Adventures of Space Cadets 101: Invasions. Darryl Wright. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Darryl Wright
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Контркультура
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781935186441
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      Adventures of Space Cadets 101:


      Second book in the Adventures of Space Cadets 101 Series


      Darryl Wright

      edited by

      Karen Paul Stone

      Waldenhouse Publishers, Inc.

      Walden, Tennessee

      Adventures of Space Cadets 101: Invasions

      Second book in the Adventures of Space Cadets 101 Series

      Copyright ©2014 Darryl Dean Wright. All rights reserved.

      Edited by Karen Paul Stone

      Published in eBook format by Waldenhouse Publishers, Inc.

      100 Clegg Street, Signal Mountain, Tennessee 37377 USA 888-222-8228

      Converted by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-9351-8644-1

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

      “An action/comedy with astronauts taking off on one journey which turned into many adventures throughout the galaxies.” -- provided by Publisher

      I would like to dedicate this E-Book to the memory of

      Roy E. Hartley

      This is the second book in a series about a wealthy family of the future.

      The Houstons adventure into space where they take on space pirates and many kinds of aliens. As technology advances, so do their ships until they pilot the most advanced ship in the universe. The risks, thrills and challenges of space exploration are many and diverse - even to the point of occasionally having to struggle against Earth Defense Forces.

      Titles available or to be released soon include:

      1. Adventures of Space Cadets 101: Space Pirates, Allies, and Aliens

      ISBN 978-1-935186-38-0

      Library of Congress Control Number: 2013905825

      Available as an E-Book for most readers.

      2. Adventures of Space Cadets 101: Invasions

      ISBN 978-1-935186-44-1

      Library of Congress Control Number: 2013919446

      Available as an E-Book for most readers.

      3. Adventures of Space Cadets 101: Weddings

      4. Adventures of Space Cadets 101: Back At It on Two Fronts


      In book one, Adventures of Space Cadets 101: Space Pirates, Allies, and Aliens, brothers Austen and Derek Houston captain their ship The One-Oh-One into space. While they are investigating Professor Cross' ship, Earth Defense (ED) comes onboard the 101 looking for JR, the oldest Houston brother who is wanted on earth for criminal activity. JR, though illegally aboard, secures his right to his brothers' protection when he keeps Extra Terrestrials from kidnapping his teenaged nephew, Kirk. When the Space Cadets finally make it to Jupiter Station they find that Space Pirates have taken it over, but Kirk and JR take care of the problem. Derek is shot up by Space Pirates and loses his memory - even the memory of his proposal of marriage to Deana Kester. ED makes the new 101 retreat into an armada of Space Pirates. They are rescued by alien friends, the Lizardians, and taken into deep space where the two new allies answer a distress signal.

      Adventures of Space Cadets 101: Invasions

      Chapter 1


      Fifteen hours later, Deana Kester was back on the bridge and she told her captain that she knew where the bad aliens were. Austen always thought she was amazing. He was going to ask how she knew the location, but that question went out the air lock when he realized who he was talking to. Of course she would know. She was empathic.

      She said, “I’m only picking the ‘where’ up because of the lizard queen. Her thoughts and feelings of remorse are so intense it’s making my stomach hurt. She is hoping her god will grant her last request.” First officer Tim Johnson, Lita, and Captain Austen listened to her every word. Deana continued, “Sir, they were eating her eggs.” She started crying. “They stole the queen so they could feed off of her eggs! Their ship has other females, more lizards, one human, though not from Earth, and others that I do not know their species, and many more. They were all captured to give these … things … FOOD!” She was crying a river.

      His experienced Communications Officer, Lita Scott, started to cry too, and Austen was getting a feeling in his gut. He wondered if Deana had been taking her medications, even though he had backed down on requiring them.

      For all Austen knew, everyone, meaning females, on his ship was crying right then. He told Deana to snap out of it and that that was an order. Then he asked her if she still had her pill, the inhibiter, but she did not. She had taken it days before. She said that she had had to take it then because she had wanted his brother, Co-Captain Derek, so badly that she could taste him and had almost attacked him.

      Austen got up, ran to the infirmary, and banged on the hatch because it was locked. He was tired of waiting, so he jumped the rest of the way to the end of the bridge to look at the other females on the lower bridge to see if they were crying too.

      They all looked depressed and their eyes were glazed over. No tears yet, but Austen knew that wouldn’t last long. Deana was already losing control. He left the hatch open. That way when he could hear the other women crying, he would know Deana had lost it. He had been thinking that she had done so well up until then. He was glad Derek was sleeping right then, or rather, he hoped he was. If not, then the cat was out of the bag for him.

      He started banging on the infirmary hatch again. He wasn’t going to stop. His big brother, JR, might and probably would hurt him, but it was an emergency. JR finally opened up. “What the hell do you want, or are you committing suicide?”

      Austen told him that it was an emergency. He needed one of Deana’s inhibitors and a needle full strength of something to knock her out A.S.A.P. JR looked over at Deana who was crying, and he asked Austen why she wasn’t asleep like everybody else on her shift. Austen didn't answer that, he just insisted that JR hurry. They were in space, and Austen could not afford for Deana to have one of her waves right then … or ever. JR ran back into the infirmary, which he considered his room, to grab her meds. He decided he would deal with Austen later. He couldn’t let his brothers order him around and get away with it.

      Austen went back to Deana and asked her, “Deana, we don’t have the means to know what this solar system looks like. I need you to tell me where, in terms that I can tell Qworn’s father, where the aliens' ship is. Can you do that for me, Commander?” He was using her rank to pull her back into the here and now. It was working; she was shaking her head yes. The rest of her body was shaking too, poor girl.

      Lita was sniveling, so Austen knew he was running out of time. He had to hurry. “Yes, OK, Commander, tell me where she’s being held,” Austen ordered her. He said, “I assume she is on a ship and not in some other dimension?” Deana was shaking her head yes again, but she knew when she told him the "what," no powers in the universe