The Millionaire's Club: Jacob, Logan and Marc: Black-Tie Seduction / Less-than-Innocent Invitation / Strictly Confidential Attraction. Brenda Jackson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Brenda Jackson
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Зарубежные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781408921098
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       Passions ignite for these gorgeous andwealthy bachelors!

      The Millionaire’s

      Club: Jacob,

      Logan & Marc

      Three arrogant and seductive heroes you’ll

      never forget from three favourite authors!

       In July 2010 Mills & Boon bring you fourclassic collections, each featuring three favouriteromances by our bestselling authors


      by Sandra Marton

       The Italian Prince’s Pregnant Bride

       The Greek Prince’s Chosen Wife

       The Spanish Prince’s Virgin Bride


      Kept by the Tycoon by Lee Wilkinson

      Taken by the Tycoon by Kathryn Ross

      The Tycoon’s Proposal by Leigh Michaels



      Black-Tie Seduction by Cindy Gerard

      Less-Than-Innocent Invitation by Shirley Rogers

      Strictly Confidential Attraction by Brenda Jackson


      Having Her Boss’s Baby by Susan Mallery

      Business or Pleasure? by Julie Hogan

      Business Affairs by Shirley Rogers

      The Millionaire’s

      Club: Jacob,

      Logan & Marc

      Cindy Gerard

      Shirley Rogers

      Brenda Jackson

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      Black-Tie Seduction


Cindy Gerard

      Cindy Gerard has repeatedly made appearances on several bestseller lists, including USA TODAY.

      With numerous industry awards to her credit – among them the Romance Writers of America’s RITA® Award and the National Reader’s Choice Award – this former Golden Heart finalist and repeat Romantic Times nominee is the real deal. As one book reviewer put it, “Cindy Gerard provides everything romance readers want in a love story, passion, gut-wrenching emotion, intriguing characters and a captivating plot. This storyteller extraordinaire delivers all of this and more!”

      Cindy and her husband, Tom, live in the Midwest on a mini-farm with quarter horses, cats and two very spoiled dogs. When she’s not writing, she enjoys reading, travelling and spending time at their cabin in northern Minnesota unwinding with family and friends.

      Cindy loves to hear from her readers and invites you to visit her website at

      This book is dedicated to the fabulous women who worked so hard to make this new segment of THE MILLIONAIRE’S CLUB saga the best yet!

      Shirley Rogers, Brenda Jackson, Michelle Celmer, Sara Orwig and Kristi Gold.

      Ladies, it’s been my great pleasure!


       From the diary of Jessamine GoldenJuly 4, 1905

      Dear Diary,

      Today my life changed. It came out of the blue. Like a lightning strike in the midst of a sunset storm or the fireworks lighting up the sky during tonight’s celebration of our country’s independence. I’m not sure how else to describe what happened to me when I first set eyes on Brad Webster—or how to describe the clash of wills when he drew me aside and told me how things were going to be.

      “I run a clean town,” he said. “I don’t want any trouble from you.”

      He looked stern and angry and so very serious when he talked to me. And yet he didn’t arrest me, this man who walks on the opposite path that fate has set for me.

      Sheriff Brad Webster. Just writing his name makes my heart kick around inside my chest like a string of wild ponies. Saying it out loud makes my fingers tremble and my face flush hot and sends strange warm flames licking through my belly. You’d think I’d been smoking locoweed. And it is loco for me to be so obsessed by him.

      But despite his anger at me, he is the most beautiful man…if a man can be called beautiful. I remember some years ago Daddy and I were riding strays and we came upon this herd of wild mustangs. The stallion was big and ink-black and, oh, he was the prettiest thing I’d ever seen. Sleek and muscled, tall and strong. One look in that big guy’s eyes and you knew he was proud and brave.

      That’s what I thought when I saw the sheriff. Like that wild stallion, he is proud and brave. His hair is ink-black. His eyes are the most fascinating Texas-sky-blue. And tall. Lordy, is that man tall. But he’s no beanpole. Oh, no. He’s got the build of a working man. And he’s a man who believes in duty.

      Duty. His duty is why I must stop carrying on about him so. Brad Webster wears a badge that says he’s the law. And everything about the way he carries himself says he is as loyal to the law as I am loyal to the cause that has taken me on the wrong side of it.

      Dear, dear diary. Is there anything in life that is fair? Why does everything have to be so hard? I have met a man who makes me want to forget what drove me to a life of crime. But I can’t forget. I can’t. Just as I can’t forget that this amazing, beautiful man may be forced, by duty, to end my very life. Even worse, I may be forced to end his.

      Chapter One

       One man’s trash. Another man’s treasure.

      The old cliché wound around inside Christine Travers’s head like a coil of barbwire as she stared, disbelieving, at the treasure she’d just discovered.

      The good folks of Royal, Texas, had dug deep into their basements and attics to come up with items to donate to tonight’s auction. There were antique crystal pieces. Complete china sets. Magazines that dated back to the early nineteenth century. Furniture and painstakingly hand-stitched quilts. And then there was this box.

      Her breath stalled. Her heart beat so fast and so hard, she was afraid she might pass out. Right here. Right smack in the middle of this crowd of upper-crust residents, including a large contingent of Texas Cattleman’s Club members—the infamous and elite philanthropic organization that had staged tonight’s fund-raising auction to benefit Royal’s upcoming one hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary celebration.

      So, no. Passing out would not be good form any way you sliced it. And the last thing she would ever want to do was bring attention to herself—for any reason.

       Okay, Christine. Settle down. Take a deep breath. Another.

      Steadier now, with her fingers only marginally tingling, she glanced around the auction house to see if anyone was watching her with an odd expression—a sure sign she’d either screamed out loud, jumped up and