Wilde Side. Jannine Gallant. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jannine Gallant
Издательство: Ingram
Серия: Born to Be Wilde
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781601837707
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      Cover Copy

      The Wilde brothers are addicted to the rush of adventure. But one of them is about to discover that it’s sink or swim, when passion and politics collide…

      Whitewater rafting guide Sawyer Wilde has taken his share of inexperienced adventure seekers through the rapids of Idaho’s Salmon River, so his next group should pose no problems—even if it includes a presidential hopeful and his sexy, outspoken aide. After all, it’s just a campaign photo-op for the congressman. Until a series of minor mishaps takes a sinister turn…

      Devin Lockhart has one job on the rafting trip: to make her boss look both presidential and relatable. And no matter how distractingly attractive their guide is, she plans to do it well. But as danger stalks them through every bend in the river, Devin must put her life—and the congressman’s—in Sawyer’s capable hands. Because surviving the trip is only the beginning of a deadly ride…

      “Well developed, realistic characters. Entertaining family dynamics. Jannine Gallant gives you a satisfying read.”

      —Kat Martin, New York Times bestselling author

      “Check all the windows and doors before you go to bed because the relentless, obsessive stalker in Every Move She Makes will have you looking over your shoulder long after the lights go out.”

      —Nancy Bush, New York Times bestselling author

      Visit us at www.kensingtonbooks.com

      Books by Jannine Gallant

      Who’s Watching Now

      Every Move She Makes

      Every Step She Takes

      Every Vow She Breaks

      Born to Be Wilde

      Wilde One

      Wilde Side

      Published by Kensington Publishing Corporation

      Wilde Side

      Born to Be Wilde

      Jannine Gallant



      Kensington Publishing Corp.



      Lyrical Press books are published by

      Kensington Publishing Corp. 119 West 40th Street New York, NY 10018

      Copyright © 2016 by Jannine Gallant

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      First Electronic Edition: October 2016

      ISBN-13: 978-1-60183-770-7

      ISBN-10: 1-60183-770-4

      First Print Edition: October 2016

      ISBN-13: 978-1-60183-774-5

      ISBN-10: 1-60183-774-7


      To my mom, Marilyn Strandberg, for her endless support and encouragement.

      Thank you for being the amazing, caring woman you are.

      Chapter 1

      The limo ahead jostled and shook, hitting every hole pocking the endless dirt road winding through the wilds of Idaho. Since the black behemoth more closely resembled an armored tank than a luxury vehicle, the occupants probably barely felt the bumps. Lucky them. When her head smacked against the side window after the support van bounced through a particularly deep rut, Devin Lockhart clamped her teeth together. Too bad she’d been relegated to traveling with the media team instead of riding with the congressman’s personal entourage.

      As both vehicles picked up speed to a bone-jarring level, she swore beneath her breath. If one of the newshounds hadn’t been sitting right next to her, she’d have used a few choice phrases to express her true feelings about her boss’s latest scheme to ingratiate himself with the voting public.

      Leg outstretched, she readjusted to anchor herself better with a foot jammed against the door and a white-knuckled grip on the armrest. This ridiculous backwoods rafting adventure was designed to favorably sway the opinion of the common man in the upcoming presidential election. Portray Walton Hinsdale as a stalwart hero primed to conquer the wilderness with his devoted son by his side.

      She snorted softly. What a crock.

      “I can’t believe we aren’t there yet. Shit!”

      The grumbled complaint rose to a squeak as another bump sent them airborne. She glanced sideways, and a grin slipped out. Apparently the reporter from the TV news show, Political Spotlight, didn’t share her inhibitions. Liam Kennedy’s lips twisted in a grimace, and brown eyes held a touch of panic behind thick-lensed glasses. He couldn’t be much older than her own twenty-nine years, but the man had bragged earlier about landing such a prestigious assignment. If his pained expression was any indication, he was rethinking his good fortune.

      Devin took pity on him. “I was told twenty-five miles of dirt road.” She craned her neck to see the odometer. “We’ve gone twenty-four.”

      “Thank God. I’ve gotta pee like a race horse, and the bouncing isn’t helping.”

      She pressed a hand to her lips to hold back a laugh, relieved she’d been smart enough to opt out of a second cup of coffee with her breakfast.

      “Here we are, folks, Boundary Creek Campground.” The driver’s amused gaze met hers in the rearview mirror as the older woman stopped the van behind the limo. “For those in need, toilets are over to the right through those trees.”

      When Devin pulled the release handle on the door to slide it open, the journalist bolted past her and disappeared into a stand of lodgepole pine. She and the videographer riding in the back seat climbed out more slowly. Stretching her arms out in front of her to ease kinked muscles, she took a bracing breath of chilly morning air—then nearly choked when her gaze landed on the man approaching at a fast clip. If he were a mere mortal. Devin had serious doubts. The specimens who hung around Capitol Hill didn’t have hard-muscled chests tanned to a deep bronze, or arms that could surely sweep her off her feet with little effort. Short brown hair, damp from a shower—or maybe a swim in the river roaring loud