The History of the Thirteen Colonies of North America: 1497-1763 (Illustrated). Reginald W. Jeffery. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Reginald W. Jeffery
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066059699
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       Reginald W. Jeffery

      The History of the Thirteen Colonies of North America: 1497-1763 (Illustrated)

      Madison & Adams Press, 2020

       Contact: [email protected]

      EAN 4064066059699

       This is a publication of Madison & Adams Press. Our production consists of thoroughly prepared educational & informative editions: Advice & How-To Books, Encyclopedias, Law Anthologies, Declassified Documents, Legal & Criminal Files, Historical Books, Scientific & Medical Publications, Technical Handbooks and Manuals. All our publications are meticulously edited and formatted to the highest digital standard. The main goal of Madison & Adams Press is to make all informative books and records accessible to everyone in a high quality digital and print form.


       Chapter I. Introduction: Early English Voyages to North America

       Chapter II. Virginia: The First Great Colony of the British

       Chapter III. The Colonisation of Maryland and the Carolinas

       Chapter IV. The Puritans in Plymouth and Massachusetts

       Chapter V. Connecticut; Rhode Island and Providence Plantation; New Haven; Maine; New Hampshire

       Chapter VI. The Fight with the Dutch for Their Settlement of New Netherland

       Chapter VII. The Quaker Settlements and Georgia

       Chapter VIII. The Social and Economic History of New England

       Chapter IX. The Social and Economic History of the Southern and Middle Colonies

       Chapter X. The French Colonies in North America

       Chapter XI. French Aggression

       Chapter XII. The Climax: The Struggle Between English and French Colonists

       Chronology of Colonial History





       Table of Contents

      It has been my object in this small book to put into a handy form a short narrative of the History of the Thirteen Colonies. In the limited space at my command I have endeavoured to give as often as possible the actual words of contemporaries, hoping that the reader may thereby be tempted to search further for himself amongst the mass of documentary evidence which still needs so much careful study. I cannot send this book into the world without acknowledging my indebtedness to both the Beit Professor of Colonial History, Mr H. E. Egerton, and the Beit Lecturer on Colonial History, Mr W. L. Grant, whose kind suggestions have proved most valuable. At the same time I must thank Mr E. L. S. Horsburgh, for by his action the writing of this little work was made possible.

      R. W. J.

      Oxford, 1908



       Table of Contents

      It would be out of place in this small book to give in detail a history of all the discoveries which were made along the shores of North and South America at the end of the fifteenth and beginning of the sixteenth centuries. As the main object is to depict briefly the political history of the Thirteen English Colonies on the North American seaboard, it will be unnecessary to say more than a few words about the discoverers whose enterprise and bravery made colonisation possible. With the Spanish, French, and Dutch voyagers it is not proposed to deal; their stories are well known, and affected but little the establishment of our early settlements in the West. Like the British nation, these three peoples also strove to create lasting empires in America; but unlike their rival, they failed. The Spaniards made the fatal error of attempting to settle during the period of exploration. They based their colonies upon slavery, and a mistaken commercial policy; and the sparseness of their colonists made them incapable of contending against the pressure of surrounding savagery. The result was that they, who were without the traditions of public morality and who were to a certain extent lacking in administrative powers, became intermixed with the inferior races with whom they came in contact. The French were no more successful in their endeavours to establish a New France beyond the sea; they failed, partly because of the French temperament, and partly through obvious errors. The French character was buoyant and cheerful—both excellent natural gifts for colonists—but they were unable to combine the spirit of adventure with that patient commercial industry which so wonderfully distinguished the Puritan emigrants. The Dutch might have proved serious rivals to the British in the West had they been able to rise from the position of mere traders, and had they had a sufficiently large population on which to draw. Their commercial system deteriorated, becoming uneconomic and non-progressive; while their arduous and gallant struggle against Philip II. and Alva had necessarily handicapped them in the race for colonial aggrandisement.

      The English, in strong contrast to these competitors, never drew a distinct or sharp line between the soldier and the trader. The story of Great Britain's expansion contains the names of hundreds of gallant heroes, but they were at the same time sober and industrious men. The plodding and commercial characteristics possessed by the British colonial saved him from perpetrating those foolish errors of the Spaniard which arose from a desire to gain rapid wealth and a tawdry glory. One fact stands out pre-eminent amongst the reasons of British success—the English kept their period of exploration almost entirely separate from their epoch of settlement. The glorious dreams of Eldorado, the visions of the golden city of Manoa had been dispersed like a morning mist when the period of colonisation dawned bright and clear at the beginning of the seventeenth century.