Healing the Cause
A Path of Forgiveness
Inspired by A Course in Miracles
Michael Dawson
Copyright 2011 Michael Dawson,
All rights reserved.
Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com
ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0241-3
First published as a paperback in 1994.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for short extracts for quotation and review, without the written permission of the publisher.
Portions from A Course in Miracles 1975, Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice 1976, The Song Of Prayer 1978, reprinted by permission of the Foundation for Inner Peace, Inc., P.O. Box 1104, Glen Ellen, California 95442, USA.
The quotation from A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Vol IV, Esoteric Healing by Alice A. Bailey is used by permission of the Lucis Trust.
The quotation from Jesus Teacher and Healer by White Eagle is used by permission of The White Eagle Lodge.
The ideas represented herein are the personal interpretation and understanding of the author and are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher of A Course in Miracles.
Cover painting by Karin Werner, www.creativehealth.org
Cover design and diagrams by Posthouse Printing, Findhorn, Scotland.
Healing the Cause Reviews
"This an important book, for several reasons. It succeeds in clearly explaining, in straightforward language and through clever diagrams, many fundamental concepts of A Course in Miracles (which, as most of us know, are not exactly graspable at first glance). This achievement makes the book both a helpful supplement to the Course and a practical introduction to it. Healing the Cause also brings together in one place many significant passages from the Course that deal with health and healing, so that those who are immediately concerned with these issues can have ready access to what the Course has to say about them. And perhaps most useful of all, Healing the Cause contains numerous examples of the power and effect of the Course when it is applied to problems in real life."
Pat Barclay’s review in Insight Newsletter, Canada.
"We really appreciate your book, it is truly inspiring and we assume that many ACIM students could use this book very well!"
From Fred van de Burg, Miracles in Contact, Holland
"This new book by Michael Dawson entitled Healing the Cause is the culmination of many years of spiritual searching and intensive study of the Course.
Pertinent passages from the Course are quoted and he relates to the reader experiences he has had to give us practical perspective to the point being made. The author stresses the Course's message that everything outside our mind is magic which, while it does work within the ego's framework acting as a temporary band-aid by removing the symptoms of disease, it does nothing to heal the cause of all sickness which is our inability to forgive our brother. He makes the point that as we continue to treat the effects and not the cause, the illness will return in some form or other. The author follows the Course‘s gentle and understanding approach to magic by not attacking it and openly suggests that few people are so advanced that they do not need to use magic while at their present stage of growth. The important areas of forgiveness and prayer are dealt with considerable clarity aided by many clever diagrams to stress the author's point.
It is not an easy task to explain a thought system exactly opposite to that commonly accepted by the world but the author manages to cover the major Course concepts and present them in a clear understandable style. Michael Dawson has obviously researched the material well to compile this book and successfully present the Course's message in such a faithful manner. Several years ago after Michael and his wife Salice became dedicated Miracle students, they invited the Wapnicks to go over to Scotland and became avid 'Wapnickians` eventually spending time studying with Ken and Gloria in Roscoe. Michael generously acknowledges the help Ken Wapnick gave him in the final editing and that guiding hand is certainly noticeable.
To sum up: A very comprehensive book, useful as a 'starter' for people considering taking on the study of A Course in Miracles and equally to those who are already working with the material, wanting to consolidate their learning."
Bill McDonald
Editor of the Miracle Link Newsletter, Australia
"Sickness, healing, forgiveness and prayer are some of the topics discussed in this book. Michael Dawson illustrates his interpretations of the Course with practical examples and diagrams. This book provides an excellent introduction to the main teachings of the Course, and will be of value to both 'new' and 'old' students of A Course in Miracles."
From A.K. Zwart who was the web site manager for the Miracle Network in the UK.
"Michael's book is an excellent, easy to follow and accurate summary of the Course, which contains many helpful illustrations together with Course quotations to explain its principles. I feel grateful to him for having written it, and I'm sure it will be very helpful to many new to the Course, (also to many not so new) in clarifying what the Course is actually saying.
For the many books written on A Course in Miracles this one specifically covers the basic metaphysical principles regarding its teachings on sickness, healing, forgiveness and prayer.
I sincerely compliment Michael on his new book and hope it receives the success that I believe it deserves."
Graham Watts. (Graham been involved with A Course in Miracles since 1984 as student, teacher and discussion group co-ordinator. He was the authorised distributor in Australia for A Course in Miracles and other publications from the Foundation of Inner Peace in California.)
"I feel that this is a very important book on the gentle art of forgiveness. Michael Dawson's inspiration for writing this book comes from his study and teaching of A Course in Miracles - in fact, Healing the Cause can be read fruitfully as an introduction to A Course in Miracles, especially with regard to its teachings on sickness, healing, forgiveness and prayer.
I have long appreciated the many real gifts offered by A Course in Miracles and am very happy to have found Dawson's wonderful book. From the perspective of the Course, the cause of all disease lies in the mind and not the body. Disease is a shadow on the body of the guilt in our mind. As we practice forgiveness, the truth of who we really are will dawn upon our mind and we will discover our true home, and our true health, which we have never lost.
I especially like that Healing the Cause offers clear descriptions of the steps toward forgiveness, for being able to forgive is not something that I have ever experienced comes naturally - it is always, in my observation and experience, a learned skill. And once learned, what joy is possible! Michael Dawson's book is valuable in that the teaching is clear and from a very warm heart."
Bob and Nancy's Bookshop www.waldorfbooks.com
"Highly recommended for ACIM students. It focuses clearly on the undoing of guilt through releasing to the Holy Spirit within. Every ACIM student should get it."
Amazon.com review
A Course in Miracles has been the inspiration for this book. What I have written is my own interpretation of some of the principles in the Course and, as such,