The Law of Attraction Principle: Unlock Your Secret Creative Power to Get What You Want Out of Life. Kate Michael. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Kate Michael
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Поиск работы, карьера
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781456616694
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The Law of Attraction Principle:


      © 2013 Kate Michael

      ISBN 9781456616694

      All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, copied, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photographic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or in any information storage and retrieval systems, without prior written permission of the author or publisher, except where permitted by law.

      Any information provided in this book is through the author’s interpretation. The author has done strenuous work to reassure the accuracy of this subject. If you wish you attempt any of the practices provided in this book, you are doing so with your own responsibility. The author will not be held accountable for any misinterpretations or misrepresentations of the information provided here.

      All information provided is done so with every effort to represent the subject, but does not guarantee that your life will change. The author shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damages that result from reading this book.



      What is the Law of Attraction?

      We Create Our Own Reality

      Change Your Focus

      Focus Exercise

      Narrow Your Focus

      Mastering Your Mind

      Visualize Your Desires

      Visualization Exercise

      Banish Negativity

      The Role of Gratitude

      Putting it All Together

      Exercises for Manifestation



      Nearly everybody has heard of the law of attraction and know that it is a way to attract the things that you want in life but other than that vague definition most people do not know what the Law of Attraction is or how to use it to their benefit.

      This book will not only explain to you what the law of attraction is but it will also teach you how to utilize the concepts that make up the Law of Attraction to better your life. If you apply what you learn from this book to your life, you will be able to change your life.

      Everybody has something that they wish for. We might want a better job, a bigger house, or a stable relationship. It is hard to not envy the people that we see who have the things that we want.

      Why do they deserve to have things when we do not? Actually, you do deserve it. Each and every one of us deserves to have what we want and now you will be able to have those things.

      Stop envying people and begin to fulfill your wishes. This book is your pathway towards abundance and happiness.

      What is the Law of Attraction?

      The concepts behind the Law of Attraction go way back. In a nutshell, whatever you put into the world, you get back. The thinking behind this is related to Karma and is even the basis of the Golden Rule that we learn in school, do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

      In order to attract good things, you must be a good person. If you spread anger into the world, you will only receive anger back.

      This is a concept that spans several religions and philosophies. It is not just about wishing for things, it is a total overhaul of how you think, of how you approach life and how you treat others because when you do, the things that you want will come into your life.

      The concept of the Law of Attraction goes beyond just your active thinking; it is rooted in your subconscious thinking.

      You might be wondering how and why our subconscious thinking can affect anything about our lives. Because what we put into this world determines what we get out of it; in order to get what we want we must first change how we think.

      The core of our personality and our emotions is deep within our subconscious. Our values and our beliefs are also embedded in our subconscious and because our thoughts drive our actions, our every action stems from our subconscious.

      So if the Law of Attraction states that we get back what we put into the world, what does that mean?

      How does that help bring us money or a better job? We use the emotional example, of anger, because it is a way to illustrate how this concept works, because people can relate to that example.

      Everybody has had a bad day and when we are grumpy at others, they are grumpy back. When we have a good day, we smile and others smile back. It is easy to understand and relate to that example but it is a very simplified version of the Law of Attraction.

      Part of the Law of Attraction operates on the belief that when you have the proper way of thinking, you can ask the universe for something and you will get it.

      Asking is a simplified term, because you do not only ask for something but you feel as if you already have it. You have heard of the phrase that opposites attract. The very opposite of that is true when it comes to bringing abundance into your life.

      By abundance we mean anything that you desire into your life; whatever you wish or ask for, allow for and then receive from the Universe is abundance.

      Why ask the universe? Are we talking about religion? No, we are not talking in religious sense; we very literally mean the universe.

      Everything is made up of energy. We are energy, the stars are energy, the planet is energy, even the furniture that we use and the clothes that we wear are energy.

      Everything is broken down into molecules and inside of those molecules is motion, even if we cannot see it, there is molecular motion going on in the entire world.

      Humans are in full control of one of the most powerful sources of energy in the universe, our minds. That is right; the human mind is a powerhouse of untapped energy.

      Our brains are made up of neurons that communicate by sending electrical pulses and messages. That is energy.

      Every thought that we have is energy. If the core of our personality and our emotions and indeed, the very things that define who we are can be found in the subconscious, then our every action and thought can be considered energy.

      We are constantly projecting what we are thinking and feeling into the universe, even though we may not be aware of it.

      When you utilize the Law of Attraction, you realize that your every thought is being projected out and that is what draws things to you. If you have the wrong thoughts, you have the wrong things drawn into your life.

      By taking control of your thinking and changing it at the very deepest levels, you can control what you put out into the universe. That is the power of the Law of Attraction. That power can be harnessed and we are going to show you how to harness it.

      Case Study – Sarah

      Sarah is a thirty-five year old divorced woman. She has no children but has a string of failed relationships. Sarah has a job that she likes, but other people keep getting picked for promotion over her; people less qualified than Sarah is.

      Sarah has what can be called very bad luck. If it can happen, it will. If she is running late for work already, she will get a flat tire or will end up taking the route to work that has heavy traffic.

      She is clumsy and tells people that she is accident-prone, which she is. Life has handed Sarah so many setbacks that she wakes up every day feeling anxious because she never knows what bad news is just around the corner. Sarah feels that life is unfair and that she will never get ahead.

      A friend tells her about the power of positive thinking and the Law of Attraction and Sarah begins to read up on it. Sarah decides that life is not bad; it is her attitude that