The gravity paradigm. Extraterrestrial civilizations. Series: Physics of a highly developed civilization. Ivan Vasilyevich Ponomarenko. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ivan Vasilyevich Ponomarenko
Издательство: ЛитРес: Самиздат
Жанр произведения: Физика
Год издания: 2021
isbn: 978-5-532-97672-6
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terrestrial civilizations. Series: Physics of a highly developed civilization

      The main obstacle to knowing the truth

      it is not a lie, but a semblance of the truth.

      (Leo Tolstoy)


      The real book "The paradigm of gravity of extraterrestrial civilizations" was prepared by us based on the information of highly developed, which brings scientific information to earthlings in order to advance humanity to a new, higher level of knowledge about nature. This highly developed civilization is located in the star cluster "Stozhary" (Western European name – Pleiades", Japanese – "Subaru"), the second star, the third planet.

      Contact of a highly developed civilization was carried out with Ivan Vasilyevich Ponomarenko and lasted for about ten years. During this time, representatives of a highly developed civilization taught him to see physical processes that ordinary people, due to the imperfection of their senses, do not see (so scientists have to theorize). However, it is not enough to teach "seeing", it is necessary to understand what you see and bring "seen" to others. Therefore, for almost ten years, a highly developed civilization contacted Ivan Vasilyevich Ponomarenko, answered his questions if he did not understand anything, and together analyzed difficult moments for understanding. And only after making sure that he correctly understands and correctly explains what he saw, the highly developed civilization broke off Contact. The interruption of Contact does not mean that Ivan Vasilyevich has lost the ability to see and understand what he saw. He can now watch the physical process that interests him at any time, so Ivan Vasilyevich Ponomarenko does not forget anything.

      Information usually comes to him in the form of a high-quality color dynamic image (video in 3 d format?), and Ivan Vasilyevich Ponomarenko himself is "placed" as if inside the physical process under consideration. For example, if we are talking about an atom, then Ivan Vasilyevich Ponomarenko sees this atom from the inside. The same can be said about the internal structure of the Earth, for example, or about the internal structure of elementary particles.

      Tikhomirov Evgeny Alekseevich is an assistant to Ivan Vasilyevich Ponomarenko in the design of his works. Ivan Vasilyevich Ponomarenko was told by representatives of a highly developed civilization that he would have an assistant. So it turned out, Evgeny Tikhomirov began to help Ivan Vasilyevich Ponomarenko on his own initiative (no one forced or ordered him), because he unconditionally believed Ivan Vasilyevich Ponomarenko, based on the nature of his information. In our opinion, it is impossible to lie, or come up with such athing yourself. At least, our physical geniuses, although they have a very highly developed imagination, could not correctly imagine how nature works. Nature turned out to be both simpler and more complex (not like this) as our physical geniuses imagined.

      In this paper, there are no theories, and, consequently, no mathematical apparatus. This is understandable, because all information is provided at the level of phenomenology – a person sees and understands what he sees, so no theory or mathematical apparatus is needed. Of course, if scientists use Ivan Vasilyevich Ponomarenko's information in any way, his information will need a mathematical apparatus, but not in order to prove anything (physics is not proved by mathematics), but in order to be able to calculate what needs to be calculated. But this will not cause our theorists any difficulties, since our theorists know mathematics much better than physics.

      1. A Brief analysis of existing theories of gravity

      Most people believe that we, earthlings, have only two theories of gravity: "the Law of universal gravitation" and "General relativity". Moreover, the Law of universal gravitation is supposedly a special case of General relativity. And if that's the case, most people think we have the same theory. In fact, even the generally accepted theories of gravity are much more numerous, if you don't believe them, you can check Wikipedia. We will not bore you, gentlemen readers, with the disclosure of the essence of each theory, especially since all our theories of gravity are untenable. Let's just list these theories and characterize them in groups.

      General relativity theory

      Einstein's Theory – Cartana

      Theory Bransa – Dikke

      Quantum theory of gravity

      String theory

      Loop quantum gravity

      Causal dynamic triangulation.

      Here is a related group of theories of gravity, which is headed by General relativity. All the others –are rehashes of it. Almost all theories of this group postulate a four-dimensional space-time, and space itself is material, since it can bend, trace, and have a structure. (In dynamic triangulation, four-dimensionality and pseudo-Euclidean space time on macroscopic scales are not postulated in it, but are a consequence of the theory). Space in these theories, in fact, is destroyed and is matter, because the authors of these theories gave space the property of matter (flexibility). Therefore, the use in these theories of the term "space" it is only a tribute to tradition and is not legitimate. Space in these theories is postulated as a special bendable matter. All these theories of gravity also postulate that time is real (it can slow down and, consequently, accelerate). However, a highly developed civilization has established that space is not real, therefore, it has no structure and cannot bend. Similarly, time is not real, and therefore cannot be slowed down or accelerated. Time is not a physical concept at all and there is only a counter for our convenience. Time, as a physical category, does not exist.

      Therefore, all these theories of gravity are untenable. On this basis, we exclude them, including General relativity, from further consideration and will continue to analyze only the law of universal gravitation, since all of them are untenable at the stage of assumptions and postulates.

      Since the brilliant Einstein, through mathematical speculation, declared the Law of universal gravitation to be a special case of the theory of relativity, then we should have included the Law of universal gravitation in the same group of theories. Prove that the law of universal gravitation is only a special case of General relativity, It was very difficult for Einstein, because Newton's gravity is clearly a force, and Einstein's at is the geometry of space. It turned out that force = geometry, which contradicts elementary logic. But a genius armed with mathematics can easily overcome all logical difficulties, for the sake of the higher logic of space-time.

      There is another theory of gravity that is not generally accepted, but it is held by a huge army of alternative scientists. We mean the theory of universal pushed Lesage. According to this theory, all material bodies are pushed to each other by the ether, because these material bodies shield each other from the ether and therefore the number of ether impacts between bodies is less than outside these bodies. This theory, of course, is untenable, because the brilliant Einstein showed that the ether does not exist in nature. Even more radical was Ivan Vasilyevich Ponomarenko, who clearly and unambiguously stated on the basis of information from a highly developed civilization that there is no ether or physical vacuum in nature. At the same time, this theory will be useful to us in the future, and we will remember it in the right place.

      2. Difficulties of the law of universal gravitation

      So, the law of gravitation says that substance is attracted to substance (mass to mass). The main difficulty of this theory is that the entire million-year experience of Homo sapiens on Earth suggests that substance is not attracted to substance. Humanity has not noticed, for example, that two boulders are crawling towards each other, just as the sand on the beach for some reason does not grasp gravity into a monolith, but remains loose. The rings of Saturn have not fallen into one big piece for millions of years, and each piece of ice continues to revolve around Saturn independently and separately from the others.

      In 1847, E. Rocha posed and allegedly solved the problem of rings

      Saturn, because they are below the so-called E. Roche limit, when the ice floes are torn apart by tidal forces, so they cannot make up one large body.

      "Limit Rocha – the distance from the planet (star) to its satellite, closer than which, the satellite is destroyed by tidal forces. When a satellite moves in an orbit around a planet (star), the force of its attraction acting on the satellite element is compensated