THE LIFEBOAT STRATEGY. Mark Nestmann. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Mark Nestmann
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Юриспруденция, право
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781891266409
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      The Lifeboat Strategy:

      • Volume 1: Legally Protecting Wealth and Privacy in the USA

      • Volume 2: Legally Protecting Wealth and Privacy in the USA

      • Legally Protecting Wealth and Privacy in the USA: Special Bonus Report

      Copyright © 2003 by Mark Nestmann, LL.M. Fourth Edition © 2011

      Published in eBook format by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-8912-6640-9

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording or by an information storage or retrieval system without the publisher's written permission. Violations are subject to civil and criminal penalties.

      This publication is sold with the understanding that it does not render legal or other professional services or advice. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.

      Additional copies of this title are available. Please contact:

      The Nestmann Group, Ltd.

      2303 N. 44th St. #14-1025

      Phoenix, AZ 85008 USA

      Tel. / Fax: +1 (602) 604-1524

      E-mail: [email protected]


      About the author: Mark Nestmann, LL.M., is the president of The Nestmann Group, Ltd., a consultancy focusing on wealth preservation and international tax planning solutions. He holds a master of laws degree in international tax law from the Vienna (Austria) University School of Business and Economics.

      Mark is an Associate Member of the American Bar Association (member of subcommittee on Foreign Activities of U.S. Taxpayers, Committee on Taxation) and member of the Society of Professional Journalists. His books and reports are sold at To arrange for a consultation with The Nestmann Group, Ltd., e-mail [email protected] or call +1 (602) 604-1524.

      Mark is also a member of The Sovereign Society's Council of Experts.

      This book is divided into three volumes. Volume 1 consists of Chapters 1-2. Volume 2 consists of Chapters 3-5. Volume 3 consists of a special bonus report.


      You're concerned about the loss of privacy and increasing threats to your wealth. You don't trust government promises, and wonder how vulnerable you really are. To find out where you stand-and obtain an overview of what you might want to change-take this quick quiz. Give yourself one point for every “yes" answer, zero points for every “no."

      1. Are you a U.S. citizen or permanent resident?



      2.Is a U.S. passport the only international travel document you possess?



      3. Have you been assigned a Social Security number?



      4. Do you freely disclose details of your income and financial status to others?



      5. Do you have accounts in your name in any U.S. banks or brokerages exceeding $100,000 in value?



      6. Do you keep over $10,000 in any bank or securities account to which you have Internet access?



      7. Do you have a net worth over $1 million?



      8. Do you have any credit cards issued by U.S. financial institutions?



      9. Do you own U.S. real estate in your name?



      10. Do you have utility service in your name?



      11. Do you receive mail at your residential address in your name?



      12. Do you own a motor vehicle registered in your name?



      13. Do you own an airplane, boat, or recreational vehicle registered in your name?



      14. Does your driver's license list your residential address?



      15. Do you use a personal computer with a high­speed Internet connection?



      16. Are you a member of any social networking Web sites (e.g., Facebook)?



      17.Is your Social Security number, telephone number, or residential address printed on your driver's license or checks?



      18. Have you ever applied for welfare or other governmental assistance?



      19. Do you receive income or benefits from any governmental entity?



      20. Have you ever been arrested?



      21. Have you ever declared bankruptcy or been forced into bankruptcy?



      22. Have you ever been involved in a lawsuit, including divorce?



      23. Have you ever received money through a probate court?



      24. Do you belong to a church or any organizations that are controversial or politically unpopular?



      25. Are you licensed by any state or federal agency (e.g., as an attorney, physician, investment advisor, etc.)?

