Meaning The socio-historical context of meaning-making: beyond reflection theory Cultural reproduction, change, and the problem of “articulation” The production of culture Cultural fields Conclusion
9 5 Conclusion: Landscapes, Stages, and Fields Foundations and presuppositions of cultural sociology Landscapes, stages, and fields Exploring the cultural sociology of What is Cultural Sociology? What is missing from What is Cultural Sociology? Debates and difference among cultural sociologists Using the conceptual tools of cultural sociology
10 References
11 Index
1 Cover
2 Contents
1 ii
2 iii
3 iv
4 vi
5 vii
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8 3
9 4
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