The Marvelous Adventures of Mazie. Angela Hueston. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Angela Hueston
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Учебная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781499902846
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      Dedication Page

      This book is dedicated to the life and memory of Karese Osborne and her ability to be creative, as well as, have an amazing imagination.


      First, I would like to thank God for giving me an imagination and the talent to tell a good children's story. Without God, this book would not have been possible. A big thank you to my daughter's, Alyssa and Sundy, for allowing me to share Mazie with them as young children. A special thank you to my two youngest children, Madalyn and Grace, for their crazy fun ideas that allowed the words to flow onto the pages and bring the characters to life. I would also like to give a special thanks to my daddy for telling me stories as a young child. A special thank you goes to my daughter Madalyn for using her artistic abilities to create an amazing book cover. Last, I would like to thank my wonderful husband Craig for loving, supporting and believing in me through this whole book writing adventure.

      Getting Ready To Go

      It was the last day of school before summer break. Mazie sat at her desk twirling her brown hair in her fingers, as she watched the clock count down the last few minutes. When the final bell rang, Mazie jumped up from her chair and walked quickly out of the classroom and down the hall to her locker. She grabbed her book bag and rushed out of the school.

      This summer wasn't going to be like any other summer in the past. This summer, Mazie was going to summer camp. She could feel the excitement building as the school bus got closer and closer to her house. Finally, the bus pulled up to Mazie's house. She didn't hesitate one second as she jumped up from her seat, hurried quickly down the isle and off of the bus. Her short and thin little brother, Gabriel, followed closely behind with his arms flapping in the wind, to annoy her. Mazie was to excited to even notice. She was so excited that she almost tripped going up the steps of the porch to the front door of her house. Her brother laughed hysterically at her, but she didn't care. Her mind was swirling with thoughts and all she could think about was getting this summer started. Mazie pushed open the front door and ran up the stairs to her room.

      In the kitchen, Mazie's mother, Carol, was fixing dinner. She smiled as the house was filled with the sound of the front door opening and heavy footsteps running up the stairs. She could also hear Mazie's brother Gabriel, as he flopped onto the couch in the family room. It was music to her ears.

      Mazie's mother finished making dinner and walked up stairs to check on her. She poked her head through the bedroom door and could see that Mazie had already began taking bags out of her closet so she could pack. She was leaving first thing in the morning and she had a lot of things that needed to be done before she could leave.

      Mazie's mother told her to make a list of what she needed to pack and get accomplished before the trip. The list would assure that she wouldn't forget anything. It was a great idea, so Mazie grabbed a pen and a piece of paper from her dad's office and started making her list. She put things in order from most important to least important.

      While she was working on her list, her mother went back down stairs to get the table set for dinner. The house was filled with the aroma of fresh baked spaghetti and garlic bread. Mazie could hear the sound of her dad's car as it pulled into the driveway. He burst through the front door and his voice carried through the house as he said, "Honey, I'm home!" Mazie could hear her dad telling her mother how amazing dinner looked and how hungry he was. Shortly after that, Mazie's mother yelled upstairs, "Dinner is ready! Please come down and eat!"

      Mazie had just finished her list and could smell the Italian aroma as it floated up the stairs and down the hallway to her bedroom. She quickly yelled down to her mother, "I'm on my way!"

      The dinner table was a welcome sight. Spaghetti and garlic bread sat side by side in the middle of the table, surrounded by corn on the cob, tossed salad and a family favorite, chocolate cake. They all sat down and admired the meal that her mother had prepared. Mazie's mother looked at her and said,"Since this is your last night home for 3 weeks, I decided that I would make everyone's favorite meal!" With a tone of appreciation in her voice, Mazie replied, "Thanks mom, I know you worked hard preparing dinner and it looks perfect!" With a simple nod of her mother's head, she knew that her gratitude had been noticed and accepted.

      When everyone had finished eating, Mazie's mother started clearing the table. Her dad headed up stairs to work in his office and her little brother went outside to play with his friends. Mazie decided to help her mother finish clearing the table and wash the dinner dishes.

      While drying the last plate, Mazie started to think about summer camp and what it was going to be like. She thought to herself, "who will I meet?" and "will I make a lot of friends?". She felt excited and nervous at the same time. Mazie had no idea what to expect, but she was looking forward to whatever adventure awaited at Camp Wallabee.

      After Mazie had finished helping her mother in the kitchen, she walked up stairs and began to pack her things. It took her almost two hours to pack, but she finally got everything into a large suitcase and a large duffel bag. She sat on the edge of her bed and stared at the bags laying on the floor in front of her. It looked as though she was going to be gone for a month. All she could think to herself was, "I hope I didn't forget anything". Mazie double checked the list she had made, just to make sure. She was finally ready to leave for her summer of fun.

      When the sun had set, Mazie's family gathered in the family room to watch the television. This was a family tradition as long as Mazie could remember. They didn't talk much, but they always enjoyed each others company. Mazie always sat on the floor in front of her dad's recliner, at his feet. Her brother always sat at the end of the couch next to her mother.

      After the evening news was over, Mazie's parent's announced that it was time for bed. This was usually the moment when they would beg to watch a few more minutes of television, but they were so tired, they didn't even argue. The normal run up the stairs was more of a slow walk this time. They didn't have the energy to move any faster. Mazie walked straight into her bedroom and fell into her bed. She snuggled the warm soft blankets around her as she drifted off to sleep.

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