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Spiritfarmer...the other secrets - Hugh Sr. Mann

Автор: Hugh Sr. Mann
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Личностный рост
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456602697

Out of fear, convention has ingrained, or perhaps pioneered, a standard where by most interesting facts are presented as fiction. <br>As I had grown tired of fear, and tired of pretending,..and perhaps because I am somewhat of a bully,…I began to present interesting facts,…as interesting facts. And that, fellow players,…apparently is Friction.<br>Spiritfarming, as &#39;self-help&#39;, represents a basic opposite to traditional self help, in that you do NOT struggle, strive, self discipline, improve, sacrifice, fix the world, care about the world, socialize, or change. You simply accept, and DO,…&#39;YOU&#39;.