Arrabella Candellarbra. A.K. Wrox. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: A.K. Wrox
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Ужасы и Мистика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780987160355
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      the Questy Thing

      to End All Questy Things


      A.K. Wrox

      a fairy tale for adults

      First published in Australia 2011

      by Clan Destine Press

      PO Box 121 Bittern

      Victoria 3918 Australia

      Copyright © Kylie Fox & Amanda Wrangles writing as A.K. Wrox 2011

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. The Australian Copyright Act 1968 (The Act) allows a maximum of one chapter or 10 per cent of any book, whichever is the greater, to be photocopied by any educational institution for its educational purposes provided that the educational institution (or the body that administers it) has given a remuneration notice to Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) under the Act.

      National Library of Australia Cataloguing-In-Publication data:

      Wrox, A.K.

      Arrabella Candellarbra & the Questy Thing to End All Questy Things

      The moral rights of the authors have been asserted.

      Edition: 2nd ed.

      ISBN: 978-0-9807900-6-1 (pbk.)

      ISBN: 978-0-9871603-5-5 (ebook)

      Cover Design © Ran Valerhon

      Design & Typesetting: Clan Destine Press

      Digital Distribution: Ebook Alchemy


      Arrabella Candellarbra is like no one you've ever met before; even though her questy thing is the stuff of legend.

      Okay, it's a hilarious epic-fantasy spoofery kind of legend.

      Arrabella, a beautiful, flaxen-haired maiden trained in all things warrior-like by the most famous warriors of all - The Reginas - embarks on a quest to claim her birthright and to wield the power of all the lands.

      Nothing could possibly go wrong on a quest like this, could it?

      Well just you wait until Arrabella joins forces with Lord Langly Kilkenny - the perfect specimen of manliness; icicle-bearded Gary - the wisest of all Wizards; and Prince Jim - the very-fey fairy Regent.


      Because the Four Adventurers soon find themselves pitted against the Evil Betty-Sue - the meanest of evil beings in all of the lands.

      Again, why?

      Because they must battle Betty-Sue and her scary minions - the Saw-Toothed Bunnies, the Viscous Tongued Frogs and the Barella Monkeys - to rescue The Reginas from ... something!

      Arrabella Candellarbra and the Questy Thing to End All Questy Things features heroic heroes and a host of characters and creatures never before assembled in one story.

      It delivers love and lust, action and inaction, battles, incantations, sexual shenanigans and high-kicking sing-a-longs.

      And it promises that all those epic questy things will never be the same again.

      With Many Thanks

      To two of the most special people in our world - Lindy Cameron and Michele Cooper who are beautiful friends, mentors, warrior mother and paradise parent.

      To Helen Cooper for putting up with the roudiness every Wednesday.

      To Ran Valerhon, artist and beautiful soul, for bringing our heroes to such vivid and colourful life. You have been amazing to work with and a true inspiration.

      To our writing groups, The Bittern Writers and the Destineers, may you all have the successes that you wish for us; especially Gaile Hughes for coming through for us like the champion that she is for our last-minute melt-down.

      To Marianne de Pierres for her belief, the opportunities she has fostered and her unwaivering support. And to the team at MdP web - you guys rock. Special thanks to Bec Stafford for the awesome late-night emails.

      And finally, thank you to Joss Whedon for reminding us that bunnies are not always cute and cuddly like everyone supposes.

      Bunnies. Bunnies. It must be bunnies!

       Amanda would like to thank

      The fabulous Ms Fox. Working on this story together was crazy fun. Okay, there were lots of tears and non-breathing moments, but all via laughter. Not once did we disagree, not even on the tiniest plot point. My only complaint is that she often left me (or our heroes) in dire, or rude, predicaments when it was my turn to write. Thank you Kylie, for pushing me to write outside my comfort zone and challenging me over and over again.

      My gorgeous family: Simon, my ever-patient husband who is now used to going to bed alone while I write until 2 am. Your love, understanding and support are my lifeline. My sons: Max, Heath and Asher, you are my everything, my reason and my inspiration.

      My mum, Lorraine Hartney, who taught me I could be anything I dreamed, without limitations. My love of books, words, and the fictional friends I meet between pages, comes from her. To quote a wise woman: 'If I could pick my parents, I'd choose you.'

      And finally my father, Mike Hartney. I wish you were here to see the finished product, to hold this little book in your hands. I miss you every single day.

       Kylie would like to thank

      The most awesome Amanda Wrangles. You've pushed and challenged me, making me laugh until I turn inside out. My favourite friend turned favourite collaborator, it's been so much fun working with you and the best part is that we get to do it all over again!

      Jason for believing I can, even when I'm sure I can't; your belief pulls me through.

      The real Gary - you may not have a Llama-Bone wand but you are full of magic.

      My gorgeous kidlets, Gabrielle, Bridey, Jaykeb and Bonnie - you are my inspiration and my world. Thank you for sharing your mummy with the computer.

      My Mum, Patricia Fox, for a lifetime of support starting with all those bed-night stories you read to me. And the extra ones just for Denise.

      And my Dad, Kevin Fox, who gave me my sense of humour, for better or worse, and introduced me to the wonderful world of the Saturday night horror-movie fest. You told me once when I was little that one day I would rule the world. I've gone one better and created my own!

       This book was written entirely in a private group on Facebook... for that we are eternally grateful. Even more grateful are we for the chance to reconnect with friends from long ago and for the friends we may never meet in the flesh but who count as some of our very favourite people just the same.
