Beyond Biocentrism. Robert Lanza. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Robert Lanza
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781942952220
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      Praise for Beyond Biocentrism

      “Lanza and Berman employ cutting edge science to rediscover ancient truths about life and death and reconceptualize our very notions of reality and consciousness. Beyond Biocentrism is an enlightening and fascinating journey that will forever alter your understanding of your own existence.”

       —Deepak Chopra

      “Robert Lanza and Bob Berman present an audacious program to restore meaning to science—to provide explanations that go deeper than today’s physical theories. Beyond Biocentrism is a joyride through the history of science and cutting-edge physics, all with a very serious purpose: to find the long-overlooked connection between the conscious self and the universe around us.”

      —Corey S. Powell, editor at large and former editor-in-chief, Discover magazine

      “This intriguing and provocative book will challenge some of what you know and push you into rethinking your view of science—all the while entertaining you with a fast-paced, exhilarating narrative journey.”

      —David J. Eicher, editor-in-chief, Astronomy magazine

      In Beyond Biocentrism, stem cell pioneer Robert Lanza, writing with astronomer Bob Berman, presents a lucid tour de force of his thrilling but controversial theory that consciousness creates reality and the cosmos itself. Will machines ever achieve consciousness? Are plants aware? Is death an illusion? These are some of the big questions tackled in Beyond Biocentrism, which serves up a new, biology-based theory of everything that is as delightful to read as it is fascinating. Tremendously clear and lovely writing—a huge achievement.

      —Pamela Weintraub, psychology and health editor, Aeon magazine, and former executive editor of Discover magazine and editor-in-chief of OMNI (internet/magazine)

      “Lanza and Berman’s latest statement of their theory of ‘biocentrism’ changes the way we think about age-old religious questions such as the origin of the universe and human immortality. Based on cutting edge work in physics and biology and explained with exceptional clarity, Beyond Biocentrism is must reading for anyone interested in science and religion.”

       —Ronald M Green, professor emeritus for the study of ethics and human values, and former chairman of the Department of Religion at Dartmouth College

      “Beyond Biocentrism delves further into the role of the observer and consciousness. It offers a neurobiological point of view to help answer questions about the world around us. Lanza and Berman make the journey towards a better understanding of the role of consciousness and perception. I liked the book quite a lot! It was a fun read.”

       —Kwang-Soo Kim, professor of psychiatry and neuroscience, Harvard Medical School, and director, Molecular Neurobiology Laboratory, McLean Hospital

      “Lanza and Berman take the reader on a remarkable journey, setting out to prove that there is more to life and existence than we have assumed. They present scientific evidence that makes us re-consider everything we’ve thought to be true about the nature of reality. Beyond Biocentrism is a fascinating and thought-provoking ‘must-read’ book that shows us a new way of looking at the universe and ourselves.”

       —Anthony Atala, W. H. Boyce Professor, chairman, and director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Wake Forest University

      “There are few intellectual endeavors more thrilling than contemplating the role of human consciousness in creating reality and the universe, and Lanza and Berman bring to life the quest for understanding how that can possibly be so. If you know just enough physics to wonder whether the moon is still there when no one is looking at it, and even if you’ve never thought about anything so seemingly preposterous, you’ll have a great time reading Beyond Biocentrism.”

      —Sharon Begley, senior science writer at Stat, and former science editor and correspondent for Newsweek, the Wall Street Journal, and Reuters

      “Beyond Biocentrism is a must read for anyone who has ever wondered where modern science (and the weirdness of relativity and quantum mechanics) is going. What does it all mean? Brilliant and insightful. Few books come along in our lives that change the way we see the world. Beyond Biocentrism is such a book.”

       —Ralph D Levinson, health sciences professor, UCLA

      Copyright © 2016 by Robert Lanza, MD, and Bob Berman

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

      BenBella Books, Inc.

      10440 N Central Expressway

      Suite #800

      Dallas, TX 75231

      Send feedback to [email protected]

      First E-Book Edition: May 2016.

      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available upon request.

      LCCN: 2015043363

      ISBN-13:978-1-942952-21-3 (print) / 978-1-942952-22-0 (electronic)

      Editing by Heather Butterfield

      Copyediting by James Fraleigh

      Proofreading by Michael Fedison, Brittney Martinez, and Rachel Phares

      Indexing by Jigsaw Information

      Text design and composition by Aaron Edmiston

      Cover design by Brad Foltz

      Illustrations on pages 48, 52, 66, 69, 72, 101–103, 114, 122–123, 168 by Jacqueline Rogers

      Illustration on page 149 by Wim R. Euverman

      Image on 156: plant (John Sims), octopus (A. Pollock), mouse (George Shuklin), sparrow (W. Wright), tadpole (rainforest_harley on Flickr)

      Printed by Lake Book Manufacturing

      Distributed by Perseus Distribution

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       Special discounts for bulk sales (minimum of 25 copies) are available. Please contact Aida Herrera at [email protected].



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