Richard Rive. Shaun Viljoen. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Shaun Viljoen
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781868148240
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      Richard Rive

      Rive Richard

       a partial biography

      Shaun Viljoen

      Published in South Africa by:

      Wits University Press

      1 Jan Smuts Avenue



      Copyright © Shaun Viljoen 2013

      ‘Mapping’ from The dream in the next body by Gabeba Baderoon, Cape Town, Kwela. 2005. Reproduced by permission of Kwela Books.

      Bertolt Brecht, ‘An die Nachgeborenen’ (To Those Born Later)

      © Bertolt-Brecht-Erben / Suhrkamp Verlag.

      First published 2013

      ISBN (print) 978-1-86814-743-4

      ISBN (EPUB - IPG) 978-1-86814-824-0

      ISBN (EPUB - ROW) 978-1-86814-825-7

      ISBN (PDF) 978-1-86814-744-1

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher, except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act, Act 98 of 1978.

      Edited by Alison Lockhart

      Proofread by Lisa Compton

      Cover artwork © George Hallett

      Cover design by Michelle Staples

      Book design and layout by Michelle Staples

      Wits University Press and the author have made every reasonable effort to contact and acknowledge copyright owners. Please notify the publishers should copyright not have been properly identified and acknowledged. Corrections will be incorporated in subsequent editions of the book.

      Printed and bound by Interpak Books

      For Ian Viljoen (1929–1991) and Anna Viljoen (1934–)

      Hatred, even of meanness

      Contorts the features.

      Anger, even against injustice

      Makes the voice hoarse. Oh, we

      Who wanted to prepare the ground for friendliness

      Could not ourselves be friendly.

      But you, when the time comes at last

      And man is helper to man

      Think of us

      With forbearance.

       — Bertolt Brecht, ‘To Those Born Later’

      but our discarded parts,

      with their uncertain shifts from

      inside to outside,

      show that definiteness

      is only the edge

      of desire

       — Gabeba Baderoon, ‘Mapping’



       List of Photographs


       Part I: 1930–1960

       Chapter 1

       Chapter 2

       Part II: 1960–1970

       Chapter 3

       Chapter 4

       Part III: 1970–1980

       Chapter 5

       Chapter 6

       Part IV: 1980–1990

       Chapter 7

       Chapter 8



       Select Bibliography


      Michelle Adler, my PhD supervisor, and Tim Couzens, my supervisor in the initial stages of the doctorate, as well as David Attwell, my National Research Foundation-appointed mentor for 2004–2005, helped me do the groundwork for this book. Craig MacKenzie and Stefan Helgesson’s examiners’ reports were most helpful in rethinking, extending and reformulating ideas, as were the comments of peer reviewers of the final book manuscript, Michael Titlestad and David Johnson.

      A number of colleagues at Stellenbosch University generously commented on parts of the book: thanks to Louise Green, Grace Musila, Lynda Spencer, Tina Steiner and Nwabisa Bangeni. Other colleagues, ex-colleagues and friends took time to give me their detailed views on drafts of the book – Sarah Nuttall and Nita Hanmer, my most critical and helpful readers, in particular – as well as Flora Veit-Wild, Milton van Wyk and Dan Yon. Basil Appollis offered continual interest and generous contributions from the start to the conclusion of this project.

      Dan Yon, David Medalie and Sandra Swart, dear friends and colleagues, allowed me to share the ups and downs of academic projects and private life and helped to keep this project in perspective. The willing participation and generosity of many of Rive’s friends, especially the late Ivan Abrahams and Albert Adams, and also Ursula and Gilbert Reines, made the more personal aspects of this portrait possible. Maeve Heneke and Stephen Yeo shared memories, criticism and a most generous and supportive second home in London. Richard Hauke, in Virginia, very generously gave his wife Kathleen’s almost two decades of research on Rive to the National English Literary Museum (Nelm) and to me, after she passed away in 2004 before completing her own biography on Rive.

      Tristan Brikkels, my even-tempered, optimistic partner who bore the brunt of the tantrums and despair, and the rest of my family – Anna Viljoen and Jasper Walters, and Sharon, Dwane, Nicolas and Meghan Harris – were the comedians and cooks who were always interested in my work and helped to keep me going to the very end. Good food indeed played a part in sustaining the writing; thanks to Harald Bresselschmidt and the staff of Aubergine for providing a writing retreat with the best soul food in the world. Constant support and good food came from my Caledon family Elsabe and Dennis Alexander, and Vetesia and Paul Abrahams.

      I also wish to thank the following people for their help:

      — the numerous interviewees who almost always gave time and shared memories in the most generous ways. They are accredited by name or anonymously in the work. In particular, thanks to George Hallett, who has been very generous in sharing both his photographs and memories;

      — Roshan Cader at Wits University Press for her frank questions and comments, Alison Lockhart, the editor who understood what I was trying to do, and Alfred LeMaitre for a most useful initial edit of the book;

      — colleagues at Stellenbosch University for their encouragement and support, in particular Meg Samuelson,