The Poetry of Azenith Rose. Retzde Brooks. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Retzde Brooks
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Зарубежные стихи
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781925993806
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      Chapter 1: With Love Azenith

      To My Readers,

      Azenith Rose is my 'num de plume'. Allow me to thank you for taking a chance in me. May my verses brighten your day in a simple way, even though we are miles apart and distance away.

      Let me tell you my humble beginning quick and right.I did not become a poet overnight. My pen took years and years to get its ripeness and might.It took a lot of moonlight and daylight before I finally was able to write.

      I began with defeat and failure on my life's first page. Once upon a time, I joined a contest to deliver a poem at a young age.

      Sadly, my first ever performance on stage, to the judges was way below average. I ended up as a loser on the backstage with my dreams going back in the lonely cage.

      At age nine, I failed to give justice to a magical poem in rhyme. Victory was just not mine. All I can say was: "It was not yet my time."

      The embarrassment cut deep, every night my pillow witnessed my weep. But one day I decided to take a leap.

      And through it all,

       “The little girl who once failed in giving justice to a poem becomes the poet writing them.”

      This is my story and I dedicate my poems to you all. To make you see there is beauty after fall. One day on the ground we crawl but one day we can be winners who take it all.

      I may not be able to take away all the pain. I may not be your night's best champagne but let me show with my words , that the strength and courage you need is inside you, it's just there, somewhere there.

      You just have to believe, just believe.

      With Love and Devotion,

      Azenith Rose

      Chapter 2: Starting Today

      Starting today promise me,

      You will look in the mirror

      With worth, pride and honour.

      You will disregard any marks of error

      Be it fine lines, wrinkles or grey colour.

      Starting today promise me,

      You will let go of yesterday

      And not worry about tomorrow in any way.

      Just live today steadfastly,

      And fill your heart with memories to last for perpetuity.

      Starting today please. . .

      Sip your fresh brew of coffee or tea

      Feel the breeze of morning serenity

      Forget the hands of time that ticks constantly

      Let the chirping birds serenade you in tranquility.

      Starting today,

      You will forget the pain

      And let go of all the hurt that remain.

      Let your tears flow with the rain

      And from sadness please refrain.

      Life my friend is fragile like a teacup.

      It is short, haste and abrupt.

      Tomorrow, life may never show up.

      Truly we never know when our time is up.

      So go forgive and forget

      Say goodbye to all your regrets.

      Embrace the good, the bad and celebrate

      Live as if you've already reached the paradise' gate.

       "Life is short indeed. So never leave any words unsaid. Never let pride take over because we never know how much time we have longer."

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