Victorious Living. E. Stanley Jones. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: E. Stanley Jones
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781426796210
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      Title page

      Copyright page

      Victorious Living

      Copyright © 1936 by Whitmore & Stone

      Copyright © renewal 1964 by E. Stanley Jones

      This edition published in 2015 by Abingdon Press

      All rights reserved.

      No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, except as may be expressly permitted by the 1976 Copyright Act or in writing from the publisher. Requests for permission should be addressed in writing to Permissions, The United Methodist Publishing House, P.O. Box 801, Nashville, TN 37208-0801, or 2200 Rosa L. Parks Boulevard, Nashville, TN 37228 or e-mailed to [email protected].

      ISBN 978-1-4267-9621-0

      All Scripture quotations, unless noted otherwise, are taken from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright 1952 [2nd edition, 1971] by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

      Scripture quotations marked CEB are taken from the Common English Bible (CEB), copyright 2011. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

      Scripture quotations marked Moffatt are taken from The Bible: A New Translation, by James Moffatt

      Scripture quotations marked ASV are taken from the American Standard Version of the Bible.

      Scripture quotations marked KJV are taken from the Authorized (King James) Version. Rights in the Authorized Version in the United Kingdom are vested in the Crown. Reproduced by permission of the Crown’s patentee, Cambridge University Press.

      Scripture quotations marked Weymouth are taken from the The New Testament in Modern Speech, by Richard Francis Weymouth (London: James Clarke & Co., 1903).




      Publisher’s Preface

      Foreword: So Much the Better by Leonard Sweet

      Author’s Introduction

      Week 1 Sunday: The Question That Halts Our Quest; Monday: Follow a Life of No or a Life of Yes?; Tuesday: Is Life a Bubble or an Egg?; Wednesday: In Which We Look at the Alternatives; Thursday: In Which We Continue to Look at the Alternatives; Friday: In Which We Still Continue to Look at the Alternatives; Saturday: In Which We Make Our Choice

      Week 2 Sunday: Why Are We Religious? Monday: The Divine Initiative; Tuesday: In Which Religion Is Defined for Us; Wednesday: The Central Emphasis in the Definition; Thursday: The Kingdom Written Within; Friday: The Kingdom and Life; Saturday: Are Religious People Unnatural and Strange?

      Week 3 Sunday: Toiling in the Dark; Monday: How Do We Get to the Goal of Self-expression? Tuesday: How Do We Get Rid of Enemies? Wednesday: How Can We Arrive at Greatness? Thursday: How Do We Get to Happiness? Friday: How Can We Arrive at the Goal of Sex-fulfillment? Saturday: How Can We Arrive at the Goal of Inward Unity?

      Week 4 Sunday: How Can I Find God? Monday: The Risk God Took; Tuesday: God’s Search for Me; Wednesday: Some Further Considerations in Finding God; Thursday: Who Can Find God? Friday: Facing the Issues; Saturday: We Apply the Tests

      Week 5 Sunday: Am I Truthful? Monday: Am I Honest? Tuesday: Am I Pure? Wednesday: Am I Easily Offended or Am I Loving? Thursday: Am I Selfish or Are My Powers Dedicated? Friday: Is Confession Necessary? Saturday: To Whom Must I Confess?

      Week 6 Sunday: Untangling Our Lives; Monday: Still Untangling Our Lives; Tuesday: Still Further Untangling Our Lives; Wednesday: In Which I Make the Surrender; Thursday: Thronging or Touching? Friday: What Does Faith Really Mean? Saturday: Must I Understand All Before I Follow?

      Week 7 Sunday: First Steps Out of the Old Life; Monday: What Is Conversion? Tuesday: We Continue to Look at Conversion; Wednesday: Empty; Thursday: Is Conversion a Manifestation of the Sex Urge? Friday: Do Conversions Conform to One Pattern? Saturday: The Central Thing in Conversion

      Week 8 Sunday: What Is the Basis of Assurance? Monday: The Assurance of the Word; Tuesday: The Assurance of the Collective Witness; Wednesday: The Assurance That Comes through New Moral Power; Thursday: The Assurance of the Creative Impulse; Friday: The Most Intimate of All Assurances: The Assurance of the Spirit; Saturday: Is This Assurance Based on Feeling?

