Edge of Hunger. Rhyannon Byrd. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Rhyannon Byrd
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781408911181
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moisture, but he knew she wasn’t going to cry. No, she was…turned on, he thought with a sharp, cracking jolt of realization that slammed through him. His words had aroused her as much as they had him.

      He watched her head shake from side to side, heard a low, trembling “no” whisper past her pink mouth. His eyes narrowed as he studied her, and it hit him that she looked like a woman who’d just rolled out of bed with a lover. Something aggressive and violent twisted in his stomach. Had she gone out and found some jerk-off to nail tonight, while he’d been alone in his bed, dreaming about her?

      â€œIt didn’t happen like that.” Her words came in a rush, and she slumped against the door frame, her body melting against the weathered wood as if she needed it to keep her upright. But her eyes changed, filling with an inner strength that aroused him even more than her shivering innocence, if that was possible.

      He wanted to demand who she’d been with but heard himself say, “Yeah? Then just what did I do to you in this dream, Miss Stratton?” He wanted to shake her up, throw her off balance, the same way she’d done to him. “There’s no way in hell I’d get you beneath me and not fuck you. Not-a-chance-in-hell,” he ground out.

      â€œYou did,” she breathed softly, the wild look taking her eyes again. “You…we had sex,” she said in a whispery little rush. “But…”

      â€œYeah? Spit it out, honey.” He grinned and gave her a crude look, letting his inner asshole free. “I’m dying of curiosity here.”

      She trembled, hugging herself tighter, her mouth quivering, eyes bright and wide as she stared up at him. She blinked. Then swallowed. “You bit me, Ian.”

      He froze, locked into place, while the floor fell out from beneath him. “What did you just say?”

      She swallowed again, trembling like a leaf, lifting one hand to press her fingers against the left side of her neck, beneath the fall of her hair. “You bit me…and I can…I can still feel the marks.”

      Ian watched, trapped within a thick, oppressive daze, as she slowly pulled her hand away, turning her fingers for him to see. And there, glistening on Molly Stratton’s pale little fingertips was a dark, crimson smear of blood.


      MOLLY’S HEART POUNDED to a painful beat as she watched Ian come closer, the movement of his body predatory and primal, like an animal’s. He moved in a way that was too natural for a human male, too elemental, all that power and shocking intensity pulsing from him in slow, heated waves that made her want to shiver and melt all at once. She saw his muscles shift beneath the burnished silk of his skin, almost too gracefully for such a big man, as if strength came to him too easily, without effort and dangerously smooth. It reminded her of the way he’d moved over her in the dream.

      He reached toward her with one large hand, the callused tips of his fingers scraping her skin, and moved the fall of her hair back from the side of her throat. The second he found the bite marks he’d made, his eyes flared into a hot, wicked blue, then narrowed, staring…unblinking. His breath surged between his slightly parted lips with a rough, uneven cadence.

      She wet her bottom lip with the tip of her tongue, a wave of chill bumps spreading over the sensitized surface of her body, while inside, chaos reigned. Her heart fluttered wildly like a trapped bird that might burst from her chest with her next breath, the sound of her pulse roaring in her ears like the midnight break of surf against craggy, weatherworn cliffs. The subconscious landscape of her emotions was a dark, gothic setting, complete with smoke-gray skies and thunderous cracks of lightning rumbling like ominous bellows in the distance.

      All you need is Shelley’s Frankenstein lurking in the shadows to make you feel right at home.

      She shook off the whimsical thought, wishing he’d just say something.

      â€œUnbelievable,” he finally breathed out in a low, stifled rasp. Molly watched the word as it formed on his lips, mesmerized by the shape of his mouth, the texture and hue, something inside of her coming a little undone by the salty, sweet scent of his breath. It sat on her palate like the promise of something forbidden and sweet, like a sin. Pure, perfect temptation. His fingers slid farther beneath her hair, curving around the back of her head, and she stole another quick look up at his eyes to find him watching her, his stare as hot as it was intensely blue.

      Oh, God, she silently moaned, while her voice remained frozen, locked inside the prison of her throat.

      His gaze moved over her face as if she was something he’d never seen before. Like Adam discovering Eve, he stared at her as though she were some foreign creature. A revelation. A curse. Something he should fear. Something that could destroy him.

      â€œWhat do you want from me?” he ground out through teeth that were clenched in confusion and some indefinable emotion, his fingers tightening the slightest fraction in her hair. “How the fuck did this happen?”

      â€œI…I don’t know.” Scraping the confession out of a dry throat, Molly became aware of tiny pinpricks of sensation swirling through her system. She could feel its rush through her blood, behind her eyes, pulsing like tender heat in her lobes, against the backs of her knees. Desire, unfathomable and unwanted, and completely inexplicable, considering the circumstances. But there all the same. She couldn’t deny, or ignore, its existence, no matter how badly she wanted to. She felt betrayed by the sheer depth of her reaction, as if lust had mounted a revolt against her common sense.

      The sultry summer breeze blew harder, and his scent surrounded her, engulfed her, making her dizzy… making her want. His hand shifted again, slipping lower, curving around the back of her neck, and his skin was too hot, burning her flesh. So alive and warm and impossibly male. She blinked, and suddenly his body was even closer. So close now that his forehead nearly touched hers, their breath soughing together in a hectic, frenzied rush. “No more games. I want an answer, and I want it now. How did this happen?”

      â€œI…I have no idea.” She could tell from his grim expression that he didn’t believe her, and the words rushed up from inside of her like a gasping, swelling burst of frustration and fear. “I swear, Ian. I have no idea how it happened. That’s why I came here. I was worried. I needed to see that you were okay.”

      â€œTo see that I’m okay?” he growled, lashes so long and thick they cast shadows against his skin. “Christ, woman. I’m not the one who almost had their fucking throat ripped out.”

      A police car came roaring around the corner in the next instant, siren blaring as it sped past the weathered apartment building and into the night. They both jumped, flinching from the jarring screech of the siren’s wail.

      Pulling away from her, Ian pushed one rugged hand back through his damp hair, the muscles in his arm and chest coiling and flexing with the action, drawing her eye. “I need a cigarette,” he muttered, turning and disappearing into the darkness behind him. He didn’t slam the door in her face, so Molly assumed she wasn’t being told to leave. He moved deeper into the shadows of the apartment and she followed, pulling the door shut behind her.

      Without the light from the street, darkness blanketed the room. The loss of sight made her other senses sharper, the panting sound of her breath filling her ears, the surface of her body so sensitive, it was as if she could feel the shadows against her skin. They slipped over her flesh like tiny, featherlight touches of a fingertip, stroking her cheekbones, her chin, the line of her throat.

      Just stay calm. Don’t freak. And for God’s sake, don’t start crying again. He’ll think you’re out of your mind. Not that he doesn’t think that already.

      Taking a deep, trembling breath, Molly squinted against the darkness, unsure of where to walk, until a low glow of light spilled into