Social Minds in Drama. Golnaz Shams. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Golnaz Shams
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: Literary and Cultural Studies, Theory and the (New) Media
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783631819012
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definitely have shaped the basis of Palmer’s approach, but he modifies and adds a few other cognitive frameworks in order to argue his point. The next section will provide a summary of Palmer’s main arguments in his approach.

      2.2.1 Palmer and His Work

      What sets Palmer apart from the contemporary theoretical trends is the attention he pays to the ideas of “intermentality” and an “external” depiction of consciousness. The term “intermentality” is used in Palmer’s approach almost synonymously with intersubjectivity and collectivity. Palmer explains at length the connection between two or more minds in a narrative and calls this interrelation between minds intermentality. He expands the idea and argues that in storyworlds these intermental connections lead to group formation and that groups have one collective, an intermental thought. The “external” depiction of consciousness is also a concept that is not very common in narrative studies. Most theories are concerned with an “internalist” depiction of consciousness: the psychological depth and the innermost, hidden emotions, and thoughts of the characters’ minds. Palmer believes externalist renderings of consciousness have been neglected up until now within narrative theories and that cognitive studies would benefit immensely from the analysis of narrative through an internalist as well as an externalist viewpoint.

      Cognitive narratology: allows the findings of various studies from different cognitive sciences like philosophy, psychology, and cognitive sciences to be traced. Narrative is seen as a key cognitive tool and cognitive narratology takes narrative as its object of study.

      Cognitive approaches to literature: according to Palmer, this approach, has generally emerged from literary criticism rather than from narrative theory. Whereas cognitive narratology is mainly concerned with novels and short stories, a cognitive approach takes drama and poetry into consideration as well.

      Cognitive poetics: is also concerned with drama and poetry as well as novel and short story, but it is a type of applied linguistics and as such it concentrates on the specific use of linguistic tools in the analysis of texts.

      Palmer does not believe that these approaches stand alongside each other; he is convinced the cognitive approach is the basis of the other two and includes toolkits and disciplines from them. His own cognitive approach, as mentioned before, is an eclectic one and as he puts it a: “pragmatic, non-dogmatic, and non-ideological one” (2011: 199–200).