WHEN DARKNESS REIGNS:. Wanda Covington. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Wanda Covington
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781922355621
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      It is with great joy and appreciation that I dedicate this book to several special people in my life. First, however, this book would not have been possible without the loving guidance of our Lord and Savior in whom I give all the glory. Second, without the experience of caring for my mother and the extraordinary love and faith that she exhibited, I would not have had the fortitude or knowledge in which to share. Next, I want to recognize and thank my husband, Jim, for his never-ending support and love during those difficult three years. Lastly, but certainly not least, I want to dedicate this book to my brother, David, who relentlessly and lovingly stood by me and assisted me in caring for our dear mother.


      Inevitably, dark times will wreak havoc in each person’s life without immunity. Struggles and hardships can become overwhelming and debilitating. Among those struggles lie the indelible effects of loss and death. Such tragedies and circumstances can leave one with a feeling of hopelessness. Sadly, loss can be a commonplace experience in the life of a caregiver. Caregiving is a crucial, yet often difficult role given to many who are tasked with providing nurturing and even life-sustaining care for another. Caring for a loved one is a critical responsibility that can ultimately, when intertwined with other complex trials and tribulations, drive a caregiver to become a seeker of answers and strength in order to alleviate pressures from discouragement and even despair. Many who reach perilous levels of desperation are led to search for hope and comfort which is often difficult to find in this fallen world. However, courage to conquer fear and defeat is found in abounding faith and trust that is only derived from seeking the presence and power from a heavenly Father who never disappoints or abandons us in our times of need. The divine Words provided by our Lord and Savior can become a lifeline to those who struggle with life’s daunting and crippling challenges. When darkness reigns upon your life, let this writing transform you from being driven by fear and brokenness to one who is abundantly upheld in strength and who overcomes darkness by becoming richly filled with faith.

      CHAPTER 1

       Encountering Adversarial Attacks

      One destiny in life that all will face at some point in time is grief associated with a loss through death. Grief comes to all, perhaps in different forms and in varying degrees but still and yet, it comes. Loss is a very real experience as we travel through this life. Some people seem to be much better prepared to handle these experiences while others become desperately lost and therefore tend to seek a variety of sources to alleviate the anguish that consumes them as a result. Many of these reactions are very real and common human responses in this broken world that we live in today. One keynote to bring forth at the forefront of this writing is to remember this truth; we too will one day experience death and leave this place we call home that exists in the sphere identified as the world. Death tends to be a topic that many people choose to avoid until they are absolutely forced to face it either due to their own pending mortality or that of someone they love. It certainly isn’t what most people think of as a pleasant subject to purposely fill their thoughts with on any given day. Assuredly, I acknowledge that the pain that comes with the mental and emotional suffering when death makes its way toward you or the life of a loved one, can be excruciating, terrifying and quite debilitating. My expertise on this matter is simply this; to have loved and lost. My experiences through these losses lead me to the writing of this book with a profound hope that you may share in discovering the source of the hope, strength, and peace that enabled me to endure and persevere through my loss and grief so that you too may attain the same. I speak confidently in saying that the greatest hope to lead you through grueling grief and dark

      circumstances in life is readily available to you if only you will seek it. Many desperately want it but don’t know how or where to begin to find it. My single goal in this writing is to show you how I discovered hope and to be a guide for your discovery of hope in times when darkness reigns.

      On average, most people probably never give much thought to actively seeking hope, peace, strength, and comfort as they move along their daily activities in life. After all, our days are generally made up of accomplishing tasks, meeting goals and deadlines, providing for our daily needs, and adding in some recreation when time allows. People tend to live under the perception that self-sufficiency will sustain them, and, on the surface, it appears so. Then the day arrives when an evil adversary enters your life through one phone call. The adversary known as a roaring lion who delivers fear, anxiety, apprehension, and even terror, enters your life through the voice of another person who has called to inform you that a loved one has been taken to the hospital for an unknown medical issue and the tentative test results bear a terrifying diagnosis. Perhaps this adversarial destroyer has held you captive for an ongoing period of time, crippling you almost daily as you watch a loved one deteriorate before your very eyes. It could be that you’ve been informed by a loved one that they have discovered that they are getting ready to enter a battle for their life against the intruder who came to them unexpectedly and has now forced them to completely reassess their entire life and existence. What if possibly, a person you love dearly has a sudden onset medical event and survives but makes you realize that the destroyer had such a tight clutch on them that they nearly left you forever. Any one of these dark circumstances and many others like them delivered by the great adversary could cripple a person and take them to a pit of despair. My journey to guide you to the way of hope will begin here since it exemplifies the best starting point to reveal how brokenness lead me to wholeness. In the nearly three years prior to this writing, all four of these dark destroyers came into my life in close proximity in time, forcing me to deal with an overwhelmingly difficult amount of challenges, both internally and externally. The roaring adversary was confident he had won. I am sure he was actively planning his victory celebration in honor of my defeat. If there were no hope, this would be a very short writing, however, if you are willing to proceed forward, you will discover that hope is real, it is lifesaving, and it is readily available to you.

      For you to have a more complete understanding of the challenges that befell me during those bleak three years, I must give you a brief background of who I was as a person prior to that. For much of my adult life, I served as a law enforcement officer and was approaching the completion of my 25th year of service in January of 2017. That type of career carries its own weights and burdens in and of itself. I managed through those years to move forward in a mindset of self-sufficiency; thinking that I was in control of my life, career, and those things and people connected to it. I had lost my father several years prior and it was my first real experience with loss except for a few friends and a beloved dog. Looking back on my life, those experiences were probably in keeping with the normal progression of time and events in the life of an average person. After the loss of my father, my mother lived alone in the home they shared for nearly 60 years. She was becoming elderly and health issues were increasingly presenting themselves. In some of the year 2015 and the majority of 2016, I found myself in the beginning stages of, at that time, part-time caregiver to my mother mainly due to some health issues that she had developed, as well as, some early signs of dementia. I was still working a full-time job that required some shift work, a lot of long strenuous hours and a tremendous amount of mental exhaustion from dealing with death and self-imposed human destruction so prevalent in our society today as I was a criminal investigator who also supervised that division in the agency that I was employed by. I was already overwhelmed with a great deal of responsibility that encompassed having control over the fate of other people’s lives; a responsibility that I did not take lightly. Consequently, I gave very little attention to my overall health and wellbeing. Having said that, in August of 2016 I learned that my blood sugar test results were abnormal, and I was classified as pre-diabetic mainly due to poor eating habits, lack of exercise, carrying around a little excess weight, and stress. All these shortcomings, I can now look back on and definitively say were directly attributed to the lifestyle of a law enforcement officer in general. But at the time, I moved forward in the way that most people do, within the context of the life that I had defined for myself. I didn’t know at the time that I was heading straight for the biggest challenges I would yet face in my life; furthermore, they were the most difficult and painful, and yet ultimately the most rewarding experiences I could have imagined.
