Bullying. Friedrich Sauerländer. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Friedrich Sauerländer
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Сделай Сам
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783750224148
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      Friedrich Sauerländer


      Recognition and ways out

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       Statistics: facts and figures

       Causes of bullying

       Bullying Pitfalls

       The problem of the minority

       Leave (illness, cure) as "mobbing in absence”

       Age as a reason for bullying

       Bullying against women

       Peer bullying

       The team rejects you from the beginning

       The phases of bullying

       How can I tell if I'm being bullied? What is the right strategy?

       Health effects - Listen to the alarm signals of your body!

       Impressum neobooks


      Hardly a day goes by without hearing something about bullying - in the press, on television, on the radio, from friends, neighbours or acquaintances. And it seems increasingly urgent to tackle the phenomenon of bullying; the relevant facts and figures speak for themselves.

      It can be assumed that quite a few of my readers have experienced first-hand what bullying means, what it can do, how it affects the psyche, health and the whole personal environment. Perhaps you have also taken up this book because you are currently a victim of bullying at work. If so, by buying this book you have already taken the first step towards changing your situation for the better. But not only mobbing victims will find help here. Even if you are a manager, you will find guidance on how to behave when bullying occurs in your department or company. You can save a lot of work, money and nerves if, as a manager, you avoid bullying from the outset or effectively counteract any bullying that occurs.

      I myself am one of the many victims of bullying. The harassment that I experienced dragged on - not for weeks but for months; I was systematically kept small in my company. This form of humiliation affected not only my soul, but also my married and family life.

      I now know that one must not hesitate for long to counteract this process of harassment, because: Something can be done about it!

      It is important not to close one's eyes when one feels the first signs, but to keep an alert mind and a clear vision of what is happening so that appropriate measures can be taken in good time.

      In addition to clarifying why, where and how mobbing takes place and what damage it causes in companies and in the economy, this book is intended to show numerous measures and means of resistance.

      Bullying can manifest itself in many different ways. This book will help you to recognise bullying at an early stage so that you can adapt your behaviour accordingly. In addition, it will show you ways and solutions to effectively counter the phenomenon of bullying.

      Remember: bullying happens where it is allowed and where the environment does not intervene.

      Statistics: facts and figures

      In the following I would like to give you some facts and figures. You will see that you are by no means alone with your bullying problem. On the contrary - bullying is a social problem that should not be underestimated. In the meantime I know numerous victims (if one out itself in its circle of acquaintances and speaks about the own case, there are suddenly many, which do it to you and from experiences at the own body to report know; one recognizes by it that the so-called dark number of mobbing damaged ones might be quite large).

      The bullying rate among the working population in Germany is around 2.7%, which corresponds to about one million people out of a total of 39 million in employment. Every ninth person has been bullied at least once in the course of their employment. The average duration of bullying is more than half a year (as it is in my case). Supervisors are involved in about 50% of cases of bullying. According to statistics, bullying is most common in social professions, followed by sales staff, bank or insurance staff, technicians, health service, accountants, computer scientists, office jobs.

      Mobbing causes considerable economic damage; for example, the costs of lost work due to bullying amount to around 15 billion euros. Around 1,500 suicides per year are attributable to bullying (this is only an estimate, it is probably even higher).

      These figures show that you are not alone, but that you are aware of the major social problem that bullying represents. Although so many people are affected, there is often a lack of useful tips on how to get out of the bullying trap - or not get into it at all!

      Before I explain to you where the possible causes of bullying lie, how bullying takes place and what you can do against yourself in the event of bullying, I would like to briefly point out how serious the economic damage caused by bullying is.

       Bullying and the consequences for the economy

      The financial damage caused by bullying is serious. However, it is not easy to provide figures and data to quantify this phenomenon, as there are as yet no precise and binding cost calculations.

      Health insurers estimate the damage at up to 40 billion euros! The health costs per case amount to 15,000 to 50,000 euros. These costs are incurred for medical treatment, psychotherapy, medication and rehabilitation and can vary depending on the individual case.

      What costs could be saved if it were possible to get the problem of mobbing under control and to stop it! The damage caused by lost work time at the workplace is estimated at 15 billion per year, which means that around 3% of the gross national product is destroyed. An enormous sum!

      The economic damage for the individual company is also high: employees who are under stress are unfocused and much more prone to mistakes, which naturally affects the productivity of the company; the risk of accidents among these people also increases, and there is more downtime due to illness. However, it is not only the individual who suffers directly, but the entire working atmosphere deteriorates, the rate of replacement of personnel increases, and work performance decreases. The operating costs increase as a result. Experts estimate the economic damage of just one single case of mobbing at up to 320,000 euros! It is not really necessary to say that this has clear competitive disadvantages for the individual company. For these reasons, every superior