Guidelines for Policy Makers and Proposal Developers
By Eric Zusman, So-Young Lee, Ana Rojas, and Linda Adams
© 2016 Asian Development Bank
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ISBN 978-92-9257-645-5 (Print), 978-92-9257-646-2 (e-ISBN)
Publication Stock No. TIM168337
Cataloging-In-Publication Data
Asian Development Bank.
Mainstreaming gender into climate mitigation activities–Guidelines for policy makers and proposal developers Mandaluyong City, Philippines: Asian Development Bank, 2016.
1. Gender and Climate Change. 2. Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions and Nationally Determined Contributions. 3. Climate Finance. I. Asian Development Bank.
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Tables, Figures, and Boxes
1 | Difference between Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions and Intended Nationally Determined Contributions | 5 |
2 | Examples of Gender Goals Accompanied by Activities and Indicators | 11 |
1 | Where is Gender Being Integrated into Intended Nationally Determined Contributions | 6 |
2 | Developing a Gender-Responsive Climate Mitigation Action | 8 |
1 | Political Support for Gender Mainstreaming in Jordan’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution | 9 |
2 | Setting Gender Objectives and Targets for Vanuatu’s Rural Electrification Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action | 10 |
3 | Georgia’s Gender-Responsive Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action | 12 |
4 | The Green Climate Fund’s Funding Proposal Outline | 16 |
5 | A Gender Perspective on Co-benefits | 19 |
We would like to thank the Nordic Development Fund for its financial support for the regional technical assistance project that provided the motivation for this publication. We gratefully acknowledge the valuable comments and suggestions from the peer review team consisting of staff across regional departments and the Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department of the Asian Development Bank, including Laurence S. Levaque, Social Development Specialist (Gender and Development), Human and Social Development Division, Southeast Asia Department; and Maria Cristina Santiago, Consultant, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department. Thoughtful feedback was also provided by Katrina Hergstrom, Dagmar Zwebe, and Chea Pisey of SNV. Both the Gender and Children’s Working Group at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, Cambodia and the Department of Disaster Management and Climate Change, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Lao People’s Democratic Republic provided the inspiration for the guidelines.
1 | Introduction: Toward Gender-Responsive Mitigation |
Climate change frequently affects women and men differently (IPCC 2007). The primary reason for these differences is the varying levels of access to resources– knowledge, skills, and finance–that shape how women and men adapt to climate impacts. By the same token, women and men often contribute to activities that mitigate climate change and may share the benefits of climate finance differently. The primary reasons are varying life experiences, consumption patterns, and spending habits. For much of the early history of international climate negotiations, these differences were not readily appreciated. However, the climate policy landscape has undergone important changes in recent years. The impetus for those changes is the realization that actively engaging women as “agents of change” in climate solutions not only helps stabilize the climate but also yields multiple other benefits, including gender equality and women’s empowerment.