Manners and Conduct in School and Out. Unknown. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Unknown
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Философия
Год издания: 0
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      Manners and Conduct in School and Out

      The gentle minde by gentle deeds is knowne; For a man by nothing is so well bewrayed As by his manners.



      "The supreme business of the school is to develop a sense of justice, the power of initiative, independence of character, correct social and civic habits, and the ability to coöperate toward the common good."—Dr. Frank Crane.

      How do you develop correct social habits, the habits of a gentleman or a lady?

      You develop correct social habits just as you develop correct habits in playing ball, or in swimming,—you discover the rules; then you practise, practise, practise. A good general rule is, Do what a kind heart prompts; for,

      Politeness is to do and say

      The kindest thing in the kindest way.

      We earnestly hope this little book may help girls and boys to become happier, more agreeable, and more effective citizens.




      Let us have faith that right makes might; and in that faith let us dare to do our duty as we understand it.


      Whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well.


      Do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.


      The secret of success is constancy of purpose.


      Evil communications corrupt good manners.


      Be good, sweet maid, and let who will be clever;

      Do noble things, not dream them, all day long;

      And so make life, death, and that vast forever

      One grand sweet song.


      Vice is a monster of so frightful mien,

      As to be hated needs but to be seen;

      Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face,

      We first endure, then pity, then embrace.


      In vain we call old notions fudge,

      And bend our conscience to our dealing;

      The Ten Commandments will not budge,

      And stealing will continue stealing.



      Life is not so short but that there is always time enough for courtesy.


      Girls, the word lady should suggest, ideally, a girl (or a woman) who keeps herself physically fit, her thinking on a high plane, and her manners gentle and winsome.

      Boys, the word gentleman means, ideally, a fine, athletic, manly fellow who is an all round good sport in the best sense, and who has manners that do not prevent other people from seeing how fine he is.


      Remember this,—that there is a proper dignity and proportion to be observed in the performance of every act of life.

—Marcus Aurelius.

      1) If you are well brought up, girls, you will not loiter on the street to talk to one another; much less to boys. Street visiting is taboo.

      2) Boys, a gentleman does not detain on street corners a girl or woman friend. If he meets one with whom he wishes to speak more than a moment, he asks permission to walk a little way with her. During the moment that he does detain her, a gentleman talks with his hat in his hand.

      3) You know that a boy should lift his hat or cap in recognition of a girl or woman acquaintance whom he meets on the street. But perhaps you don't know that the same courtesy may well be offered to a man, and must be, if the man is walking with a girl or a woman.

      4) To spit on the street or sidewalk is likely to endanger the health of others, and to make you seem vulgar and "horrid." Use your handkerchief.


      Immodest words admit of no defence,

      For want of decency is want of sense.

—Earl of Roscommon.

      1) Avoid rushing ahead of others to secure a seat in a street-car, or to secure any other special advantage. Some one must be last; why not you? If advancing out of turn is necessary, a little deliberation accompanied with, "I beg your pardon," or "Excuse me, please" will most quickly and pleasantly open the way; otherwise, respect "the line."

      2) In a street-car, boys, you should touch your hat politely and offer your seat to a woman, a girl, or an elderly man who is standing. Your courtesy should be accepted with a bow and, "Thank you."

      3) Girls, if a seat is offered you, accept it at once with "Thank you." Don't explain that you don't mind standing.

      4) On the street, in street-cars, and in all public places, if your voice or conduct attracts attention you will be considered "loud," "common," vulgar.

      5) The chewing of gum in a street-car, in church, or in any other place outside of your own private room stamps you at once as "common."


      Liberty exists in proportion to wholesome restraint.


      1) Avoid all running in the corridors; start in time, and walk.

      2) Avoid crowding on stairways. Avoid crowding through Assembly Hall doors. When in a mass of people, move slowly and try to keep breathing space about yourself.

      3) Avoid tossing paper on to the lockers. Avoid dropping it on the floor; but if paper is there, train yourself to see it and to pick up at least one piece every time you enter the corridor. This is what Dr. Crane calls a "civic habit."

      4) Boys, hats off on entering the building; don't put them on again before you are at the outer door ready to leave, even though you should see grown men violating this rule.

      5) Hold a door open for a girl or an older person to precede you in passing through; then glance over your shoulder to prevent the door from swinging back into the face of any person who may be following.

      6) In order to appear to the best advantage, keep your hands out of your pockets.

      7) Try not to jostle one another. If by chance you do, say, "Pardon me."

      8) Observe, boys, that well-bred men rise when addressed by a woman who is standing.

      9) Avoid whistling in the school building, and even in a private home, for your whistling may be annoying to some who cannot help hearing it.

      10) Never, never, be so disgusting as to spit on the floor, on the stairs, or into the waste-paper box; use your handkerchief.

      11) Care for your finger-nails, your face, your hair, in your room at home, not before mirrors on your locker doors, or in any other public place. After making your toilet as well as you can, forget it.

      12) Boys, it is not necessary to help the girls mount the stairs in school unless they are blind or crippled.

      13) Girls, it is better not to twine your arms about one another in the corridors and on the stairs; also, not to kiss one another tenderly if you separate for a few moments. Love your friends dearly; but be sensible, not sentimental.

      14) Boys, observe that the moment a woman or a girl enters a passenger