Giving Myself Permission: Putting Fear and Doubt In Their Place. Pennie Murray. Скачать в формате fb2, epub, doc, txt. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Giving Myself Permission: Putting Fear and Doubt In Their Place - Pennie Murray

Автор: Pennie Murray
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Поиск работы, карьера
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456611507

Recipient of the Reader&#39;s Choice Award, Giving Myself Permission: Putting Fear and Doubt in Their Place is a transformative, self-coaching book that advocates the ability to find that &quot;sweet spot&quot; in life by using your learned inhibitions and self-doubt to achieve the success you want. The book points out how earlier events in life, which may seem harmless, have the potential to create inhibitions and self-doubt in the best and the brightest individuals. Over time, these internal inhibitions and doubts begin to sabotage the most significant areas of your life – ultimately, cultivating the unconscious behavior of seeking permission from external sources.<br><br>Author Pennie Murray, discusses the five behaviors that sabotages your efforts toward success. It also offers some interesting exercises that will help you strengthen their internal confidence to live up to your purpose, passion, and potential. Purchase the book and read it for yourself. You&#39;ll see that Giving Myself Permission is more than a book title – it&#39;s a higher level of living and the prerequisite for experiencing success in every area of your life.