Soulful Creatures
Animal Mummies in Ancient Egypt
Edward Bleiberg
Yekaterina Barbash
Lisa Bruno
Published on the occasion of the exhibition Soulful Creatures: Animal Mummies in Ancient Egypt, organized by the Brooklyn Museum from its collections
Exhibition Itinerary
Bowers Museum, Santa Ana, California
Memphis Brooks Museum of Art, Memphis, Tennessee
Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, New York
Copyright © 2013 Brooklyn Museum,
200 Eastern Parkway,
Brooklyn, NY 11238-6052
First published in 2013
an imprint of D Giles Limited
All Rights Reserved
No part of the contents of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of the Brooklyn Museum and D Giles Limited.
A catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress.
ISBN 978-1-907804-58-8
For the Brooklyn Museum
Edited by James Leggio, Head of Publications and Editorial Services
New photography of Brooklyn Museum objects by Sarah DeSantis and Christine Gant (Digital Collections and Services, Brooklyn Museum) and by Gavin Ashworth (Gavin Ashworth Photography, New York). Digitization of historical images by Sarah Gentile (Digital Collections and Services, Brooklyn Museum).
For D Giles Limited
Proof-read by Sarah Kane and Elisabeth Merriman
Designed by Alfonso Iacurci
Produced by GILES, an imprint of D Giles Limited, London
This multi-touch book was produced by Imago Publishing Limited.
All objects are in the collection of the Brooklyn Museum, unless otherwise noted. In the captions, dimensions are usually given in the order of height by width, followed in the case of sculpture by depth, first in inches, then in centimeters. The order of the dimensions given for animal remains reflects a horizontal position, lying flat on an examination table, with the second dimension representing the animal’s length; the second dimension of coffins, measured in a horizontal position, also refers to length. All Egyptian dates are approximate. The chronology followed here is based on William J. Murnane, “The History of Ancient Egypt: An Overview,” in Jack M. Sasson, ed., Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, vol. 2 (New York: Scribner, 1995), pp. 712–14. The captions incorporate the most precise information available about each object, including period, dynasty, and approximate year dates. For a summary of periods and dynasties, see “A Brief Chronology of Ancient Egypt,” in the present volume.
Front cover:
Detail of Ibis Mummy
Detail of Horus Falcon-Form Coffin
Copyright page:
Detail of Bound Oryx Dish
Page 22:
Detail of Baboon Appliqué
Page 69:
Detail of Ibis Coffin
Pages 122:
Detail of Cat Coffin with Mummy
Page 161:
Detail of The Child Horus
Page 172:
Detail of wrapping, Ibis Mummy
Backgrounds of chapter titles:
Illustrations from Description de l’Égypte (Paris, 1821–30)
Arnold L. Lehman
Edward Bleiberg
A Brief Chronology of Ancient Egypt
How the Ancient Egyptians Viewed the Animal World
Yekaterina Barbash
Animal Mummies: The Souls of the Gods
Edward Bleiberg
The Scientific Examination of Animal Mummies
Lisa Bruno
Appendix: Possible Precursors to the Animal Cults
Yekaterina Barbash
Brooklyn Museum Board of Trustees
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