Ceremony Of Seduction. Cassie Ryan. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Cassie Ryan
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780758283061
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      For those who keep me inspired on this lifelong

       writing journey—my critique group,

       The Butterscotch Martini Girls: Judi Thoman, Beverly Petrone,

       Isabella Clayton, Kayce Lassiter, Carol Webb, and

       Samantha Storm.


      Chapter 1

      Chapter 2

      Chapter 3

      Chapter 4

      Chapter 5

      Chapter 6

      Chapter 7

      Chapter 8

      Chapter 9

      Chapter 10

      Chapter 11

      Chapter 12

      Chapter 13

      Chapter 14

      Chapter 15

      Chapter 16

      Chapter 17


      Special Thanks

      To Audrey LaFehr for pulling my manuscript out of the slush pile and for seeing the possibility of a trilogy in my little story.

      To my agent, Paige Wheeler, for all the support and encouragement.

      To everyone at Kensington for a terrific HOT cover, and giving this series a home with the Aphrodisia line.

      To my husband, Jon, for being my happily ever after.

      Chapter 1

      Alyssa Moss floated into her recurring erotic dream with a sense of keen anticipation. “Stone?” The vibrations of her words echoed as if she were in a long tunnel. Misty fog drifted around her ankles, as she searched for the man who came to her each night.

      Even though she knew he would appear, she was startled when strong hands captured each of her arms from behind. She inhaled the wild scent of sandalwood, woodsy and natural, with a masculine essence completely Stone. With just his touch, her body came alive. Her breasts grew heavy and moisture dampened the inside of her thighs. “Touch me,” she whispered, leaning back against him, waiting for the moment his large hands would caress her full breasts. Anticipation in the form of white-hot electricity stung her nipples. “I thought you wouldn’t come tonight. I’ve waited—”

      He spun her around and silenced her with a kiss. His hands were everywhere, his tongue mating with hers, dipping and tasting her lips, her teeth, every part of her mouth. Her T-shirt swept along her skin, up over her head. He smiled that sinfully wicked grin that always made her toes curl as he flung the discarded shirt aside. His eyes darkened with desire and a feral growl rumbled deep inside his throat. Before claiming her mouth again, he laid her back on the feather bed. Her senses swirled and the bed dipped as he followed her down, anchoring his fully clothed weight on top of her.

      “I’ll always come for you, Princess. One of these days I’ll find you and we can be together.” His lavender eyes smoldered with lust as he stared down at her. “Will you tell me where you are, Alyssandra?”

      She threaded her fingers through his silky mahogany hair and sighed. “I tell you every night. I’m in Phoenix, waiting for you.” His hard cock dug into her stomach. She arched, wrapping her legs around his narrow hips, pressing against him, enjoying the way his rough jeans stroked and teased her wet pussy.

      He shook his head. “I know not of this ‘Phoenix’, but I shall find it and when I do, we will be together at last.” He stole her senses in a soul-searing kiss that hardened her nipples to taut beads beneath the touch of his callused hands.

      She arched against him, offering herself, begging for his touch. He chuckled and she captured the sound in her mouth. “My greedy princess.” His hips thrust against her hot core, mimicking what she wished he would do in reality. She moved with him, each movement rubbing against her aching clit just the way she liked. He gently rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger and she gasped. When his mouth replaced his hand, she released a moan. Moist heat closed over her sensitive peak and lava burned from the tip of her breast straight to her pussy, liquid heat pooling between her legs.

      Stone turned his attention to her other breast. She ran a hand over his hard cock and he shuddered and groaned. She cupped the hot length of him, stroking him through his jeans as he suckled her breast harder, teeth scraping over her nipple until she thought she would explode. She traced her fingers along the waistband of his pants and slowly dipped her fingers inside to feel the silky head of his cock, already moistened with pre come.

      Stone’s breath hissed out as he captured her hands in his, stretching her arms high over her head, her breasts thrusting upward. “You know I cannot let you touch me like that, Alyssandra. Not yet. You are not strong enough to give sustenance, only take. But soon, very soon.”

      As it happened every night, her hands were magically bound. She could neither see nor feel her bindings, which only served to heighten her arousal. Another rush of excitement dampened the juncture between her thighs and she squirmed against her restraints.

      “I want to feel your naked skin against me, Stone. I want to take your cock deep into my mouth before you bury yourself inside my pussy, your balls slapping against my ass while we fuck.” She smiled as Stone’s features suddenly appeared strained. She hoped someday, she would break his control and he’d do all of the things she longed for.

      “You are a witch.” He smiled down at her, his features softening, obvious affection in his gaze. “And someday I will fuck you until you can no longer stand for teasing me so wickedly.” His tongue traced a slow path down to her aching mound and she bucked against him, wanting him to taste her, to suck her clit until her world shattered.

      Maddeningly, he took his time, tracing her thighs, calves and feet with his rough fingers and then following with open-mouthed kisses, nips and well-placed licks. Then, he pushed her thighs wide and settled between them, placing a pillow under her ass, opening her fully to him.

      “You have the most beautiful pussy, Princess.” He gently separated her folds and pressed a single finger inside her slit. “Slick and wet, as always.” His moistened finger traced a path downward to tease around her tight rosebud and her breath caught in her throat at the forbidden sensation. When he slowly inserted one blunt finger, a long moan ripped from her throat. “One day, I will stretch this beautiful tight ass with my cock.” Before she could reply, he dropped his head and laved her clit with his tongue, erasing all her thoughts.

      “Stone, yes,” she managed as he began to finger-fuck her ass hard while he caressed the sensitive underside of her clit with his tongue. Her inner walls tightened, ever tighter until she teetered on the precipice, and then he pulled back. “No,” she screamed in frustration. “Please, Stone. Make me come. Don’t leave me like this again. I can’t stand it.”

      He only smiled and shook his head. “You need sustenance not completion. However, I will stay with you a little longer tonight. Not to worry, Alyssandra, we will not be apart much longer. I can’t stand it either.”

      She thrashed on the bed against her invisible bonds. She couldn’t go through another night of this frustration. Every day she spent with her entire body buzzing and ready, her breasts sensitive to every movement against even her softest bras and her clit and pussy lips so swollen with need, she could only wear skirts and not pants that rubbed against her sensitive flesh. Not to mention her daydreaming