Hiller, Dennis E. The Collectors’ Guide to Air Rifles (revised, enlarged Fourth Edition). Preston, U.K.: published by author, 1995.
Himmelwright, A.L.A. Pistol and Revolver Shooting. New York: Macmillan Company 1904, 1908, 1915, 1923, 1933. Important reference for American handgun target shoots and competitions 19th to early 20th century with the American (some European) handguns of famous makers used by the contestants.
Horn, W. R. Gunsmiths And Gunmakers Of Vermont. Burlington, Vermont: The Horn Company, 1976. A partial checklist from 18th century to 1900. Illustrations of arms and facsimiles of makers labels.
Hughes, J. B., Jr. Mexican Military Arms; The Cartridge. 1866-1967. Houston, Texas: Deep River Armory, 1968. Good details on American arms by various makers purchased and issued and Mexican military markings on them.
Hutslar, Donald A. Ohio Gunsmiths & Allied Tradesmen. Beverly, Ohio: Association of Ohio Longrifle Collectors. 5 Volumes, 1996-1998. Remarkable coverage.
*Irwin, John R. Guns & Gunmaking Tools of Southern Appalachia. Norris, Tennessee: Museum of Appalachia 1981. Locally known as the “squirrel” or “hog” rifle. These often highly accurate, graceful and serviceable arms were made in the mold of the traditional “Pennsylvania” rifle though simply embellished.
*Jenkins, Bill. U.S. Military Match and Marksmanship Automatic Pistols. Lincoln, R.I.: Mowbray Publishing, 2005.
Johnson, C. L. A Checklist of 18th and 19th Century Illinois Gunsmiths. York, Pennsylvania: George Shumway Publisher, 1974. Names, dates and locations of 630 Illinois makers. 2nd Edition 1982.
*Karcheski, W. J., Jr. Selections from the Frazier Historical Arms Museum. Louisville, Ky.: pub. by the museum, 2004. Illustrated survey of the fabulous, ever-enlarging collections of this newly formed, increasingly popular institution, rapidly becoming among most prominent in its field. Catalog; paper covers.
Kauffman, H. J. Early American Gunsmiths 1650-1850. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: The Stackpole Co., 1952. Important listing of early American makers with illustrations of makers labels and guns.
*Katcher, Philip. Sharpshooters of the American Civil War 1861-65. Oxford, England: Osprey Publ., 2002. Close look at recruiting, training, deployment and the specialized military and civilian type rifles used.
Kennedy, David. Guns of the Wild West; A Photographic Tour of the Guns that Shaped our Country’s History. Philadelphia, Pa.: Courage Books, 2005.
*Kirkland, K. America’s Premier Gunmakers—Browning. New York: 1989.
Koller, L. The Fireside Book Of Guns. New York: The Ridge Press, 1959. History of firearms in America from the first explorers to modern sportsmen. Elegantly illustrated.
*Lewis, M.H. The Gunsmiths of Manhattan 1625-1900: A Checklist of Tradesmen. Alexandria Bay, N.Y.: Museum Restoration Service monograph, 1991.
Lewis, Jack. Gun Digest Book of Single Action Revolvers. Northfield, Illinois: DBI Books, 1982. Explores the history, folklore and fascination of the single action; written with the collector in mind.
Lindert, Albert W. Gunmakers of Indiana. Homewood, Illinois, 1968: Privately published by author.
Lindsay, Merrill. The Lure of Antique Arms. New York: David McKay Co., Inc., 1978. Excellent handbook for beginning American gun collectors.
*Macewicz J. P. American Handgun Patents 1802-1924. Bloomfield, Ontario, Canada: Museum Restoration Service, 1977. Often a key to identifying firearms. Lists over 1300 patents in chronological/numerical order; cross-indexed to the inventors.
Madaus, H. N. The Warner Collector’s Guide to American Longarms. New York: Warner Books, 1981. Over 500 different shotguns muskets, rifles and carbines are described by maker, age, mountings and markings. Each arm assigned alphabet letter designation reflecting relative rarity and survival rate.
*Malloy, J. J., Thomas, D. S., White, T. A. Percussion Ammunition Packets: Union, Confederate and European. Gettysburg, Pa.: Thomas Publications, 2003. A remarkable study along with profuse illustrations of the various labeled packets of ammunition that accompanied American percussion handguns and rifles; also government-issued, labeled packages of paper-wrapped cartridges.
Marsh, R.E. & Flanagan, M.W. Trap Guns for Pocket Gophers & Moles: A Collectors Manual. Davis, Cal.: Privately printed, 1999.
*McAulay, John D. Civil War Small Arms Of The U.S. Navy and Marine Corps. Lincoln, R.I.: Andrew Mowbray Publishers, 1999.
McLean, D. B. (Editor). The 1873 ‘Trapdoor’ Springfield Rifle and Carbine & .45 Revolvers: Colt’s M1873 & S & W Schofield. Forest Grove, Ore.: Normount Armament Co., 1969. Paper cover pamphlet; illustrations and information from the original manuals. (Especially fine detail for the Springfield “Trapdoor.”)
Moore, W. Guns - The Development Of Firearms, Air Guns And Cartridges. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1963. A general survey of antique guns told in pictures.
*Mowbray, Stuart C. 331+ Essential Tips and Tricks: A How-to Guide for the Gun Collector: A Practical Approach to Buying, Maintaining, Storage, Display, Photography and Much More. Woonsocket, R.I: Mowbray Pub., 2006. Even includes specific instructions for detecting fakes and refinishing, alarms and insurance for the gun room and much more. Profusely illustrated.
Murry, Ellen N. Code of Honor; Deuling in America. Washington, Texas: Star of Republic Museum, 1984. Monograph, catalog of American duelling pistols.
National Rifle Association. NRA Gun Collector’s Guide. Washington, D. C.: National Rifle Association, 1972. 75 of the best articles on gun collecting that appeared in the American Rifleman 1955 to 1970. A book of high value to the gun collector.
*Noe, D., Yantz, L.W., & Whisker, J.B. Firearms From Europe: A History & Description Of Firearms Imported During The American Civil War By The United States And Confederate States. Rochester, N.Y.: Rowe Publications, 1999.
*O’Meara, Robert H. The Guns of the Gunfighters: Lawmen, Outlaws & Hollywood Cowboys. Iola, Wis.: Krause Pub., 2003. Guns are illustrated with contemporary photographs and brief biographies of the men that carried them.
*O’Neal, Bill. Encyclopedia of Western Gunfighters. Norman, Okla.: University of Oklahoma Press, 1979 (hard cover; later editions paper cover). Details on 255 gunmen, their aliases, occupations; brief biographies and accounts of verified gunfights (chronologically).
Parsons, John E. and DuMont, John S. Firearms in the Custer Battle. Harrisburg, Penna.: Stackpole Company, 1953. A significant reference to the subject.
Paul, V.A. Missouri Gunsmiths To 1900. Washington, Missouri: Obscure Place Pub. Co., 2000.
Peterson, H. L. Encyclopedia Of Firearms. New York: E. P.