Wild Things They Don't Tell Us - Aliens, Alchemy, Government Denials - The Truth is in Here!. Reg Presley. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Reg Presley
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Биографии и Мемуары
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781782195047
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      Title Page




      CHAPTER 1

      CHAPTER 2

      CHAPTER 3

      CHAPTER 4

      CHAPTER 5

      CHAPTER 6

      CHAPTER 7

      CHAPTER 8

      CHAPTER 9

      CHAPTER 10

      CHAPTER 11

      CHAPTER 12

      CHAPTER 13

      CHAPTER 14

      CHAPTER 15

      CHAPTER 16

      CHAPTER 17

      CHAPTER 18

      CHAPTER 19




      This book was not conceived to make money. It was conceived to inform, to place the people who read it in a position to find the truth out for themselves. Only the individual can find the truth that suits their reasoning. I have been helped by people willing to share their thoughts and findings with anyone willing to listen. Each one of them has followed specific avenues of investigation. My idea in writing this book was to seek out and bring together all the avenues of their work and try to form the ultimate picture of their findings, so that people that do not have time can see where it could all be leading. If this book only enlightens one person, then we are all, possibly, a step nearer to the truth.

      Gargantuan thanks to:

      Colin Andrews, who first took me down the path of reasoning about the crop circle phenomenon and to the friendship we have formed throughout the years and also for his input into the book. Also to ever ready Busty Taylor, willing at the drop of a hat to help anyone, for his input in the book. To farmers Tim and Polly Carson, for letting the hordes of crop circle enthusiasts on to their land without so much as a murmur of discontent, and also to any like-minded farmers in the region. To best-selling author Laurence Gardner for a goldmine of information from his Bloodline Of The Holy Grail and Genesis Of The Grail Kings – in the future I hope to work with him on a TV series on his subjects. To David Hudson, for courage and perseverance on his long trek to seek out the truth about gold powder and a possible cure for all ills. To Graham Hancock – who’s ahead of the swim! To the late Royal Raymond Rife for the same effect, but through a different avenue of research. To Richard Hoagland for bringing attention to the Monument on Mars. To Errol Torun for how the planets may work. To the amazing work of amateur Egyptologist John West, who discovered that the Sphinx is at least 15,000 years old. To Dr Richard Thomson and Michael Cremo for their co-authored book on forbidden archaeology. To Virginia Steen-McIntyre, PhD; J D Whitney, geologist; Carl Baugh, anthropologist; Dr Dale Peterson, MD; Don Patton, geologist; plus miners from South Africa for letting the world know that mankind could date from at least as far back as 2.8 billion years ago. To Derrel Sims and Dr Roger Leir for their work on getting proof of abductions and alien implants. To Stanton Freidman for all his devotion and persistence on the Roswell crash and on the whole UFO subject. To Ray Santilli for awakening everyone to the fact that there is still something out there, and for being a pain in everyone’s butt. To the cameraman from Florida who says he took the alien autopsy footage at Roswell – please come forward, you’ll be a hero. To the late great Colonel Corso who was at the Pentagon in 1947 and worked on artefacts from the Roswell crashed UFO. To Steven Greer for relentless persistence to make the American government come clean about what they know or don’t know, through his Disclosure Project. To Bob Dean for coming forward about his UFO knowledge of SHAPE. To Marina Popovitch, a truly warm and loveable person, and Russian cosmonaut. To Professor Valerie Uveroff – keep up the good work. To Alex the Russian lorry driver. To Jim Hurtak, in tune with the world. To film director Marcus Thompson for having the faith to make A Place to Stay a love story with crop circle connections, and allowing me the privilege of playing a small role. To Marcus Allen who runs the UK NEXUS magazine for keeping me informed about the A to Z of the weird. To David Percy, many thanks. To David Parker, thanks for the photograph. To amateur astronomer Chris Trubridge for his discovery of the star system above and its connection with Avebury. To Germany’s Michael Hesseman – born to get to the bottom of everything and tell the world. And to Adam for having faith. For stories and sightings to producer Richard Niles, Ray Dorset of Mungo Jerry, Clem Curtis of The Foundations, Pete Lucas of The Troggs, Noddy Holder of Slade, and last but not least Sting. To Joyce Bowls and the late Ted Pratt for sharing their story. To Brian Tubb for his phenomenal observation of geese. To Gary Keel and family. To James and Yvonne Withers for good memories. To Tom and Kerry Blower for staging conferences. To Irene Bott for the same. To Adrian and June and all at the Barge Inn in Honey Street, Wiltshire, for their services to the cause. To Patrick at the Red Lion at Avebury for the same. To Matt Williams who finds it hard to keep out of trouble, but can always mend a sick computer. To the only Yank who can find and pinpoint anybody’s camcorder, on a tripod, within a ten-mile radius, in the pitch dark, while they are actually filming a UFO, kick it and place obscene language on the soundtrack all within a few seconds – the one and only Peter Sorensen. The Americans should have used him as a pilot in Afghanistan with that kind of accuracy, but he’s always welcome back. To the hoaxers who keep us amused while we are searching for the real ones. To my daughter Karen who took my place on night watches when I was performing. To my son Jason who didn’t give up on my grammar! To Phamie MacDonald, a work force to be reckoned with in her own right who fought alongside me to get the book out on time, a great graphic designer. To international artist David Penfound for the artwork on the book cover, above and beyond the call of duty. See his work at davidpenfound.com. To my wife Brenda who as yet doesn’t believe in UFOs even though she has seen one! To the extraordinary and outstanding Keith Altham for introducing me to John Blake. And last but not least to John Blake of Blake Publishing for having the insight to know that you, the public, have the right to know all possibilities.

      I thank you all and wish you good hunting – for the truth, that is!


      There was a time when most people probably thought that Leonardo da Vinci should have been fitted up for a straitjacket because he suggested that one day we might fly in helicopters and travel underwater in submarines. There was a time when popular opinion would have locked Christopher Columbus away for daring to suggest that you could sail right around the world instead of off the edge. There’s always a time when visionaries are in danger of being stowed away in padded cells, or at best laughed at, and I guess Reg Presley is no different.

      Whether his beliefs and predictions turn out to be science fiction speculation or prophesy leading us to a brave new world, one filled with benign beings from other planets who have come to help us, and guide our day to day lives – who knows? Whilst, there are some who will never be convinced beyond all reasonable doubt that what is in this book is anything more than speculation, I’ve yet to hear anyone, scientist, politician or cleric, who could convince me that there definitely aren’t alien beings ‘out there’ somewhere. If I were to put money on it, I’m sure that the laws of probability would weigh in on Reg’s side, against the majority who insist on doing a Greta Garbo and wanting to be alone.

      Of course there’s no way that anyone at the moment can either prove or disprove that there’s anything else out there. But me? I’d rather live in a world where there’s the slightest chance that Reg Presley’s dreams are reality, than live in determined