The Ancient Mythology: Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Greek and Roman Myths. Lewis Spence. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lewis Spence
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Социология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066392796
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       E. M. Berens, Lewis Spence

      The Ancient Mythology: Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Greek and Roman Myths

      Published by


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      2020 OK Publishing

      EAN 4064066392796

       Myths and Legends of Babylonia & Assyria

       Myths and Legends of Ancient Egypt Mythology

       Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome


       Table of Contents

       Chapter I: Babylonia and Assyria in History and Legend

       Chapter II: Babylonian Cosmogony

       Chapter III: Early Babylonian Religion

       Chapter IV: The Gilgamesh Epic

       Chapter V: The Later Pantheon of Babylonia

       Chapter VI: The Great God Merodach and His Cult

       Chapter VIII: Babylonian Star-Worship

       Chapter IX: The Priesthood, Cult, and Temples

       Chapter X: The Magic and Demonology of Babylonia and Assyria

       Chapter XI: The Mythological Monsters and Animals of Chaldea

       Chapter XII: Tales of the Babylonian and Assyrian Kings

       Chapter XIII: The Comparative Value of the Babylonian and Assyrian Religions

       Chapter XIV: Modern Excavation in Babylonia and Assyria

       Chapter XV: The Twilight of the Gods

      Assault on a City from a bas-relief representing the Campaigns of Sennacherib

      CHAPTER I:


       Table of Contents

      To our fathers until well-nigh a century ago Babylon was no more than a mighty name—a gigantic skeleton whose ribs protruded here and there from the sands of Syria in colossal ruin of tower and temple. But now the grey shroud which hid from view the remains of the glow and glitter of her ancient splendour has to some extent been withdrawn, and through the labours of a band of scholars and explorers whose lives and work must be classed as among the most romantic passages in the history of human effort we are now enabled to view the wondrous panorama of human civilization as it evolved in the valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates.

      The name 'Babylon' carries with it the sound of a deep, mysterious spell, such a conjuration as might be uttered in the recesses of secret temples. It awakens a thousand echoes in the imagination. It holds a music richer than that of Egypt. Babylon, Babylon—the sonorous charm of the word is as a line from some great epic. It falls on the ear of the historian like distant thunder. Behind the grandeur of Rome and the beauty of Greece it looms as a great and thick darkness over which flash at intervals streams of uncertain light as half-forgotten kings and priests, conquerors and tyrants, demi-gods and mighty builders pass through the gloom from obscurity to obscurity—sometimes in the full glare of historical recognition, but more often in the half-light and partially relieved dusk of uncertainty. Other shapes, again, move like ghosts in complete and utter darkness, and these are by far the most numerous of all.

      But the spirit of Babylon is no soft and alluring thing eloquent of Oriental wonders or charged with the delicious fascination of the East. Rather is it a thing stark and strong, informed with fate and epical in its intense recognition of destiny. In Babylonian history there are but two figures of moment—the soldier and the priest. We are dealing with a race austere and stern, a race of rigorous religious devotees and conquerors, the Romans of the East—but not an unimaginative race, for the Babylonians and Assyrians came of that stock which gave to the world its greatest religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Mohammedanism, a race not without the sense of mystery and science, for Babylon was the mother of astrology and magic, and established the beginnings of the study of the stars; and, lastly, of commerce, for the first true financial operations and the first houses of exchange were founded in the shadows of her temples and palaces.

      The boundaries of the land where the races of Babylonia and Assyria evolved one of the most remarkable and original civilizations in the world's history are the two mighty rivers of Western Asia, the Tigris and Euphrates, Assyria being identical with the more northerly and mountainous portion, and Babylonia with the southerly part, which inclined to be flat and marshy. Both tracts of country were inhabited by people of the same race, save that the Assyrians had acquired the characteristics of a population dwelling in a hilly country and had become to some extent intermingled with Hittite and Amorite elements. But both were branches of an ancient Semitic stock, the epoch of whose entrance into the land it is impossible to fix. In the oldest inscriptions discovered we find those Semitic immigrants at strife with the indigenous people of the country, the Akkadians, with whom they were subsequently to mingle and whose beliefs and magical and occult conceptions especially they were afterward to incorporate with their own.

      The Akkadians

      Who, then, were the Akkadians whom the Babylonian Semites came to displace but with whom they finally mingled? Great and bitter has been the controversy which has raged around the racial affinities of this people. Some have held that they were themselves of Semitic stock, others that they were of a race more nearly approaching the Mongol, the Lapp, and the Basque. In such a book as this, the object of which is to present an account of the Babylonian mythology, it is unnecessary to follow the protagonists of either theory into the dark recesses whither the conflict has led them. But the probability is that the Akkadians, who are usually represented upon their monuments