The Clan Fraser in Canada: Souvenir of the First Annual Gathering
Prefatory Note
The chief object aimed at by the publication of this little volume is to furnish, in a concise and inexpensive form, information regarding the Clan Fraser not readily accessible to clansmen in Canada. It is also hoped a perusal of the contents will strengthen the clan sentiment, and deepen the interest in the ancient clan bond and in the long and illustrious history of the Clan. But the book being essentially an account of the first Annual Gathering held by the Clan in the Province of Ontario, it will be an interesting souvenir of that pleasant event; and probably the hope may not be too sanguine that its appearance will mark an onward step in the record of the Clan in the Dominion.
The publication has been undertaken under the auspices of the newly-formed Clan Fraser in Canada, and the thanks of the editor are due to Professor W. H. Fraser, of Toronto University, and to Mr. Alexander Fraser (of Fraserfield, Glengarry), the Printing Committee of the Clan; also to Mr. J. Lewis Browne, for the music to which the "Fraser Drinking Song," written by Mrs. Georgina Fraser-Newhall, has been set.
Toronto, February, 1895.
THE Gael has proved himself not less a pioneer of civilization, and adaptable to changing conditions of living, than a lover of the traditions of his race, holding tenaciously by ancient usages and manners, and stirred profoundly by racial sentiment. As a pioneer he has reached "the ends of the earth," possessing the unoccupied parts of the world. As a patriot he has established not a few of his cherished customs in the land of his adoption. His love of kindred is probably his most notable characteristic; it found embodiment in the clan system, under which his race achieved its greatest triumphs and enjoyed its greatest glories, and the bond of clanship, with its inspiring memories, the true clansman will never disregard. While the clan system, as such, would be impracticable in the British colonies under present-day conditions, even more so than in its old home in the Highlands of Scotland, its spirit lives, leavening the system of government and exercising no small influence in the fusion of heterogeneous elements into new and distinct peoples.
These observations are applicable in a peculiar degree to Canada, where a very large number of clansmen have found a second Highland home. Many of the forests which rang with the clash of the claymore in the struggle for British supremacy, fell afterwards to the axe of the Gaelic settler. His trail lies across the continent, from ocean to ocean. His energy and intelligence have been honorably felt in every walk of life, and his enterprise and skill have done much to develop and upbuild the Dominion. No body of people occupies a more distinguished place in this respect than the Frasers; indeed, even among the clans, no name is more closely identified than that of "Fraser" with the early days of Canada. To tell of their services on the field, in government, in commerce, in the professions, would occupy a large volume, as would a similar story of other clans, and an attempt to do so, in an introductory chapter, would be altogether out of place, but there are a few events of importance to the country in which the Frasers figured to which it will be well to allude with fitting brevity.
Those who hold the Norman theory believe the first of the name of "Fraser" in Scotland, "came over with William the Conqueror," and they ask no better proof of the antiquity of the name. If the early connection of the Clan with Canada be any satisfaction to clansmen there, then it may be stated with truth that the first settlers of the name "came over with Wolfe the Conqueror," and their services were as conspicuous in the military operations conducted by the intrepid young General, who gave his life for his country on the Plains of Abraham, as were those performed by any brave knight, whose name may be found on the roll of Battle Abbey.
The story of Fraser's Highlanders forms one of the most romantic chapters in the annals of the clans, and should the time come when it is fairly and fully given to the world, it will prove a valuable addition to the history of Highland life and of early Canada.
For the part taken by the Clan in the uprising of 1745, Lord Simon was beheaded on Tower Hill and the Fraser estates were forfeited to the Crown. The Master of Lovat appeared at the head of the Clan on the Stuart side; but, as he was young at the time and had acted by his father's command, he was pardoned, and in 1757, in accordance with the wise, conciliatory policy of Mr. Pitt, he was commissioned to raise a regiment of his clansmen, of which he was appointed Lieutenant-Colonel commanding. In General Stewart's Sketches a brief but interesting account of this, the old Seventy-Eighth Regiment, is given, an extract from which will show the strength of the clan ties then existing, and the high character of the men who were raised on the Lovat territory. General Stewart says: "Without estate, money or influence, beyond that influence which flowed from attachment to his family, person and name, this gentleman (the Master of Lovat), in a few weeks found himself at the head of 800 men, recruited by himself. The gentlemen of the country and the officers of the regiment added more than 700, and thus a battalion was formed of 13 companies of 105 rank and file each, making in all 1,460 men, including 65 sergeants and 30 pipers and drummers." All accounts concur in describing this regiment as a superior body of men; their character and actions raised the military reputation and gave a favorable impression of the moral virtues of the sons of the mountains. The uniform was the full Highland dress, with musket and broadsword, dirk and sporran of badger's or otter's skin. The bonnet was raised or cocked on one side, with a slight bend inclining down to the right ear, over which were suspended two or more black feathers.
The regiment embarked at Greenock, and landed at Halifax in June, 1757, and followed the fortunes of the war for six years. "On all occasions," says Stewart, "this brave body of men sustained a uniform character for unshaken firmness, incorruptible probity and a strict regard both to military and moral duties." Their chaplain was a man of note as of stature. His name was Robert Macpherson, but he was known in the regiment as An Caipeal Mor, being of large physique. He exercised the traditional authority of a Highland minister, and we are told that the men were always anxious to conceal their misdemeanors from him.
The cold climate, it was feared, would prove too severe to the Frasers, who wore the kilt, and an attempt, kindly conceived, no doubt, was made to change the "garb of old Gaul" for the trews. The proposal aroused strenuous opposition; officers and men opposed the change and finally were successful. The strength of feeling awakened may be judged from the words of one of the soldiers in the regiment: "Thanks to our generous chief, we were allowed to wear the garb of our fathers, and, in the course of six winters, showed the doctors that they did not understand our constitution; for in the coldest winters our men were more healthy than those regiments that wore breeches and warm clothing." A somewhat amusing anecdote is related of how the Nuns of the Ursuline Convent, where the Frasers were quartered in 1759-60, endeavored to induce Governor Murray to be allowed to provide sufficient raiment for the kilted soldiers, but, of course, without success.
At Louisburg, Montmorenci, Ste. Foye and on the Plains of Abraham, the Frasers distinguished themselves greatly. One of the most eloquent tributes to their prowess was spoken by the Hon. P. J. O. Chauveau, the French-Canadian, at the inauguration in 1855 of the Statue of Bellona sent by Prince Napoleon for the monument erected on the famous battlefield. The French-Canadian historian Garneau, and other writers in whose veins courses the blood of the vanquished at Quebec, have borne generous testimony to their military bearing and good conduct. Garneau writes of the battle of Carillon, 1758: "It was the right of the trench works that was longest and most obstinately assailed; in that quarter the combat was most sanguinary. The British Grenadiers and Highlanders there persevered in the attack for three hours, without flinching or breaking rank. The Highlanders above all, under Lord John Murray, covered themselves with glory. They formed the troops confronting the Canadians, their light and picturesque costumes distinguishing them from all other soldiers amid the flames and smoke. The corps lost the half of its men, and twenty-five of its officers were killed or severely wounded;" and the genial Le Moine, half Highland and half French, says: "The Frasers of 1759 and of 1775 readily courted danger or death in that great duel which was to graft progress and liberty on that loved emblem of Canada, the pride of its forests – the Maple Tree. If at times one feels pained at the ferocity which marked the conflict and which won for Fraser's Highlanders at Quebec, the name Les Sauvages d'Ecosse,1