Our Higher Calling. Sherrell Byrd. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sherrell Byrd
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781939748720
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      Copyright © 2014 by Pastor Sherrell L. Byrd, Jr.

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form whatsoever — including electronic, photocopy, recording — without prior written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

      All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, King James Version, Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

      First Edition

      ISBN-13: 978-1-9397-4872-0

      Published in eBook format by

      P.O. Box 2839, Apopka, FL 32704

      Converted by http://www.eBookIt.com

      Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this book are solely those of the authors and other contributors.

      These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of Certa Resources LLC, dba Certa Publishing.


      The inspiration for this book was given by the power of the Holy Spirit; therefore, I first thank my God for the words He has planted within my heart. And I thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for salvation.

      I cannot express in words, the support shown to me through the years by my wife, Mauristine. Her support and love enabled me to move forward in life rather than focus on my disabilities. Although the Vietnam War and my injuries left me bitter and angry for several years, she was understanding and helped me to overcome it.

      I also want to thank my sons, Landis, Sherrell III and Anthony for never looking upon me as handicapped, nor feeling ashamed of their Dad.

      Also, I want to acknowledge Larry Rodgers. We watched over each other the entire year we spent together at the Fitzsimmons Army Medical Center in Aurora, Colorado. We laughed and struggled through it all. Today, we are closer than biological brothers because of the bond we share.

      To my Southern Missionary Baptist Church family whom I love so much, I’m grateful to God for you. I am humbled to be your Pastor. You are the best!

      To Oletha Marie Curry and Cheri Hill, my editors who read and re-read my manuscript, thank you for your patience and words of wisdom. Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to review this effort.

      To Terryl D. Curry, Sr., my friend and confidant, my sounding board who has always been there to listen to my concerns, thank you. I have leaned on you often.

      To my daughter, Angela Griggs, who still holds onto the original stack of early devotionals, bless you.

      Also, to my daughters, Matilda Robinson, Monica Williams and Teresa Smart.

      Thank you, Norman Griggs, my spiritual up-lifter.

      To my personal nurse, Mary Trice, thank you for keeping me healthy with laughter.

      To Renita Simmons, my spiritual sister, for sharing my thoughts and writings with her clients.

      And to my parents, Sherrell Sr. and Virgie Byrd who endured gratitude and heartache as their wounded son was returned to them from war, severely injured and nearly unrecognizable.

      To my sister, Carolyn, and my brothers, Dennis and Stanley “Mike,” thank you for caring about my well-being.

      And of course, to Mother Ada Turner who prayed without ceasing for my return home from war.

      Day 1

      Laying Aside

      1 Peter 2:1-9

      This world has witnessed so many kingdoms that it has lost track of their numbers. Kingdoms have risen and fallen, yet man still feels they will last forever. The Roman Empire was powerful, yet it fell. The Great Pharaohs ruled Egypt with mighty hands, but that kingdom fell to outside invaders. No earthly nation, no kingdom will last forever.

      But for those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, there is hope. When the Lord returns, He will establish a kingdom that will last forever. Nations who recognize the Lord will come to Him and glorify His Holy name.

      Stop worrying about whether our economy will fail or that this nation will collapse or be taken over by a hostile nation. We belong to a merciful God who will always work for the good of those who love Him. Learn to trust Him today.

      Day 2

      How Shall We Escape?

      Hebrews 2

      Is there anything you need to get rid of in your life in order to serve the Lord better? Because of the carnality of the nature of man, there is always something that must be removed from the heart in order to please God. Then we are better prepared to serve Him and effectively witness to men and women everywhere.

      Lay aside malice, guile, hypocrisy, envy and evil words. Lay aside anything you know that God will not approve of. When we have a strong desire for the Word of God, we are well on our way to becoming that special people He has called into existence.

      Some feel they can serve God without changing their lifestyles. But there must be a change. When we accepted Jesus Christ, it marked a new beginning in our lives. Whatever comes between you and God must be laid aside.

      Day 3

      That Dry Feeling

      Ezekiel 37:1-14

      The Word of God is life to those who have “dry days.” All of us will experience days when we don’t like talking or getting out of bed. We don’t feel like smiling or laughing, yet we cannot explain why.

      There were dry bones throughout the valley. Ezekiel saw no life in the valley whatsoever, yet God commanded him to preach to these bones. Slowly, the bones took on flesh and life was breathed into their lungs, and they were alive again. There stood a great army of men.

      Again, we all have down days and times of lifelessness but when God breathes on us, life is renewed and we are able to live life to its fullest. It’s good to have valley experiences from time to time so that we can focus more fully on God. He is able to move you from the valley of despair to the mountain of hope.

      Day 4

      All is the Lord’s

      Psalm 24

      Man believes this earth belongs to him. He feels he can do anything he wants to in order to redesign it or make it into whatever he wants it to be. He believes he can move mountains and alter the course of rivers. He attempts to play God, never realizing that all he does is in vain.

      But to whom does the earth belong? According to the Bible, the earth and everything upon it belongs to the Lord. He created it. He formed it. Understand that God will establish you. He will honor those who worship and honor Him. The glory that man seeks is vanity before an almighty God. Be glad you belong to Him each day you live. All the earth is His. Come before Him with clean hands and a pure heart.

      Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for being my King of Glory. Let all that I do this day bring glory and honor to You.

      Day 5

      Words and Meditation

      Psalm 19

      I was out shopping recently and overheard a conversation between two individuals in the checkout lane. Every other word was filthy, but they continued talking as though no one else really mattered. The