Uptown Girl
Olivia Goldsmith
Table of Contents
To Nina and to Ethel Esther Brandsfronbrener Schutz A lover of books, mangos, oranges and me
‘The Hokey Pokey’ ©1950 Sony/ATV Songs LLC.
Used by permission. All rights administered by
Sony/ATV Music Publishing.
Katherine Sean Jameson sat behind her desk and looked at her client. Although she was a published psychologist with a doctorate and had even completed some post-doc work, her office was simply furnished. It didn’t feature Freud’s classic psychiatric couch. That was because Kate Jameson wasn’t a Freudian, and certainly didn’t need an office full of relics and pottery shards to look at. To look at her what you’d see was rather a mildly pretty twenty-four-year-old (though she was actually thirty-one) with