Mathers Systematic Theology. Norman W. Mathers. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Norman W. Mathers
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Религия: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456621704
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      easily understood Bible Doctrines


      Copyright 2013 Norman W. Mathers


      easily understood Bible Doctrines

      by Norman W. Mathers

      All rights reserved.

      Mathers Systematic Theology may not be reproduced in part or in whole in any form nor stored and retrieved by any means without permission in writing from the publisher. Book reviews with short excerpts are permitted.

      This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher and the author are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.

      From a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associations.

      Neither author nor publisher accepts any liability or responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly, by the information, ideas, opinions or other content in this book.

      A jointly adopted declaration by American Publishers Association and American Bar Association.

      Published in eBook format by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-2170-4

      All Bible quotations have been translated by Norman W. Mathers from Biblia Hebraica, The Greek New Testament and the Septuaginta.

      Biblia Hebraica, Rudolf Kittel,edidit, Adjuvantibus, W. Baumgartner, G.Beer, J. Begrich, J.A. Bewer, F. Buhl, J. Hempel, F. Horst, M. Noth, O. Procksch, G. Quell, TH. H. Robinson, W. Rudolph, H. H. Schaeder, Textum Masoreticum Curavit P. Kahle, Editionem Tertiam Denuo Elaboratam Ad Finem Perduxerunt Editionem Septimam Auxerunt Et Emendaverunt A. Alt Et O. Eissfeldt Editio Sexta Decima Emendata Typis Editionis Septimae Expressa Wurttembergische Bibelanstalt Suttgart Copyright © 1937 by Wurttembergische Bibelanstalt Stuttgart Gesamtherstellung 1971 durch die Wurttemberische Bibelanstalt Stuttgart

      The Greek New Testament, 2nd edition 1968. K. Aland & M. Black, B.M. Metzger, A. Wikgren (eds.). Carlo Martini was added to the editorial committee for the second edition and subsequent editions. Copyright © 1966 by United Bible Societies, Stuttgart. Stuttgart: United Bible Societies.

      Septuaginta Id est Vetus Testamentum graece iuxta LXX interpretes edidit Alfred Rahlfs Volumen I Leges et historiae Editio Nona Wurttembergische Bibelanstalt Stuttgart Septuaginta © 1935 Wurttembergische Bibelanstalt Stuttgart Gesametherstellung 1971 durch die Wurttembergische Bibelanstalt Alle Rechte vorbehalten

      Septuaginta Id est Vetus Testamentum graece iuxta LXX interpretes edidit Alfred Rahlfs Volumen II Libri poetici et prophetici Editio Nona Wurttembergische Bibelanstalt Stuttgart © 1935 Wurttembergische Bibelanstalt Stuttgart Gesamtherstellung 1971 durch die Wurttembergische Bibelanstalt Alle Rechte vorbehalten

      This book is dedicated to my wife Norma.


      This systematic theology book is biblically based. We will cover each of the areas of systematic theology based on the teachings of Scripture. A summary will be given at the end of each chapter. A section of study questions will be given at the end of each chapter following the chapter summary. A good systematic theology must be biblically based. Good theology is good exegesis. Theologies may be philosophically based. They may be written using the quantitative research with its deductive method. The material is made to fit the preconceived ideas, pre-understandings, and presuppositions of the writer. This is not the purpose of Mathers Systematic Theology. Our systematic theology is based on the biblical truth for that particular division. In addition, theologies may be written based on philosophical or allegorical hermeneutics. The need is for a theology that is biblically based. A theology based on the qualitative method with its inductive approach. This will guard against philosophical statements that are a direct contradiction to the biblical text. In regard to objectivity, it is the author’s purpose to present a systematic theology that is biblically based.

      Many writers of theologies lack adequate language training to do exegesis in the Old and New Testaments. The Master of Theology degree program at Dallas Theological Seminary provided me with more than adequate training in the original biblical languages of Hebrew and Greek. The inclusion of a few Hebrew or Greek words should not be interpreted as ability to do exegesis in the original languages.

      Mathers Systematic Theology will establish the doctrines of each area of systematic theology: the bible (Bibliology), God the Father (Theology Proper), salvation (Soteriology),the Spiritual Life, biblical prophecy (Eschatology), Christ (Christology), sin (Hamartiology), man (biblical Anthropology), the church (Ecclesiology), and the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology). The biblical and exegetical basis for each of the doctrines will be followed by the questions concerning that particular doctrine. The ramifications of each doctrine will be explored. An example of this would be the present inerrancy versus the errancy debate of the Bible. The errancy position of Scripture is a philosophy rather than a sound biblical position based on exegetical inductions from the biblical texts. The author will interact with the biblical proof, draw a chapter summary for each doctrine, and an overall conclusion. Mathers Systematic Theology will be written in an easy to read style. I will include the essentials for each biblical doctrine and the ramifications. Mathers Systematic Theology is designed to be a scholarly, practical, and a ready reference work.

      Norman W. Mathers, Ph.D.

      Norman W. Mathers,

      B.A., Wilfred Laurier University,

      Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary,

      M.A., California State University, Carson,

      Ph.D., University of Pretoria.

      Dr. Mathers is currently Assistant Professor, School of Religion, Liberty University.

      CHAPTER 1


      1.1 General Revelation is God’s witness to Himself by creation.

      1.1.1 These Scriptures testify to God’s witness by creation. Psalm 19:1-6 Romans 1:18-28 Acts 14:17 Acts 17:23

      1.1.2 Psalm 19:1-6

      This is a universal message that goes out day and night that God created the heavens. The firmament is the work of His hands. The heavens testify to the creation of our world by God. The figure of speech used to convey this literal truth is personification (Bullinger 1974:865). Calvin (1975:1:5:51-237) argues that the knowledge of God is evident by the creation of his world and universe, and the continuing sustaining of it. This Psalm attributes a witness of His divinity to man. Ross writes that the creation points to the creator. This silent message is communicated day after day and night after night. It is the truth that God is the creator. It is not an audible message that one can hear but the heavens declare the truth of God as the creator. This silent message reaches to the very ends of God’s earth (1983:807 in Walvoord and Zuck (eds.) 1983). Man looking up to the heavens receives this message. The heavens become an object lesson declaring both the glory of God and that the heavens are the work of the creator, God.

      1.1.3 Romans 1:18-28
