© 2013 by Jeffrey M. Steadman
ISBN 9781456620592
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Picking Out Stemware
Types of Stemware
Caring for your stemware
Storing Wine
How to Serve Wine
Some Wine Basics
Dessert Wines
All About Red Wine
All About White Wines
All About Sparkling Wine
Wine Tasting
The Art of Wine Tasting
Tasting the Wine
For centuries, people have been enjoying wine. Wine paired with good food makes for an excellent dinner and a glass of wine while relaxing is the perfect way to unwind.
Winemaking goes back to at least 7,000 years ago and the people of the world have continued to enjoy wine throughout the ages. Wine is considered a sophisticated drink, and wine lovers get passionate about their wine.
This is your guide to learning about wine and wine tasting so you can explore the world of wine and find your passion.
To make wine, one needs to have grapes and they need yeast; that is it. Yeast is used to ferment the grape juice, turning it into wine.
Yeast is actually alive, and they will eat the sugar that is in the grape juice, the by-products of this process are alcohol and carbon dioxide and the process is called fermentation. It is used for beer as well, only instead of grape juice, hops and grains are used instead.
This is an extremely simplified explanation of the wine making process, but it is the same basic process that is used by winemakers.
Wines are often complex, with subtle flavors that are careful made by the winemakers and there are many varieties of wine. Exploring the world of wine is fun, wine tasting is a perfect way to try new wines and revisit old ones.
Because grapes are the backbone of wine, the type of grape being used is important. No matter what color the grape skin is, the juice of the grape is fairly pale. So how does wine get its color?
The answer lies in the skin of the grape because it is what lends wine its distinct colors. For blush wine, the grape skins are left in contact with the juice for a short amount of time; for red wine, they are left in contact for a longer period of time.
Champagne is actually made from grapes with dark skins and because the skins are kept separate from the juice, champagne has its signature clear look.
Wine has a variety of flavors, and there are many factors that influence it. Each variety of grape has a different flavor or aroma that it will lend to the wine.
Additionally, even the soil matters and the climate from which the grapes are from. Certain areas are known for their grapes and that is where wineries typically are from because of the perfect grape growing conditions that lend itself to excellent wine.
Different wine making techniques lend different flavors to the wine as well. What temperature and what type of yeast is used are two factors that can affect the flavor of the wine as well as what they are fermented and stored in.
Oak barrels are popular for wine making because of the distinct flavor and aroma that it imparts in the wine.
Some people are sensitive to tannin and need to avoid red wine. Tannin comes from the skin, stems, and the seeds of grapes and it is what gives you the dry mouth feeling that you get when drinking some wine.
Red wine has more tannin because the skins were left in the wine for longer, and it deepens the color and increases the tannin levels. Some white wines also contain tannin; when oak barrels are used for aging or fermentation, the tannin from the oak will seep into the wine.
If you find that you get a headache after drinking red wine, you might be sensitive to tannin and stick to whites or blushes.
Picking Out Stemware
When it comes to wine, not all glasses are created equal. Wine glasses, also known as stemware, are an important part of drinking wine. Wine lovers are meticulous about the glasses that their wines are served in, and it turns out, with good reason.
Wine glasses come in different shapes and sizes depending on the type of wine that they are designed for. You do not have to have the top of the line expensive crystal wine glasses but all stemware should have some basic characteristics.
You can get wine glasses at most stores, and it is easy to find affordable wine glasses that suit your needs.
However, many glasses sold as wine glasses simply do not work well if you are a serious wine drinker because they do not have the characteristics listed below.
You do not need to have fancy stemware, just stemware that showcases the look, the flavor and the taste of the wine as you drink it.
It matters what the glass is made from
If you want to offend a wine connoisseur, serve them wine in a plastic cup. Wine should never be served in plastic, the wine will pick up on a plastic flavor and aroma and when it comes to drinking wine, the aroma and the flavor are both important. Unless you have no alternative, skip the plastic cups.
Wine glasses should be clear so that the color of the wine can be seen. Be paying attention to the color of the wine, you can tell about the types of grapes used, the age of the wine and other elements that make wine tasting enjoyable.
When you use frosted or colored glasses, you are removing the element of sight, which takes away from wine tasting. Use only clear glass for serving wine in and be careful to not buy glasses that are too thick.
The glass needs to have a stem
Wine glasses should have a stem because when you hold your wine glass by the bowl, the warmth of your hands will transfer to your wine.
Hold your wine glass only by the base and the stem and never by grabbing it by the bowl. Holding it by the stem also prevents you from getting fingerprints on the bowl, which looks untidy.
The glass needs to be large enough
Have you ever noticed that when you are in a restaurant that they never fill your wine glass to the top? The reason for that is that you should have enough room in the glass to swirl your wine before taking a sip of it.
Swirling helps to release the aromas in the wine, so that you can enjoy the smell of the wine before drinking it and when the glass is too small, this is not possible.
Swirling also allows the air to interact with the wine, and it volatizes it so that the aroma can better be inhaled.
Most wineglasses are too small as opposes to too