Spiritual Channel for the Mother Goddess and Her Special Band of Angelic Helpers from Within the Kingdom of the Heavens
Tools for Life or in the Creation of Your Best Life
By Shannon Lynn
Copyright 2011 Shannon Lynn,
All rights reserved.
Published in eBook format by
ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0465-3
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.
To my wonderful Facebook family… and to my family of friends all around this great big, beautiful world; Peace be with ALL
by the Mother Goddess and Her Special Band of Angelic Helpers from Within the Kingdom of the Heavens
The first part of the series here deals with the light of the Lord from within us all, but in a different way than the second; just meaning, that it is from within this section of the book that pertains to the workings of the soul or in this the directing of the souls from within, firstly. And then from there, we will get into the actual directing or in this the continuation of how to bring this forth then, to and for others in this. Just meaning, that when this is indeed being brought forth, here and now, that it is within this section firstly, that deals with the, if or in the showing, and the second is in the now or in the doing.
We would also like to bring forth the fact that these channeled passages or postings from within this book were indeed started within a group page that Shannon has taken on within the Facebook series here; meaning, that we have brought these forth both for and within her, to and for her as well as all others upon this earth in the here and the now. But also in this, we would like to say that we have brought forth amongst these passages of light forms here, the business of coming together as a whole here from within the angelic realms here for each of you not only individually or for and within each of you here, no, but also within this is the fact that we have brought you each here together as a whole, to and for one another in the learning and teaching, seeking and searching to and for one another as a whole together here too, as well; just meaning, that that in which you give to others, does then come fleeting forth within your life as well here. Amen. Peace be with all here. Amen.
For more information or to join this group, please log into Facebook @ Shannon Yung… Expanding To A Heart Filled With Light And Love
In Seeing the Light of the Lord from within Us All
This section contains lessons one through ten and in this ensues steps one through seven inclusive in the creation of your dreams, or in this the steps to then make all of this happen from within you, first and foremost. From there, we get into the stepping of the light of the Lord from within you all, and in this we go into just how to create all of this from within; in essence, to make it happen then, from without; just meaning to bring it forth then, into your now then outer worlds, in this. Amen.
Here we go… Yes, WE are each indeed in charge of our own destinies upon this earth, at this time and always then, yes, indeed! And just what you all need to be knowing and in this then doing within this here channeling session, or in these sessions or passages that we are now going to bring forth to and for all of you here today and ever after is the fact that all of you are not only one here, no. But also is the fact, that you are here as one, to and for one another, in this; just meaning, that within these sources or activations or lessons, herewith, is where you shall all then begin, not only to see the true light of the Lord that resides from within the very each of you, no. But not only this, but you are also going to in this then, see the difference that you all indeed do possess from within the very each of you in this then, also. Peace be to the Lord, our God, in this. Amen.
Next, we want to bring to you the source of your unhappiness, or fear or dis-resolution. Just meaning, in that which you are not only unwilling, but also unknowing or undeserving, or such the matter; meaning, that this is all nonsense and the sooner that you begin to see this and to know this, and to realize all of this from deep within you is the sooner that you can and will become the true beings in which God has, will and does always make or intend for you to be from deep within yourselves and all others in this, as well. Just meaning, that you are the true Creators or co-Creators, of and in this vast Universe that we all have here, and it is within this vastness then that you actually will and then do begin to then see all of the vastness held from within you.
Once you are able to come forth and to see from within you, your very own vastness or greatness, or the validity of your actions here within, you will then not only see yourselves come or coming into the greatness that you always have and always will now possess from within you. You will not only see this within your own lives here, no, but you will begin then to see all of this to become prevalent within the lives of all others here as well; once and if you ever decide to step up to the plate to not only become one within yourselves here, but in this then, all others as well. Only then, will you come into the greatness in which you have known within all other lifetimes, within the here and now, and in this then, within the always then, ever more. Amen. Just meaning, that once you see this coming of your own lights from within you, you then are much better able to access all of the lights coming from all others as well, and in this, only then, will you see the greatness