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The North Star State - Группа авторов

Автор: Группа авторов
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780873516877

Two hundred years of Minnesota history spring to life in this lively and captivating collection of essays. The North Star State encompasses the wide range of Minnesota&#39;s unique past&mdash;from the Civil War to the World Wars, from frontier life to the age of technological innovation, from Dakota and Ojibwe history to the story of St. Paul&#39;s black sleeping-car porters, from lumber workers and truckers&#39; strikes to the women&#39;s suffrage movement.<br /><br />In addition to investigative articles by the state&#39;s top historians, editor Anne Aby has assembled captivating first-person accounts from key moments in Minnesota history, including George Nelson&#39;s reminiscences of his years in the early nineteenth-century fur trade; the diary of Emily Goodridge Grey, an early African American settler; and Jasper N. Searles&#39;s letters home from the Battle of First Bull Run.