Ellen G. White
A Sketch of the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White
Published by Good Press, 2020
EAN 4064066404796
Table of Contents
To the Remnant scattered Abroad
Shaking of the powers of Heaven
The Last Plagues and the Judgment
Texts of Scripture Referred to on page 8
A View of Events Occurring at the End of the 2300 Days
Duty in View of the Time of Trouble
Time not Connected with the Message of the Third Angel, Revelation 14:9–12
We are well aware that many honest seekers after truth and bible holiness are prejudiced against visions. Two great causes have created this prejudice. First, fanaticism, accompanied by false visions and exercises, has existed more or less, almost everywhere. This has led many of the sincere to doubt anything of the kind. Second, the exhibition of mesmerism, etc., and what is commonly called the “mysterious rappings,” are perfectly calculated to deceive, and create unbelief relative to the gifts and operations of the Spirit of God.
But God is unchangeable. His work through Moses in the presence of Pharaoh was perfect, notwithstanding “Jannes and Jambres” were permitted to perform miracles by the power of Satan, that resembled the miracles wrought by Moses. The counterfeit also appeared in the days of the apostles, yet the gifts of the Spirit were manifested in the followers of Christ. And it is not the purpose of God to leave his people in this age of almost unbounded deception, without the gifts and manifestations of his Spirit.
The design of a counterfeit is to imitate an existing reality. Therefore the present manifestation of the spirit of error is proof that God manifests himself to his children by the power of the Holy Spirit, and that he is about to fulfil his word gloriously.
“And it shall come to pass in the LAST DAYS, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams, etc.” Acts 2:17; Joel 2:28.
As for mesmerism we have ever considered it dangerous, therefore have had nothing to do with it. We never even saw a person in a mesmeric sleep, and know nothing by experience of the art.
We send out this little work with the hope that it will comfort the saints.
Saratoga Springs, N. Y., August, 1851.
Experience and Views
By the request of dear friends I have consented to give a brief sketch of my experience and views, with the hope that it will cheer and strengthen the humble trusting children of the Lord.
At the age of eleven years I was converted, and when twelve years old was baptized, and joined the Methodist Church. At the age of thirteen I heard Bro. Miller deliver his second course of lectures in Portland Me. I then felt that I was not holy, not ready to see Jesus. And when the invitation was given for church members and sinners to come forward for prayers, I embraced the first opportunity, for I knew that I must have a great work done for me to fit me for Heaven. My soul was thirsting for full and free salvation, but knew not how to obtain it.
In 1842 I constantly attended the Second Advent meetings in Portland, Me., and fully believed the Lord was coming. I was hungering and thirsting for full salvation, and an entire conformity to the will of God. Day and night I was struggling to obtain this priceless treasure, that all the riches of earth could not purchase. As I was bowed before God praying for this blessing the duty to go and pray in a public prayer-meeting was presented before me. I had never prayed vocally in meeting, and drew back from the duty fearing that if I should attempt to pray I should be confounded. Every time I went before the Lord in secret prayer this unfulfilled duty presented itself, until I ceased to pray, and settled down in a melancholy state, and finally in deep despair.
In this state of mind I remained for three weeks, with not one ray of light to pierce the thick clouds of darkness around me. I then had two dreams which gave me a faint ray of light and hope. After that I opened my mind to my devoted mother. She told me that I was not lost, and advised me to go and see Bro. Stockman, who then preached to the Advent people in Portland. I had great confidence in him, for he was a devoted and beloved servant of Christ.