Fear of Death Removed. Tom Bennett. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Tom Bennett
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781922328076
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      These scripts were communicated by Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson, a son of Edward White Benson, former Archbishop of Canterbury after his death in 1914 to his old friend, Anthony Borgia.

      Edited by Halls of Light on the High Plains of South Dakota and re-presented by TNT, the authors of “Who Am I And Why Am I Here”

      (www.WhoAmIandWhyAmIHere.com) and publishers of “Death and the Incredible Life After”, this work serves as another superb example awakening the reader to centuries old principles and concepts that are only now becoming understood.

      We are now in the midst of the final triumph of spirit over matter. Spiritual science is the study of man’s relationship to God. The indispensable requirement for progress in spiritual science is a sincere desire for a better understanding. The seat of knowledge is in the head but the seat of understanding is in the heart.

      All sentient beings are immortal spiritual beings. This includes Human Beings. For the sake of accuracy and simplicity, we use a made-up word: “IS-BE” because the primary nature of an immortal being is that we live in a timeless state of “is”, and the only reason for our existence is that we decide to “be”.

      No matter how lowly our station in a society, every IS-BE deserves the respect and treatment that we ourselves would like to receive from others. Each person on earth continues to be an IS-BE whether we are aware of the fact or not...

      Mission Statement

      Give the truth to the world. Let it be received where it will. Many will read the messages. Some will accept the truth, others will read through curiosity, a few will ridicule. Yet to all is the truth given, and to all remains the power of choice.

      The hope of the world in these times is in spiritualizing all forms of activity---promoting understanding through love and service. These must be the watchwords if the world is to come into lasting peace. We are trying to influence a world that is going astray and could cause undreamed of suffering. We are trying to overcome the thought of materialists and to bring a spiritual outlook into the earthly life. We need the help of all on earth who can think in spiritual terms. The great battle to be fought now is between the spiritual and the material, between idealism and carnalism. You can help by spreading the word---we are asking that you help because the battle may be long and the victory far away.

      Halls of Light is not allied with any sect, denomination, political entity, organization, neither endorses nor opposes any cause. There are no dues for membership. Halls of Light is self-supporting through its own voluntary contributions. Halls of Light has but one purpose: to help through encouragement and understanding…

      To contact the publishers or to obtain copies of our other books, please contact us, TnT, (Tom & Tamra) at:

      Halls of Light, Inc. 211 Main Street

      Mobridge, SD 57601


      Email [email protected]


      Knowledge is the best antidote for fear, especially if that fear should be of the possible or probable state of existence after we have made the change from this life to the next.

      To discover what kind of place is the next world, we must inquire of someone who lives there and record what is said. That is what has been done in the present volume.

      The communicator, whom I first came to know in 1909---five years before his passing into the spirit world---was known on earth as Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson, son of Edward White Benson, former Archbishop of Canterbury.

      Until the present scripts were written, he had never communicated with me directly but I was once told (by another spirit friend) that there were certain matters he wished to set right. The difficulties of communication were explained to him by spirit friends and advisers but he held to his purpose. And so when a suitable time was reached, he was told that he could communicate through a friend of his earthly days and it has been my privilege to act as his recorder.

      The first script was composed under the title of "Beyond This Life", the second under that of "The World Unseen".

      In the former, the communicator gives, in a general survey, an account of his passing and his subsequent travels through various parts of spirit lands. In the latter script he deals at much greater length with a number of important and interesting facts and facets of spirit life, upon which previously he had touched only lightly or in passing.

      For example, in "Beyond This Life" he mentions the highest realms and the lowest. In "The World Unseen" he actually visits them and describes what he saw and what took place in both regions. Although each of the two scripts is complete in itself, the second greatly extends and amplifies the first, and together they form a composite whole.

      We are old friends and his passing hence has not severed any earthly friendship---on the contrary, it has increased it and provided many more opportunities of meeting than would have been possible had he remained on earth. Through his communication with me, he constantly expressed his delight with his ability to return to earth in a natural, normal, healthy and pleasant manner and to give some account of his adventures and experiences in the spirit world as one who “being dead (as many would regard him), yet speaketh".

      Anthony Borgia

      Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson

      Edward White Benson, Archbishop of Canterbury

PART I: Beyond This Life

      Chapter 1: MY EARTH LIFE

      WHO I am really matters not. Who I was matters still less. We do not carry our Earthly positions with us into the Spirit world. My Earthly importance I left behind me. My Spiritual worth is what counts now, and that, my good friend, is far below what it should be and what it can be. Thus much as to who I am. As to who I was, I should like to give some details concerning my mental attitude prior to my passing here into the world of Spirit.

      My Earth life was not a hard one in the sense that I never underwent physical privations, but it was certainly a life of hard mental work. In my early years I was drawn towards the Church because the mysticism of the Church attracted my own mystical sense. The mysteries of religion, through their outward expression of lights and vestments and ceremonies, seemed to satisfy my Spiritual appetite in a way that nothing else could. There was much, of course, that I did not understand, and since coming into Spirit I have found that those things do not matter. They were religious problems raised by the minds of men, and they have no significance whatever in the great scheme of life. But at the time, like so many others, I believed in a wholesale fashion, without a glimmering of understanding, or very little. I taught and preached according to the orthodox text-books, and so I established a reputation for myself. When I contemplated a future state of existence I thought - and that vaguely - of what the Church had taught me on the subject, which was infinitesimally small and most incorrect. I did not realize the closeness of the two worlds - ours and yours - although I had ample demonstration of it. What occult experiences I had were brought about, so I thought, by some extension of natural laws, and they were rather to be considered as incidental than of regular occurrence, given to the few rather than to the many.

      The fact that I was a priest did not preclude me from visitations of what the Church preferred to look upon as devils, although I never once, I must confess, saw anything remotely resembling what I could consider as such. I did not grasp the fact that I was what is called, on the Earth-plane, a sensitive, a psychic - one gifted with the power of 'seeing', though in limited degree.

      This incursion of a psychic faculty into my priestly