One Unforgettable Night: Wild at Heart / From This Moment On / Her Last Best Fling. Debbi Rawlins. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Debbi Rawlins
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474043205
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      “But you said—”

      “I know, but I just want to look at you for a minute like that, kneeling on the tablecloth, your hands in your hair. You look like a wood nymph.”

      “Don’t they usually wear clothes?” She pulled the elastic out of her hair and laid it on her pile of clothes.

      “Not in my fantasy.” He shucked his jeans and briefs while she combed out her shining hair with her fingers. He’d never thought he had a preference for a woman’s coloring. But surely nothing was more beautiful than blond hair filled with sunlight.

      “And there’s my fantasy.” She focused on his jutting cock. “Come closer.” She ran her tongue over her lips. “I have a taste for something wild.”

      The blood roared in his ears as he walked toward her. Oh, yes, this was going to be good. Very good.


      DRIVEN BY URGES she’d never had before, Naomi boldly wrapped both hands around his rigid penis. Until today, she’d never been naked with a man outdoors in broad daylight, and she’d certainly never done this out in the open, under a clear blue sky and a warm sun.

      Holding him felt like clutching a lightning rod. Energy coursed between them, and her pulse rate skyrocketed. Glancing up, she looked into eyes filled with primitive fire. For this moment, he was truly a wild creature, and so was she.

      Slowly she leaned forward. She began with her tongue, and he gasped. She wanted to make him gasp and groan and abandon himself to her questing mouth. Glorying in his salty taste, silky texture and blood-warmed strength, she accepted all he had to offer. The blunt tip brushed the back of her throat, and he trembled.

      Then she began to move, applying suction here, a swirl of her tongue there, until his breathing grew labored. He slid his fingers through her hair and pressed them against her head. Another strangled moan was followed by his rapid breathing.

      Her heart beat frantically as his excitement fueled hers. She sucked harder, and he cried out. His fingers pressed into her scalp and his body shook. When she was certain he was going to come, he tightened his hold and pulled back, out of reach. “No.” He struggled to breathe. “No. I want—”

      Quivering, he dropped to his knees. Still holding her head, he gave her an openmouthed kiss. His tongue dived into the warm recesses where his cock had been. But he didn’t have the breath to kiss her for long.

      He raised his head and looked into her eyes. “Let’s do that…again…sometime.”


      He smiled and massaged her scalp as his breathing grew steadier. “You may regret that.”

      “Never.” Loving him that way, here on this open platform, had been wonderfully freeing. She vibrated with the power of it. She felt as if she could fly.

      “Don’t go away.”

      “Not a chance.” She waited while he retrieved a condom from his jeans pocket. “Let me put it on.”

      He laughed. “Not yet.” He tossed the packet next to the tablecloth and met her gaze. “First, I intend to taste the wildness in you, Naomi Perkins.”

      Ah. The air whooshed right out of her and liquid heat surged right in.

      “Lie down,” he murmured, his voice as soft and sexy as black velvet. “It’s my turn to play.”

      She wondered if he could simply talk her into a climax with words spoken like that. The man knew his way around a seduction. She didn’t care where or how he’d learned to make a woman melt like wax before a flame, as long as he kept that flame burning.

      As she stretched out on the smooth cotton, she imagined herself a lioness on the African veld. Nothing covered her but the sky. And now, caressing her with his mouth and tongue, a powerful male was about to make her roar.

      That roar began with a whimper as he touched her in secret places, sensitive places, erotic places. She writhed under the teasing lap of his tongue and the urgent tug of his teeth. His mouth was everywhere, exploring her with the thoroughness of a mapmaker.

      And then…then came the most intimate touch of all. He tasted her with slow sips at first, but gradually his demanding tongue grew more self-assured. Spreading her thighs, he lifted her, creating the angle that he needed to take her in the most thorough, uncompromising kiss of them all.

      His intent was clear, his pursuit of her orgasm relentless. She surrendered, arching against the determined thrust of his tongue and crying out as the spasms rocked her.

      She was still riding the crest of that climax when he lowered her gently. Cool air touched her heated body for a moment before he was back, hovering over her, seeking, finding and driving deep.

      She gasped and opened her eyes. He was there, gazing down at her, his expression fierce.

      Leaning down, he bestowed a flavored kiss on her trembling lips. “You—” he eased back “—are…magnificent.” And he shoved home once more.

      She looked into his dark eyes, clutched his hips and rose to meet his next stroke. Yes, she was magnificent—magnificently alive. She was bursting with energy and willing to dare…anything, even making love on an open platform twenty feet off the ground in the middle of the day.

      “You’re going to come again.”

      Her laughter was breathless. “Is that an order?”

      “A promise.” He shifted his angle slightly and increased the tempo.

      Oh, yes. That would do it. The sweet friction had been wonderful before, but now he’d found the key to unlock her personal treasure chest. Her muted cries grew louder the faster he pumped.

      “That’s it.” He began to pant. “I can feel you squeezing. Let go…There!”

      He’d known it a split second before she had, but when her climax arrived, she yelled as she’d never yelled and she hung on tight as the swirling, tumbling force flung her into a brilliant realm of dazzling sensations.

      She lost track of where she was, but she never lost track of who was with her. Luke—a god imbued with amazing powers. He’d given her pleasures she’d only dreamed of.

      He didn’t stop for her, nor would she have wanted him to. His thrusts prolonged the intensity, and when he came, his bellow of satisfaction vibrated through her, too. Then she absorbed his shudders as they blended with the aftershocks of her release. It was perfect sex. She might never have it again, but at least she’d had it once in her life, thanks to Luke Griffin.

      She had no idea how long they lay there before he stirred.

      Moving slowly, he propped himself on his forearms to gaze at her. “Wow.”

      She considered making a smart remark to lighten the mood, but he truly did look blown away. “Wow is right.”

      He smiled. “This was better than the stool.”

      “Think of what we could accomplish on an actual bed.”

      “Boggles the mind, doesn’t it? I don’t know, though. Being up in this tree house gives the whole experience a certain something.”

      “It’s not boring.”

      “No.” He dipped his head and kissed her softly. He added more kisses to her cheeks, her eyes and her nose. “But I have trouble imagining anything being boring with you.”

      “Coming from a man who treasures variety, that’s quite a compliment.”

      He looked into her eyes again. “I meant it to be. That’s probably what brought me out here yesterday.