The Wheel of Fortune: Represents a period of dramatic change or the need for change. The wheel of fortune often turns unexpectedly and forces you to step outside your comfort zone, the place where all personal growth happens.
Strength: Symbolizes your potential to rise above challenges you are encountering. It suggests that you are far stronger and more capable than you think you are.
The Hanged Man: This card suggests the need to take a different perspective on life. It is also the card of surrender or simply letting things be.
Death: Signifies letting go of the past so that new things can begin. It is the card of rebirth and renewal.
Temperance: Is a card of moderation and patience. It represents acceptance of a situation and the need to balance opposites or open your mind to differing viewpoints.
The Devil: Symbolizes the pleasures of the material world. It is preoccupation with status, money and power and the need to reconnect with what really matters in life.
The Tower: Signifies the shattering of limiting beliefs about yourself and your life. It suggests sudden change, but also liberation.
The Star: Represents spiritual healing and inspiration. This illumination was made possible through the shattering of illusions or beliefs that have been limiting you.
The Moon: Symbolizes great creativity but also illusion. Something in your life may not be all that it seems.
The Sun: Signifies confidence. It is finding the courage to be yourself and loving the person you are.
Judgment: Represents rebirth and awakening. It is the card of judgment but also of second chances and new beginnings. It suggests that you have the power to change your life for the better.
The World: Symbolizes completion and a joyful celebration of the dance of life. The World card incorporates the universal themes of all the previous cards.
Many astrologers and numerologists believe that the major arcana cards are related to astrological and numerological personality tendencies. For example, the Emperor card is ruled by the astrological sign of Aries and the number 5. As such, the symbolic meanings of these major arcana cards, when considered in combination with the meanings offered by astrology and numerology, can offer another layer of insight to each birthday profile.
The Basics of Color Healing
Each astrological sign is associated with a certain color or colors. According to color therapists or chromotherapists, these can have a special significance in a birthday profile because our lives can be enhanced if we surround ourselves with the colors that are most harmonious with our own personal vibrations for that day.
Color analysts assert that every color vibrates with its own energy and, because of this, can have a healing impact on mood and wellbeing. Seven colors in particular—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, the colors of the rainbow—have carried religious, occult and mystical significance since ancient times.
In the late nineteenth century, color theory began to receive attention in the West; in 1878 Edwin Babbitt published The Principles of Light and Color, highlighting a theory of healing with color. Modern research can offer credible evidence for some of the ancient claims about colors. Studies show that they really can trigger emotional and physical healing. Many psychologists use color to produce beneficial effects in homes, workplaces and hospitals.
Wearing particular colors can also have a similar effect. For example, wearing blue helps create an atmosphere of peace and relaxation. Blue is also the color of communication and truth. Another harmonious and healing color is green. It is believed to promote self-love. Orange is a stimulating and creative color. Wearing or seeing orange can increase energy and focus. Yellow and gold have a re-energizing effect when mood is low. They are also cleansing and purifying colors. Perhaps the most stimulating and potent color for mind and body is red. It is believed to boost confidence and energy. Purple is the color of intuition, self-knowledge, and personal and spiritual growth. As you read your birthday profile you may want to surround yourself with the color purple.
Putting It All Together
As you can see, the basic principles of Western and Chinese astrology, numerology, Tarot and color analysis, and even scientific studies on birth months, are interrelated. But as you read this book, rather than focusing (as you may have done in the past) on the general characteristics associated with your sun or animal sign or whatever Tarot card, color or number represents you, take a fresh new perspective on yourself. Focus on what your date of birth says about you.
There is a world of possibility contained in each date of birth. You were born during a particular season, under a particular sun sign in a particular decanate. Your sun sign corresponds to a Chinese astrology sign. Each day also has a numerical vibration, Tarot association and a color vibration that have a specific meaning and significance. All these invisible energies shape your personality, relationship and career choices and life experiences, and, when combined with the science of birthdays and personality, as well as research into what influential people born on your birthday have in common, this creates the 366 unique and in-depth personality profiles. The hope is that you will refer to this book time and time again, not only to help you understand yourself and others better by referencing your and their date of birth, but also to help you unlock the potential hidden in every day of the year.
The psychological approach for each profile involves you in becoming an expert on yourself and others. Use the insight here to help you develop a deeper understanding of what makes you and other people tick. Use it to help you discover what your strengths are and to find ways to compensate for your weaknesses. Use it to work toward positive growth and change in all aspects of your life. And use it to help you attract luck and success into your life all year round.
Ultimately, this book is a celebration of growth of all types, including personal growth: the process of growth and change that can be seen each year as the seasons melt into one another; growth and change that manifest in all human development and transformation; and growth and change that bring meaning and purpose to all our lives. If you are going through challenging times, remember that diamonds are made under pressure. Growth simply doesn’t happen when you are in your comfort zone, and sometimes growth hurts. Meditate on the insight offered in your birthday profile and allow it to guide and inspire you to become a better person than you were yesterday. The purpose of our lives is to constantly learn and grow. As long as you are learning, you are living a meaningful life.
Only by finding ways to challenge yourself and work toward your true potential can you live for today, transform your tomorrows and start discovering all the wonderful gifts the universe has bestowed upon you from the moment of your birth. Your birthday profile is a defining factor that distinguishes you from other people. But never forget that your profile merely highlights potential strengths and weaknesses, and that you always have a choice.
You can choose to see the light or hide in the shadows. You can refuse to budge or you can seize the day. You can wait for luck to happen or you can try to make your own luck. You can watch or you can join in. You can sleep or you can dance under your stars.
Isn’t it time for you to dance and live as only you can?
“Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.”
C. S. Lewis
Before reading your individual birthday profile and the profiles of people you know or anyone you hope