He gave a dry chuckle, shaking his head. “Never had them before.” Then he shook his head. “You are definitely a problem for me, Julia Nash.”
She shrugged. “Then let me leave.”
“I can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
He stared levelly at her for a few silent heartbeats, while the air all but crackled between them.
“If you know,” he finally said, “then I don’t need to tell you. And if you don’t know, then I definitely can’t tell you.”
“That was more convoluted than your full name.”
He gestured to a wide concrete staircase that led down to the pool and began walking. “Care for a swim?”
She kept pace with him. “I thought we were having a tour.”
“It’s getting warm.”
“I’m fine.”
He nodded, but he led her to one of the umbrella-covered tables and pulled out a chair.
Julia sighed. Getting a tour of the stables wasn’t going to be as easy as she’d hoped.
They’d no sooner sat down than three servants arrived. One spread a tablecloth in front of them. One added silver, china and crystal place settings. While the third placed a floral arrangement, a plate of scones and jam, and a pitcher of peach-colored juice.
“Roughing it?” she asked him.
“Is that an interview question?” Harrison dismissed the servants and poured the juice himself.
“No.” She sat back in her chair. “More of an editorial comment on your life.”
“Am I about to get a lecture on privilege and excess?”
“You’re number two hundred and forty-seven in line for the British throne. I’m guessing this isn’t the worst of your excesses.”
He put down the pitcher. “I see you remember the exact number.”
“I told you I had a good memory.”
“And here I thought your lack of a notebook meant you were lying through your teeth, and you never really intended to interview me at all.”
Julia experienced a twinge of guilt. “Shows you how wrong you can be, doesn’t it?”
“Say my name?”
“Harrison Rochester.”
“You know what I mean.”
Julia smiled to herself. “The Right Honorable Lord Harrison William Arthur Beaumont-Rochester.” Then she paused for a beat. “Baron Welsmeire.”
“Damn,” he muttered, obviously surprised.
She pressed her advantage. “Has it occurred to you that I might not be lying?”
“Not even for a second.”
Their gazes caught and smoldered, while some sort of arousal rose unwanted within her.
“Where were you born?” she finally asked him.
“This is going to be a bloody long interview.”
She waited.
“I was born in Welsmeire Castle, south of Windermere—”
“You were born in a castle?”
“Why not a hospital?”
“Tradition. Bragging rights. I don’t know.”
“So your poor mother had you in a castle so you could brag about it in later life?”
He threw up his hands. “There was a doctor in attendance.”
“Well, wasn’t that good of you.”
“I was a newborn at the time. Wait. No, not quite a newborn at the time.”
“Barbaric,” muttered Julia.
“It was her choice,” said Harrison.
“Well, I’ll be going to a hospital.”
“Good to know.”
Julia took a sip of her juice. “Brothers and sisters?”
“One sister. Elizabeth. Are you always this poorly prepared for an interview?”
Julia ignored his question. “So Elizabeth’s on the British crown list, too?”
“Considerably farther down than me.”
“Do you think that’s fair?”
“Are you here to talk about my horse or revolutionize the British monarchy?”
“We can’t do both?”
He cracked a grin. “Better women than you have tried.”
She moved a little closer. “Are you saying you agree with such a misogynistic approach to succession?”
He leaned in, as well. “I’m saying, at number two hundred and forty-seven, there’s little I can do about it.”
“You could oppose it.”
“In my spare time? I’m a busy man, with a lot of important business dealings and connections, international connections.”
Was he bragging?
He seemed to be watching for her reaction to that statement.
“Okay,” she drawled. “And how long have you lived in Dubai?”
He straightened, peering at her a few seconds longer. “I’ve owned Cadair for ten years. I spend winters here, summers in England.”
“Are you married?”
He hesitated. “Not yet.”
Julia experienced a jolt of curiosity. What kind of woman would marry a man like Harrison?
Then she quickly realized just about any kind of woman would marry him.
“Sounds like a scoop for me. Who is she?”
“Who says I’ve picked her out?”
Julia cocked her head. “So can I tell my female readers you’re still available?”
“Julia, you have no female readers. You have no readers, period. This is a sham.”
“Then why are you going along with me?”
“I’m trying to figure out what you’re up to.”
“If I leave, I can’t be up to anything, can I?”
“If you leave,” he countered, “you could be up to absolutely anything.”
“I really need to call my friends.”
He shook his head.
“They’re going to think I’m dead.”
He got that intense, probing look on his face again. “Now, why would they think that?”
“Because I disappeared for twenty-four hours in a foreign country. In my world, that’s weird.”
“And what world is that?”
She leaned forward, slowing her speech, enunciating each word. “Horse-race reporting.”
“I almost believe you.”
Chapter Four