Soulful Parenting. Susan Gale. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Susan Gale
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Секс и семейная психология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780876049303
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       How to Embrace, Engage, and Encourage Our Children

       Susan Gale and Peggy Day

      A.R.E. Press • Virginia Beach • Virginia

      Copyright © 2008

      by A Place of Light, Inc.

      1st Printing, January 2008

      Printed in the U.S.A.

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

      A.R.E. Press

      215 67th Street

      Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061

      ISBN-13: 978-0-87604-543-5

      Edgar Cayce Readings © 1971, 1993-2007

      by the Edgar Cayce Foundation.

      All rights reserved.

      Cover design by Richard Boyle

      The words in this book came from a lifetime of experience, but they were written with a child named Sarah in mind. Often she would provide guidance on different parts and has taught much about the meshing of the soul self with the physical self. We speak nearly every day across the one-hundred-plus miles that separate us, and I grow from our time together. She was two years old as this book was being written, but that is only the age of the physical body. Like each of us, her soul is as ancient as the beginning, and she remembers much from her beginning. These words are dedicated to her and all the others who remember and share so much with everyone who is seeking to become one with all that is.

      —Susan Gale



Chapter One The Beginning
Chapter Two Conception and Pregnancy
Chapter Three The Birth of My Dreams By Asha Ramakrishna
Chapter Four Early Childhood
Chapter Five The Universal Laws
Chapter Six Education
Chapter Seven Discipline and the Spirit
Chapter Eight Spiritual Protection Written with Steve Lucero
Chapter Nine The Preteen Years
Chapter Ten Adolescence
Chapter Eleven From the Children
Chapter Twelve From the Parents
Chapter Thirteen Final Thoughts: Just Live It





      Raising a child is the most challenging job most of us will ever have. Each child is different; each parent is different; no size fits all. Soulful Parenting: How to Embrace, Engage, and Encourage Our Children is for anyone who is looking for a broader perspective on helping children weave the threads of their life’s tapestry.

      In our first book, we presented the reader with what many have come to call an Indigo child and the programs that were serving these children at that time. Since then, we have had much experience with both children and adults who are intuitive. Although Indigo is the nom de jour for intuitive people, we no longer like to use the term. It has become identified with personality characteristics, which are not indicative of intuitive abilities at all. We have had parents come to A Place of Light, saying, “My child cannot be an Indigo; he has brown eyes.” Thus, we have come to believe that a child’s name is sufficient enough a label. The practice of labeling children causes growth stagnation and takes away from the feeling of personal power.

      Crystal, Indigo, starseed, rainbow—all of these labels are an attempt to drag the gestalt nature of intuitiveness back into the Western culture’s way of defining and categorizing. Linking with Spirit is something that simply occurs when one leaves oneself open to the possibility. Linking is not something one learns to do in the same way one learns to drive. However, when one is a skilled driver, the techniques flow naturally, just as linking with Spirit does.
