Learning Self-Love. Simone Janson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Simone Janson
Издательство: Readbox publishing GmbH
Жанр произведения: Экономика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783965962170
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      Table of Contents


       Introduction: How this book supports you

       Add-on, press reviews and customer feedback

       Content of the book

       Structure of the book

       Information as desired and additional material to the book!

       Personal eBooks and eCourses

       Ambition and performance trap: love and respect for everyone? // By Simone Janson

       Happiness Satisfaction Self-love: 10 tips for more zest for life // By Roland Arndt

       Thinking mistakes self-denial as a success killer: more self-love and potential development please! // By Jens Korz, Simone Janson

       Lead Communicate Self-Love: Learning from Google // By Angela Dietz

       Management competence and self-leadership: Lead yourself, otherwise no one will follow you // By Jörg Romstötter

       5 Questions about personal positioning: Why am I here? // By Marc M. Galal

       Mental self-management in everyday life and job: Stop being in the way! // By Tom Diesbrock

       Potentialenfaltung: How do we motivate people to use their abilities? // By Simone Janson

       Self-coaching Self-help and self-love: Clear the way! // By Dr. Cornelia Topf

       Achieving goals vs. Mindfulness & Self-Love: 7 intentions that you should forget // By Simone Janson

       Self-love and sense search in everyday business: 2 questions and 6 tips // By Stefan Dudas

       Women's Power in Leadership: 3 Tips for Mental and Emotional Strength // By Antje Heimsoeth

       Identity Personality Roles on the Net: Who am I and where am I? // By Simone Janson

       Learn to love yourself: be yourself and have fun! // By Ellen DeGeneres

       Closing Remarks

       Authors Overview

       Roland Arndt

       Angela Dietz

       Jörg Romstötter

       Mark M. Galal

       Tom Diesbrock

       Dr. Cornelia Topf

       Stefan Dudas

       Antje Heimsoeth

       Ellen DeGeneres

       Simone Janson

       About the publisher Best of HR - Berufebilder.de®

       Notes on translation

      Learning Self-Love

      Psychology for more self-steem, strengthening self-confidence, gaining motivation & self-confidence, show self-confident appearance no matter what others say

       Simone Janson (ed.)

      Published by Best of HR - Berufebilder.de®


      The German National Library lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; Detailed bibliographic data are available on the Internet at https://dnb.dnb.de.

      ISBN of the German eBook edition: 9783965962163

      ISBN of the English eBook edition: 9783965962170

      German website of the publisher: https://berufebilder.de

      English website of the publisher: https://best-of-hr.com

      Learning Self-Love

      1st edition, 26.03.2020

      © 2020 Publisher Simone Janson | Best of HR Berufebilder.de®

      Duesseldorf, Germany

      Concept, editing, graphic design & layout: Simone Janson

      Cover design with Canva

      eMail: [email protected]

      We make the Working World more Human and Ecological, so we donate Revenue for Certified Afforestation. As Publisher Best of HR - Berufebilder .de® x unique Book Concept, on Demand eCourses and News Service we share 15 years of Experience with our Customers (Samsung, Otto, State Institutions). By the Top 20-Blogger Simone