The Punk Rock
Las Vegas
Survival Guide
Beer, Bowling
Las Vegas Style
Written by
© Copyright 2014 by Bob Oedy. All rights reserved.
Cover Photography Angela RoseRed
Cover Model Summer Rose Perez
Cover Design Joey Rimicci
Traveling to Las Vegas and attending concerts involves risk. Please be advised that this publication provides generalized information on a number of subjects. This book is sold with the understanding that the author and publisher are not providing legal or other professional services. If expert or legal advice is required, please seek the services of a licensed and competent professional.
This book is in no way officially associated and or sanctioned with/by punk rock bowling. The views expressed in this book are those of the author only and do not represent the views of the publisher or any organization. The information included herein is believed to be accurate. However, should you find any mistakes, please contact us so we can improve this text and consider corrections in future editions. This book is intended as a general guide and is created to complement other texts. We urge you to read all of the available material on these subjects. Learn as much as you can about Las Vegas before visiting.
This book is designed to educate and entertain. Neither the author nor the publisher are responsible for any damage caused or alleged to be caused, either directly or indirectly, by the information contained herein. If you decide you cannot agree with this statement, please return the book to the publisher for a full refund.
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Published by
Union Organizer Press, LLC
P.O. Box 3771
Winnetka, CA 91396-3771
Published in eBook format by
ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-2187-2
Quantity discounts available to professional organizations and companies promoting products or services. For more information please contact Union Organizer Press, PO Box 3771, Winnetka, CA 91306 or email [email protected].
To Jim Cherry, You will never be forgotten.
Jim Cherry 8/2/1971 – 7/7/2002
Strung Out, Pulley, Zero Down
“I came into the punk scene because punk stayed with you, it has taught you something. A lot of the other music of the time left you as it found you.”
–Mick Jones, The Clash
Thank you to the Stern brother’s, Shawn and Mark for creating a wild, amazing event that continues to get better every year. Thank you to Denise Borders of Punk World Views for allowing the use of her awesome photos and to Summer Rose Perez (Cover Model) and Angela RoseRed (Cover Photographer), Joey Rimicci (Cover Designer), Jamie and Elle Stern, Leslie Cohen, Richard Oedy, Dylan Oedy, Tim McDuffee, Jeff Yearsley, Garret Dyer, Brian Preiss, Fat Mike, Goddess Soma, Dana Wilson, Peter Newbury, Gavin Gil (2 year old) and Juan Gil, Luci Monda Parker, Chelsea Sky Parker, Chris Taylor, Joel Greenfield, Jeff Hershey, Anthony Hernandez, Zero Moreno, Max Archuleta, Wendsday Cohen, Glenn McKenzie, Josh Neel, Danny Tessler, Jim Kupsh, KC Maddox, Buddha James, Alicin King, Allen Adams, John North, Sean Taylor, Chris Rossi, Jody Kern, Liberace Morris, Greg Streisand, Cher "The Dyke" Dykeowski, Robo Simmons, Raymond Pettiboner, Joe CarGucci, Miky Munki Photography, Syndei Lee Snow, Albert Munoz, Tony Cortez, Dawn Cortez, Bill General, Paul Archuleta, Kelly Maidy, Art Panura, April Edwards at Ish Fauxtography, Jarvis Leatherby, Brent Woodward, John Crerar, Josh Weissman, Old Hardcore Dude, Ashutosh Mishra, Tracy L. Winfield, Andrew Jones, Sandra Steh, Jordan Burns, Kelsey Noll, Donald Applegate, Evan Etzel, Abigail Thug, Doug Katz, Mike Gallagher, Ryan Delgado, Amanda Chavarria, Jeff Abarta, Angela Abarta, Mike Dunn, Barry Reynolds, Dave Hansen, D’Andre La Mar Ford, Nate Stanley, Israel Madlangbayan, Craig H., Jim Callahan, Jon De Santis, John Dombrauskas, Cody Partello, Lynn Knudson, Carl Valdez, Lori Cordova, Christine Lapointe, Max Montoya, Elyn Collins, Sandra Benintende, Ryan Barham, Viviana Barcenas, JP Petit, Robert Brilata, Tammi Most, Tony Romo, Martin McDevitt , Paul Levesque, Rico Caldera, Candace D’Andrea, Eric Lara, Jeff Feuerhaken, Diana Sexton, Steve Simpronio, Don McCurdy, Todd Guzzman, Chris Long, Josh Westrum, Nyrhee Westrum, Kate McDuffee, Jim Lane, Wendy Cherry, Adam DeLuca, Samantha Von Bitter, Christina Page, Steve Porter, Don Bolles, Eric Troop, KC Maddox, Dave Chavez, Robbie Fields aka Posh Boy, Art Banura, Will Anderson, Jasmine LLiteras, El Hefe, Jen Abeyta and Sharky. Forgive me if your name was not included. It was not done on purpose. Let us know and we will include it in future editions. Thanks!
Introduction: How Genius! Punk Rock, Las Vegas and Bowling
“Man I really like Vegas.”
–Elvis Presley
Punk Rock and bowling; who would have thought there was any correlation? Now add the glitziest, tackiest, most in-your-face city in the world and you’ve got a recipe for some great entertainment. Las Vegas is where such greats as Elvis, Liberace and Frank Sinatra rose to fame. Las Vegas is also a place where touring punk bands have played through the years; far away from the strip at first but since then have made inroads playing even the most established clubs.
If you stop to think about it, you have to realize the genius of it all. It’s either a recipe for disaster or pure success. Fortunately for all of us it’s the latter.
Punks from all over the globe travel to Las Vegas on Memorial Day weekend for an annual pilgrimage of live shows and tournament bowling. They begin planning for the next year as early as they check-out of their room. Why? It’s fun! It’s like a high school reunion only with people you actually like. It’s family without all the unnecessary rules.
Why This Book?
“Don't hate the media; be the media.”
–Jello Biafra
A holiday weekend in Las Vegas is just too short to take in all the fun and excitement the city has to offer. Having gone for several years, it’s not hard to see how someone could miss out on the best events. It’s not hard to see how someone could end up broke either!
If you’ve ever been to Las Vegas you know there are a multitude of happenings simultaneously going on. It’s easy to get distracted or sucked-in to some bogus sideshow. First-time visitors can be overwhelmed by all that takes place.
This book will be a valuable guide for those who want to save money and squeeze every drop of fun out of their hard earned vacation. See the best bands, eat the best food, drink the best beers and go home knowing you got your money’s worth. And while you’re at it; why not make a few new friends? That’s what this book is all about.
“It’s a marathon not a sprint. A lot of people get so wasted the first day they ruin the whole next day. Don’t be an idiot! It’s the biggest,