Dog Training. Luke Eisenberg. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Luke Eisenberg
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Медицина
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783748511533
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      Dog Training:

      Successful Dog Education Explained Step By Step

      (Guide For Dog Education And Training)

      Reproduction, translation, further processing or similar actions for commercial purposes as well as resale or other publications are not permitted without the written consent of the author.

      Copyright © 2019 - Luke Eisenberg

      All rights reserved.

       Communicate unambiguously with the dog

       The sooner the better

       No exceptions for small dog breeds

       Convince instead of persuade

       The basics with playful skill

       Fast house cleanliness in the first 5 months

       Always play without a leash

       More than just a companion

       The dog's going crazy.

       Search and Bring Games

       Retrieve "bring" for beginners

       Give the dog a task

       The right environment

       Dog wish in the big city

       Avoid begging at the table

       No sweets for the dog

       Help my dog doesn't eat any more

       Training without treats

       Learning to stay alone

       Consistency in the living room

       Loud noises against negative behaviour

       Problems on New Year's Eve

       The right praise is the key to success

       This is the only way to raise a dog

       No more boredom

       Collect information in advance

       Improvising during Agility Training

       Emotional Motivation

       Dogs must be moved

       Avoid unpleasant dog encounters

       Build up the social behaviour of the dog as early as possible

       disinhibit jumping

       Behaviour during biting among dogs

       To break the habit of barking to small dogs

       Driving with the dog without problems

       Travelling with the dog

       Dogs in summer, what needs to be considered

       Protect dog paws from road salt

       You have to want it

       Everyone pulling together

       Puppies without problems

       Become interesting for the dog

       Dogs live in the here and now

       The three greatest needs of the dog

       Dogs love hand signals

       The embossing phase

       Patience and consistency in dog training

       The dog is afraid

       How dogs perceive their surroundings

       The coexistence of dog and cat

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