The Band. PJ Shay. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: PJ Shay
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Сказки
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781499902532
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       To my Mom and Dad, for showing me how to dream and supporting me in those dreams

       Narrita mia denatha


      Matakh Etari, 16, male Longmane Lion, Meea’s brother.

      Meea Etari, 15, female Longmane Lion, Matakh’s sister.

      Jenzo Azrachi, 8, male Fennec Fox.

      Dominique Satipa, 9, male albino Margay.

      Mekat Gamakala, 15, male Shortmane Lion, Lania’s brother.

      Lania Gamakala, 15, female Shortmane Lion, Mekat’s sister.

      Shartha Damura, 15, male Cheetah, Timirza’s brother.

      Timirza Damura, 15, female Cheetah, Shartha’s sister.

      Jemio Bantula, 18, male Boldstripe Tiger.

      Djeck Senga, 12, male Leopard.

      Signa Atari, 43, male Longmane Lion.

      Galika Lukanol, 53, male Longmane Lion, Lead Leonid Representative.

      Eli, a Guardian Angel. Created at the dawn of the universe by God’s own hand.

      Filius, Tseradjim System, Sector Gamma-Theta, Quadrant 1, Anthrok Galaxy, 2732 AD

      Opening Prose

       When day is night, when wrong is right

       When joy is pain, when loss is gain

       When die is live, when take is give

       When soft is loud, when meek is proud

       When out is in, when lose is win

       When start is cease, when war is peace

       When sick is well, when heaven is hell

       When amoral is just, in God may we trust

      Prologue: Through Darkened Halls

      A bullet drilled into the wall inches from Matakh’s head, making his hair tingle. 'Too close,' he thought to himself, looking behind to see a figure coming around the wall. He let loose a pulse from his simple stun pistol, the bolt of cerulean energy just missing the soldier and sending him scurrying back behind the corner.

      He continued running, trying to keep up with Meea and Jenzo. The floor was littered with rubble; smashed shelves, fragments of craft boards, and chunks of plaster were all among the mix that slowed his progress. Another bullet flew past his head, the corona of destructive energy coating it giving off a harsh yellow light. It was so close that he could feel the kiss of disturbed air against the fur on his ears. He turned again and fired. The shot was off, but it was close enough to cause the assailant to double back.

      ‘Not for long, though.’ He continued battling his way through the rubble of what had once been an elementary schoolhouse. He was sure that several months ago it had been a cheery, vibrant place. Patches of the original golden paint still existed. But now the walls were blackened by fire, smoke lingered in the air, and faint glowing patches hinted at the presence of smoldering embers. Most of the windows were broken as well, shattered by explosions or fallen debris, and Matakh was glad that he was wearing shoes, or his feet would have been a bloody mess. Already his tawny fur was blackened with soot, and he was bleeding slightly from various cuts. His companions weren’t much better off. His sister’s creamy fur appeared gray from both the gloom and dirt, while Jenzo’s sandy coat looked more like dirty gold.

      The sound of an explosion suddenly came from outside, and the whole building shook. A huge chunk of the ceiling broke free and tumbled down, blocking the hallway that Meea had been about to take. Jenzo yipped in fear as the rubble crashed to the floor, and covered his mouth to keep out the dust that billowed out to engulf them.

      Meea didn’t even slow down. She turned to the other passageway, blocked only by a flimsy cork panel. It fell to pieces when she gave it a good punch, revealing another avenue of escape.

      “This way!” Meea called, grabbing Jenzo’s hand and pulling him behind her. The young fennec fox yipped in surprise, his feet frantically struggling to keep him upright. They barely succeeded as he was dragged behind the nimble lioness.

      Matakh trailed behind the two, glancing over his shoulder to look for any signs of their pursuers. He was just in time to see another black-garbed soldier come around the corner. He lifted his weapon, sighted briefly, and loosed a single shot. The blue pulse flew down the hall and struck the soldier in the chest. A wave of electrostatic energy flew across the feline’s body, shorting out his nervous system with the sudden burst of electrical impulses. He toppled to the ground without a cry.

      Matakh, Meea, and Jenzo kept running, zigzagging through the halls of the abandoned schoolhouse. Another sudden explosion rocked the building, sending Jenzo toppling to the ground. The fox yelped as he was dragged a few feet before Meea stopped to help him up. He rubbed his scraped elbow, wiping away a little blood, but otherwise gave no indication he was hurt. Meea nodded encouragingly, and they began to run again.

      They turned several times, trying to lose their pursuers, but the pounding of heavy footsteps told them their efforts were in vain. They were only just managing to stay ahead of the soldiers chasing them, and couldn’t keep up their speed much longer. Jenzo in particular was feeling the strain, panting hard with the effort of keeping pace with Meea.

      Suddenly, they were forced to stop when they turned a corner to find themselves facing a locked door. They looked around furtively for another means of escape, a window, another door, anything. There was none to be found.

      “A dead end!” Jenzo moaned, ears drooping in defeat. “This is it. It’s over. They’ll catch us, and do horrible things… And the others…” He buried his face in his hands, whimpering in fear.

      “It isn’t over,” Meea said firmly, and lashed out with a roundhouse kick that splintered the already-weakened door. A large portion fell away, leaving a hole just big enough to squeeze through.

      Matakh nodded. “Good. Jenzo, you go first, then Meea. I’ll be right behind you.” The fox nodded and slipped through the hole, his tail the last thing to disappear. Meea followed suit, using her feline grace to elegantly slide into the opening.

      Matakh took one last look behind them to check for incoming foes. None were visible, but the footsteps were getting closer. He tucked his stun gun into his belt and squeezed through the hole in the door, ignoring the scratches he received from sharp splinters of wood. There would be time enough to worry about that later.

      He found himself in what appeared to be a kindergarten schoolroom, with the charred remnants of children’s projects scattered everywhere. The shattered glass of a terrarium littered the floor, glinting in the harsh light of the fires burning outside. He was sure the room had once been beautiful, but now it was in total ruin, all traces of happiness and cheer burnt to ashes. He quickly began scanning his surroundings for a way to block the door and a way out of the school.

      Seeing an imported oak shelving unit, he rushed over and began to push, only to find that it was too heavy for him to move alone. “Help me with this,” he called to Meea, putting all his weight behind his efforts. His sister ran to his side and together they toppled the shelf over in front of the door, blocking the hole and barricading the way.

      “Now for a way out,” he said to himself. He saw that the room had a large window that spanned nearly wall-to-wall. Outside, he could see the ruins of Tuthana, once one of his world’s greatest cities, now dominated by fires, smoke, and rubble. The buildings that were still standing were in bad shape, many of them having partially collapsed or missing large sections.

      He could also see just how close they were to the ground from this room. It would be easy to jump to the ground without injury, and once