      Week 9 Sunday: The Take-off; Monday: Commit Yourself; Tuesday: Discipline Yourself; Wednesday: Establish the Prayer Habit; Thursday: Assimilate the Living Word; Friday: The Habit of Sharing; Saturday: The New Life and Recreation

      Week 10 Sunday: The Corporate Fellowship; Monday: Is Christendom Living Victoriously? Tuesday: The Spirit of Nonexpectancy; Wednesday: Is Forgiveness the Best We Can Expect? Thursday: What Does the Gospel Offer? Friday: What the Victorious Life Is Not; Saturday: What the Victorious Life Is Not (continued)

      Week 11 Sunday: What the Victorious Life Is Not (continued); Monday: What Is the Victorious Life? Tuesday: What Is the Victorious Life? (continued); Wednesday: Does Conversion Give Us Victorious Living? Thursday: The Inner Conflict; Friday: Can the Subconscious Be Converted? Saturday: Must We Face Another Spiritual Crisis?

      Week 12 Sunday: The Old and the New Side by Side; Monday: The Revelation of the Central Difficulty; Tuesday: The Consequences of This Attitude; Wednesday: Group Consequences of This Attitude; Thursday: Racial Consequences of This Attitude; Friday: The Contrast; Saturday: The Secret

      Week 13 Sunday: Stunted Lives; Monday: Arrested Growth; Tuesday: Tied Up through Fear; Wednesday: Tied Up through Mental Pride; Thursday: Tied Up through Moral Defeat; Friday: Tied Up through Shyness and Self-consciousness; Saturday: Tied Up by Sheer Emptiness

      Week 14 Sunday: Results of the Victorious Life; Monday: The Leisured Heart; Tuesday: The Power to Live in Spite Of; Wednesday: The Strain Taken Out; Thursday: Power over Every Sin; Friday: Simplicity and Straightforwardness; Saturday: Life Creative

      Week 15 Sunday: How Shall I Enter? Monday: Things to Avoid in Seeking; Tuesday: Further Things to Avoid; Wednesday: Whipping Up the Will; Thursday: The Crux of the Problem; Friday: Letting That Last Thing Go; Saturday: Compromises

      Week 16 Sunday: Further Compromise; Monday: We Search Relentlessly; Tuesday: Two Welcomes; Wednesday: All I Know and All I Don’t Know; Thursday: All I Don’t Know (continued); Friday: The Acceptance; Saturday: A Personal Word

      Week 17 Sunday: A Further Clarification; Monday: Fear of Not Having Emotion; Tuesday: Talk Faith to People; Wednesday: Clean through the Word; Thursday: The Cleansing of Their World; Friday: The Cleansing of the Kingdom; Saturday: Further Cleansing

      Week 18 Sunday: His Declaration of Faith; Monday: Overcoming the World; Tuesday: Overcoming the World of the Commonplace; Wednesday: Overcoming the Handicap of a Mediocre Family; Thursday: Overcoming the World of the Spectacular; Friday: Overcoming the World of Haste; Saturday: Overcoming Impatience with Bungling Instruments

      Week 19 Sunday: Overcoming the World of Resentment; Monday: Overcoming the World of the Irrelevant; Tuesday: Overcoming the World of Anxieties; Wednesday: Overcoming the Spirit of Withdrawal; Thursday: Overcoming the Unwillingness to Be in a Minority; Friday: Overcoming the World of Sin; Saturday: The Secret of the Overcoming

      Week 20 Sunday: Sublimation of the Instincts; Monday: Sublimation of the Instincts; (continued); Tuesday: Some Old Things New; Wednesday: Sublimating the Self Instinct; Thursday: Sublimating Sex; Friday: Sublimating the Instincts of Curiosity and Pride; Saturday: Sublimating the Acquisitive and the Herd Instincts

      Week 21 Sunday: Victorious Living and the Social Environment; Monday: Adaptive Organism and Suitable Environment;