Table of Contents
1 Cover
5 Letter to the reader The six mindshifts, in brief Notes
6 mindshift one: Go for both: Your work and your life are on the same team The ‘Ah‐Hah!’ of Suzy's story: step off the seesaw of work‐life balance Power Perspective #1: Embrace outside interests — and know they can contribute to career success Power Perspective #2: Make work fun Power Perspective #3: There are very few truly ‘wrong’ decisions (so don't agonise over them) Power Perspective #4: See the serendipity in your life … and act on it Notes
7 mindshift two: Stamina is a muscle. Build yours! The ‘Ah‐ha!’ of Barbara's story: stamina is a success superpower Power Perspective #1: Self‐care supports stamina Power Perspective #2: Don't over‐focus on the negative Power Perspective #3: Remember that you have options Power Perspective #4: Acknowledge that you are not totally in control Notes
8 mindshift three: Connection trumps tech savvy … even in tech The ‘Ah‐ha!’ of Rahul's story: careers are built by real connection Power Perspective #1: Amass that other critical capital: social capital Power Perspective #2: Consideration is currency Power Perspective #3: Praise often, and in public Power Perspective #4: Master the art of feedback Notes
9 mindshift four: You are in a relationship with your career: Nurture it The ‘Ah‐ha!’ of Katrien's story: Like a partner, your career responds to what you do Power Perspective #1: Keep your eye on your prize Power Perspective #2: Make sure your success gets seen within your firm and beyond Power Perspective #3: Fight back (skilfully) when wronged Power Perspective #4: Set boundaries Notes
10 mindshift five: Get a move on! Use movement to stay energised and thrive The ‘Ah‐ha!’ of Lisa's story: movement can maximise your value Power Perspective #1: Prepare for your promotion Power Perspective #2: Be flexible and persistent Power Perspective #3: Make one change at a time Power Perspective #5: Create momentum where you are Notes
11 mindshift six: Distant is the new diverse: Include the international and working‐from‐home team The ‘Ah‐ha!’ of Sierra's story: be open to where in the world your career may take you Power Perspective #1: Let your thirst for adventure turbocharge your career Power Perspective #2: Remove the ‘R’ from remote (as in, emote) Power Perspective #3: Choreograph opportunities for connection Notes
14 Appendix: Quick reference guide
15 Index