Peterson, H. L. and Elman, R. The Great Guns. New York: Grosset & Dunlop, Inc. and The Ridge Press, 1971. Well prepared, elegantly illustrated history from hand cannon to modern Colts and Winchesters.
Peterson, H. L. Pageant Of The Gun. New York: Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1967. An informative history of firearms conveying the excitement and drama of ten centuries of arms development. 55 greatly varied stories covering such subjects as whaling guns, fowlers, duellers, target shooting, etc.
Peterson, H. L. The Treasury Of The Gun. New York: Ridge Press/ Golden Press, 1962. Magnificently illustrated story of six centuries of gun development. American and European guns associated with historic events.
Phillips, H. & Tyler, T. Vermont’s Gunsmiths & Gunmakers to 1900. Dorset, Vermont: Two Damn Yankees Pub., 2000. Includes inventors, patentees of firearms and accountrements, manufactories and armories.
Phillips, Roger F. and Klancher, Donald J. Bloomfield, Ontario, Canada: Museum Restoration Service, 1982. Numerous weapons were American.
*Pitman, General John. The Pitman Notes on U.S. Martial Small Arms and Ammunition 1776-1933. Vol. I Breech-Loading Carbines of U.S. Civil War. Armory Publications: Tacoma, Washington 1987. Vol. II Revolvers and Automatic Pistols Thomas Publications: Gettysburg, Pa. 1990. Vol. III U.S. Breechloading Rifles and Carbines, Cal. 45. Thomas Publications 1991. Vol. IV U.S. Magazine Rifles and Carbines Caliber .30. Vol. V Miscellaneous Notes Caliber .58, 50, 30; Confederate and Foreign. Significant research material from previously unpublished manuscripts; exceptional drawings by U.S. Army Ordnance officer with 40 year career.
Pollard, H. B. C. A History Of Firearms. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1926. A significant early work for collectors; small arms of all types and countries from 14th to 19th century.
*Pritchard, Russ A., Jr. Civil War Weapons and Equipment. Guilford, Conn.: Lyons Press, 2003. Broad, generalized survey; profusely illustrated.
*Rattenbury, Richard. Packing Iron; Gunleather of the Frontier West. Milward, N.Y.: Zon Int’l Pub. Co., 1993. For the military and Western collector a superbly illus., yet serious, detailed study.
Riling, R. Guns And Shooting, A Selected Chronological Bibliography. New York: Greenberg: Publisher, 1951. Listing of 3,000 American and foreign books on guns and shooting 16th through 20th century. Valuable reference for arms collector.
*Rosa, J. G. Guns of the American West. London, England: Arms & Armour Press, 1985. General survey for the popular market.
*Rosa, Joseph Age of the Gunfighter; Men & Weapons on the Frontier, 1840-1900. N.Y. City: Smithmark Publications, 1993. Fascinating reading & illus.; overall general survey of gun types.
Rosa, J. G. & May, R. The Pleasure Of Guns. London: Octopus Books, 1974. Very general survey of antique arms with numerous color illustrations.
Rosebush, W. E. American Firearms and the Changing Frontier. Spokane, Washington: Eastern Washington State Historical Society, 1962. Use of specific types of firearms in American frontier expansion from the Black Hawk War through conquest of California.
Rosebush, W. E. Frontier Steel, The Men And Their Weapons. Appleton, Wisconsin: C. C. Nelson Publishing Co., 1958. Covers the period from the Black Hawk War through the Mexican War and the Conquest of California.
*Russell, C. P. Firearms, Traps And Tools Of The Mountain Men. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1967, and reprinted by the University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1977. A guide to the equipment of the trappers and fur traders who opened the West from the 1820s to the 1840s.
Russell, C. P. Guns On The Early Frontiers. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1957, Reprint 1980, University of Nebraska. A history of firearms from Colonial times through the years of the Western fur trade.
Rywell, M. Gun Collectors’ Guide. Harriman, Tennessee: Pioneer Press, 1955, 1961, 1965. General introduction to the hobby answering many questions often asked by the neophyte. Subtitled “Old Guns for Profit.”
Satterlee, L. D. (Compiler). Ten Old Gun Catalogs. Chicago: Gun Digest Association, Inc., 1962. Exact reprint of the original catalogs of American makers and dealers: Merrill, 1864; Peabody, 1865, 1866; Henry, 1865; Spencer, 1866; National, 1865; Folsom, 1869; Great Western, 1871; James Brown, 1876; Homer Fisher, 1880; Remington, 1877.
Satterlee, L.D. Catalog of Firearms for the Collector. Detroit: Private Published, 1927, 2nd Edition, 1939. Among earliest, pioneer attempts to codify antique firearms; emphasis on American.
Satterlee, L. D. Fourteen Old Gun Catalogs for the Collector. Chicago, Ill.: Gun Digest Association, 1962. (Reprint of limited 1940 ed.) Includes Maynard catalog, 1885; Ballard & Marlin catalog 1888; Stevens catalog 1888; Stevens-Pope, 1902; Colt catalog 1896; plus eight Sharps catalogs 1859 to 1880. Important basic tool for the collector, student.
Sawyer, C. W. Firearms In American History 1600 To 1800. Boston: Privately published by the author, 1910. The first important reference on Colonial American arms. Still considered a classic.
Sawyer, C. W. Firearms In American History - Volume Two - The Revolver. Boston: The Arms Company, 1911. One of the primary works on American revolving handguns and longarms.
Sawyer, C. W. Our Rifles. Boston: The Cornhill Company, 1920. One of the very first and important reference works on American longarms of all periods. For many years a basic reference source.
Schroeder, J. J., Jr. (Editor). Gun Collector’s Digest. Northbrook, Illinois: DBI Books, Inc., Vol. I, 1974, Vol. II, 1977, 3rd Edition, 1981, 4th Edition, 1985, 5th Edition, 1989. Compilations of illustrated articles on a great many phases of gun collecting.
*Schwing, N. Standard Catalog of Firearms. Iola, Wisc: Krause Publications, 11th Edition, 2001. Identification & values modern European & American plus many antique American arms. Principles and fairness demand it be listed; vanity ... and ego ... insist it’s not comparable to FLAYDERMAN’S GUIDE!!
*Sellers, Frank M. American Gunsmiths. Highland Park, New Jersey: The Gun Room Press, 1983. Basic reference. Over 19,000 listings: gunmakers, patentees, gunsmiths.
Serven, J. E. (Editor). The Collecting Of Guns. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: The Stackpole Company, 1964. Recommended for novice and expert alike. 33 chapter tour of the gun collecting world with chapters on individual collecting fields. Almost exclusively devoted to American arms.
Serven, J. E. Conquering The Frontiers. La Habra, California: Foundation Press, 1974. Stories of American Pioneers and the guns which helped them establish a new life.
Serven, J. E. Two Hundred Years Of American Firearms. Northfield, Illinois: DBI Books, Inc., 1975. A history of American made guns and their influence on the nation’s growth.
*Shaffer, Rutledge and Dorsey. Gun Tools; Their History and Identification. Eugene, Oregon: Collectors Library Pub., 1992. First lengthy, detailed listing all known U.S. issue and factory made tools to accompany firearms. Vol. II, 1997, Dorsey & Shaffer.
Sharpe, P. B. The Rifle In America. New York: William Morrow & Company, 1938: Funk and Wagnalls