52 Weeks of Ordinary People - Extraordinary God. Jody Neufeld. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jody Neufeld
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781631991370
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      52 Weeks of Ordinary People - Extraordinary God

      Jody Neufeld

      Energion Publications

      Gonzalez, FL


      Copyright © 2005 by Jody Neufeld, All rights reserved.

      Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are from the New International Version Bible. Copyright © Zondervan Corporation. 1996. Used by Permission.

      Scripture quotations marked ‘CEV’ are from the Contemporary English Version Bible. Copyright © American Bible Society, 1995. Used by Permission.

      Scripture quotations marked ‘ESV’ are from the English Standard Version Bible. Copyright © Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers, 2001. Used by Permission

      Scripture quotations marked ‘HNT’ are personal translations by Henry Neufeld, MA. Copyright © Henry E. Neufeld. 2004.

      Scripture quotations marked ‘NCV’ are from the New Century Version Bible. Copyright © Word Publishing. 1991. Used by Permission

      Scripture quotations markd ‘NLT’ are from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation. Copyright © Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. 1996. Used by Permission

      Scripture quotations marked ‘TLB’ are from the Living Bible. Copyright © Tyndale House Publishers, 1971. Used by Permission.

      Cover Design by PhotoMD (photomd.net

      Cover Photograph © Carol Everhart Roper

      Energion Publications.

      P.O. Box 841

      Gonzalez, FL 32560


      [email protected]

      Kindle Edition

      ISBN10: 978-1-63199-008-X

      ISBN13: 978-1-63199-008-3

      Print Edition ISBNs:

      ISBN10: 1-893729-24-9

      ISBN13: 978-1-893729-24-7

      Electronic ISBN (epub): 978-1-63199-009-0


      This book and all the ones to come is humbly dedicated

      to my Heavenly Father.

      Jesus prayed, “Father, the time has come for you

      to bring glory to your Son,

      in order that he may bring glory to you…

      I have brought glory to you here on earth

       by doing everything you gave me to do. John 17:1, 4 (CEV)


      I thank God for the pastors (shepherds) that God has brought into my life: Rev. Perry Dalton, Dr. Robert McKibben, and Rev. Bruce Sheffield, who, like Jesus, opened their cloaks and showed me their heart for Christ each Sunday morning.

      All the “ordinary” people that my Extraordinary God has used to touch my life, molding me like clay on the potter’s wheel. I am thankful that God is willing to break me and start again.

      My children who have taught me so much about being a child of God: Janet, who truly has the gift of faith, John, a gentle warrior for the weak, and James, who showed more Godly courage and peace in his life than most of us know is available to us.

      My husband, Henry, who encourages me, teaches me, and loves me because God said so.

      Weekly Prayer/Study Groups

      As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17

      All a man’s ways seem right to him, but the LORD weighs the heart. Proverbs 21:2

      Weekly study or prayer groups are a VITAL part of discipleship. In these two verses from the book of Proverbs alone I hear the Lord telling me how important it is that I am accountable to other Christians who are also desiring to grow in the Lord. In a small group of fellow believers I will see how God intended His Church to grow as a Body, each member being gifted for the role that He has for them, networking together to support and encourage each other so they can go out into the world to spread the Good News.

      This book is designed to give a short devotion that may be used to ‘jump start’ the group’s time together. The content page gives a listing of the 52 weeks with a note of how that particular devotion could be date-sensitive to the time of year. The space to the left of the list allows you to ‘check off’ a week, giving your group the option to skip around through the book or working your way from front to back.

      Like its older sibling, Daily Devotions of Ordinary People – Extraordinary God, I have included some short notes on some of the ordinary people who have impacted my life and I encourage your group to take time at each meeting to PRAISE GOD and THANK HIM for the people He has brought into your lives, remembering that it is GOD who is extraordinarily working through these ordinary people.

      God bless you as you continue to grow by the power of His Holy Spirit and the example of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

      – Jody Neufeld

      52 Weeks of Ordinary People – Extraordinary God


      ____ Week 1 New Year

      ____ Week 2 The impossible IS possible with God.

      ____ Week 3 Take ALL my life

      ____ Week 4 Thanks and praise


      ____ Week 5 Soldiers

      ____ Week 6 Valentine’s Day

      An ‘ordinary’ person: Henry Neufeld

      ____ Week 7 Conquering fear

      ____ Week 8 James’ testimony


      ____ Week 9 What God says is the truest words about me.

      ____ Week 10 Friendship

      ____ Week 11 Father’s love

      ____ Week 12 Praising BEFORE the battle

      ____ Week 13 Easter time


      ____ Week 14 The ‘Judas’ in my life

      ____ Week 15 Taxes!

      ____ Week 16 Praying and Forgiveness

      ____ Week 17 God heals AND restores

      An ‘ordinary’ person: Janet Butler


      ____ Week 18 Blessings

      ____ Week 19 Children

      ____ Week 20 No room to maneuver

      ____ Week 21 Evangelism 101

      ____ Week 22 Burdens


      ____ Week 23 Timing is everything!

      ____ Week 24 Parenting

      An ‘ordinary’ person: Rev. Perry Dalton

      ____ Week 25 Church of the open door

      ____ Week 26 Finding a fellowship to call ‘home’


      ____ Week 27 4th of July

      ____ Week 28 Our nation and leaders

      ____ Week 29 Prayer

      ____ Week 30 Sharing


      ____ Week 31 Boasting of weaknesses

      ____ Week 32 a series: 1 of 4

      ____ Week 33 2 of 4
