Moby-Dick. Herman Melville. Скачать в формате fb2, epub, doc, txt. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Moby-Dick - Herman Melville

Автор: Herman Melville
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная драматургия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781849433990

It's true. It's all true for Moby-Dick. He's a killer, he's a fury, he's an angel of hell. Why if the white whale could talk he'd talk like Ahab.' Nantucket. 1851. Centre of a whaling industry that transformed blubber into the oils and candles that lit the world. It's there that a schoolmaster called Ishmael arrives to ship on a whale-boat. He enrols under Ahab, Captain of the Pequod a man bent on destroying the white whale that lost him his leg. Certain the destruction of his nemesis will slake his thirst; Ahab's single-minded pursuit of Moby-Dick consumes Ishmael, the crew and the Pequod itself. The spirit and atmosphere of Herman Melville's masterpiece romantic, ambiguous, characterful and rich with allegory is captured on stage by simple8 with 'a treasure chest of talented actors, impressive musicians and intelligent scripting and directing' – New Statesman.